NABOKV-L posts by year: 2006
- JF on optics and windows in PF, red admirals' diet,
sense and nonsensebyNABOKV-L - Fw: seven strings amorandula viola d'amore triple violbyjansymello
- Another reference to polar illusion...byWilliam Dane
- Bosch: triptych, strawberries, butterflies and Van Veen.byjansymello
- Twiggs's response to McEwan (quality of Pale Fire poem)byNABOKV-L
- Re: the Fourth in Pale Firebyjansymello
- Pale Fire's cow, crow, cowbyD. Barton Johnson
- Re: Twiggs Pale Fire essaybyChaswe@AOL.COM
- Triptych,
Pale Fire's Four Cantos; B. Boyd and Eliot's "Four Quartets"byjansymello - wishful thought on problem of perspective in PFbyCarolyn Kunin
- the Fourth in Pale FirebyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Optics and windows in PF (CHW to JF)byAnthony Stadlen
- Waxwings' dietbyNABOKV-L
- Third or Fourth Man and a Triptych: the Fourth in Pale Firebyjansymello
- Re: Optics and windows in PF (CHW to JF)byjansymello
- Re: Shadow of a bird imagebyChaswe@AOL.COM
- Re: Shadow of a bird imagebySteven
- In silk jammies chatting about Nabokov . . . (review of Playboy
anthology)byNABOKV-L - Shadow of a bird imagebyNABOKV-L
- Re: Optics and windows in PF (CHW to JF)byChaswe@AOL.COM
- Translation of recently posted article on VN and Boyd's VNAYbyNABOKV-L
- Re: shadow of a bird imagebyAndrew Brown
- Re: shadow of a bird imagebyjansymello
- Re: shadow of a bird imagebyChaswe@AOL.COM
- Optics and windows in PF (JF to CHW, CK, and MR)byNABOKV-L
- Re: Twiggs Pale Fire essaybyNABOKV-L
- shadow of a bird imagebyCarolyn Kunin
- Fw: [NABOKV-L] brocken reflections; rainbows and windowsbyjansymello
- Hogg in translation?byNABOKV-L
- Christmas Reading & The SpectrebyNABOKV-L
- Fathers and Sons (Amis on VN)byNABOKV-L
- VN, Boyd's VNAY, and a cartoonbyNABOKV-L
- atmospheric portentsbyNABOKV-L
- Re: brocken reflections; chessboardsbyChaswe@AOL.COM
- A Christmasy recollection: Conrad's ListbyStephen Blackwell
- Re: aeroplane brockenbyjansymello
- JoyousnessbyNABOKV-L
- DN on fathers and sonsbyNABOKV-L
- One more Pierre referencebyNABOKV-L
- Brocken SpectrebyNABOKV-L
- JoyousnessbyNABOKV-L
- Re: aeroplane brockenbyChaswe@AOL.COM
- If this reference is still useful,
here is the link to the quote about "the third man" in Shackletonbyjansymello - JoyousnessbyNABOKV-L
- From the Archives (query on Jeff Edmunds' "Original of Laura")byNABOKV-L
- DN on Brocken Spectre ("third man")byNABOKV-L
- Hogg in translation?byCarolyn Kunin
- Fw: Enviando email: brocken2byjansymello
- Re: ("third man")byjansymello
- Fathers and SonsbyJerry Katsell
- DN on Brocken Spectre ("third man")byNABOKV-L
- One more Pierre referencebyNABOKV-L
- Re: Fw: good example of poshlustbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: did VN read Hogg's Confessions?byChaswe@AOL.COM
- Re: ("third man")byChaswe@AOL.COM
- Re: PF's knackle of walnutsbyA. Bouazza
- VN and MelvillebyNABOKV-L
- VN as an American writerbyNABOKV-L
- Query: Jeff Edmunds' "excerpts" from Original of Laura (also
Conrad Brenner)byNABOKV-L - DN on Brocken Spectre ("third man")byNABOKV-L
- Re: PF's knackle of walnutsbyStan Kelly-Bootle
- Re: quality of PF poem (Shade as poet, Knight as writer)byjansymello
- Re: BretwitbyChaswe@AOL.COM
- Fw: good example of poshlustbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- ck replies to Jansy re Brocken SpectrebyCarolyn Kunin
- did VN read Hogg's Confessions?byCarolyn Kunin
- Re: VN librarybyDonald B. Johnson
- VN librarybyNABOKV-L
- Re: BretwitbyChaswe@AOL.COM
- quality of PF poem (Shade as poet, Knight as writer)byNABOKV-L
- Re: Cresset & other editions of Hogg's ConfessionsbyChaswe@AOL.COM
- more lapwings & waxwings from the archivesbyCarolyn Kunin
- Don's waxwing querybyCarolyn Kunin
- CressetbyNABOKV-L
- VN librarybyNABOKV-L
- Spectral Poshlust, Rosacrucean geometries and other exchanges...byjansymello
- Cresset & other editions of Hogg's ConfessionsbyCarolyn Kunin
- Xmas cobra from Pale FirebyD. Barton Johnson
- SKB, Korzybski, and mebyNABOKV-L
- VN librarybyNABOKV-L
- Re: Soliloquies, American writers, Greek Godsbyjansymello
- Re: Johnson, A-S, Fitzgerald, HamletbyStan Kelly-Bootle
- Re: American; Danish; CressetbyChaswe@AOL.COM
- From LOLITA to PALE FIRE or the Faunification of a NymphetbyA. Bouazza
- Re: Soliloquies, American writers, Greek GodsbyStan Kelly-Bootle
- Re: Much watch, American, Hogg, KhayyambyStan Kelly-Bootle
- Twiggs Pale Fire essay (a response to our many discussions of the
novel)byCarolyn Kunin - from ck to AB on brocken in PF & HoggbyCarolyn Kunin
- Scientists May Have Found Those Nabokov Baby BluesbyNABOKV-L
- Fw: [NABOKV-L] American writing; translation parrots; BSbyjansymello
- Re: interesting associationbyStephen Blackwell
- Khayam in translationbyNABOKV-L
- Waxwings (interesting association), New Wye, diana and atlantis,
quality of the poembyNABOKV-L - Query: interesting associationbyNABOKV-L
- Re: PF's knackle of walnutsbyA. Bouazza
- Re: Query: interesting associationbyStan Kelly-Bootle
- Re: BS & foreignbyChaswe@AOL.COM
- VNBib: "Empire N. Nabokov and His Heirs", Leving & SoshkinbyD. Barton Johnson
- Re: Query: interesting associationbyjansymello
- Translating parrots seriouslybyNABOKV-L
- VN and MelvillebyNABOKV-L
- Re: Query: "interesting association" in PFbyDonald B. Johnson
- Nabokov meets Nike! (butterflies)byNABOKV-L
- For the holiday seasonbyD. Barton Johnson
- PF's knackle of walnutsbyD. Barton Johnson
- Query: PF's cow-crow-crown/ korona-vorona-korovabyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Urgent Pale Fire Geography QuestionsbyD. Barton Johnson
- Twiggs Pale Fire essay (a response to our many discussions of the
novel)byNABOKV-L - Query: Knackle and brocken in PFbyNABOKV-L
- VN as an American writerbyNABOKV-L
- VN & Hogg, doubles & paraheliabyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: From ck to A. Bouazza on translationbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Much watch, American, Hogg, KhayyambyChaswe@AOL.COM
- Re: Query: interesting associationbyjansymello
- Re: Shade's "Mon Blon" (in PF) and Shelley's "Mont Blanc"byNABOKV-L
- Query: "interesting association" in PFbyNABOKV-L
- Re: American writing; translation parrots; BSbyNABOKV-L
- A link between Pale Fire and 23 gallons of bottled waterbyNABOKV-L
- New England or Virginia?byNABOKV-L
- Query: interesting associationbyD. Barton Johnson
- Shade's "Mon Blon" (in PF) and Shelley's "Mont Blanc"byNABOKV-L
- Query: Knackle and brocken in PFbyNABOKV-L
- Fw: [NABOKV-L] Kinbote: camouflage or coincidence? Kot orbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- VN & Hogg -- the proofbyNABOKV-L
- New England or Virginia? (addendum from Jansy)byNABOKV-L
- Re: From ck to A. Bouazza on translationbyjansymello
- New England or Virginia?byNABOKV-L
- Re: MagibyStan Kelly-Bootle
- Re: American writing; translation parrots; BSbyStan Kelly-Bootle
- New England or Virginia?byNABOKV-L
- Re: Lem Stanislaw & VN & AmericanhoodbyA. Bouazza
- New England or Virginia?byNABOKV-L
- New England or Virginia?byNABOKV-L
- CFP: VN and aestheticism (February 1, 2007 deadline)byNABOKV-L
- New England or Virginia?byNABOKV-L
- PhilistinebyNABOKV-L
- Re: From ck to A. Bouazza on translationbyA. Bouazza
- Re: New England or Virginia?byDonald B. Johnson
- New England or Virginia?byNABOKV-L
- Synaesthesia (and VN)byNABOKV-L
- Re: Johnson, A-S, Fitzgerald, HamletbyChaswe@AOL.COM
- Bend sinister and various postingsbyjansymello
- Concordances?byNABOKV-L
- Pale Fire concordance?byNABOKV-L
- Shakespeare's ghosts in Bend Sinister and UlyssesbyNABOKV-L
- Re: bodkinbyStan Kelly-Bootle
- Re: Soliloquies, American writers, Greek GodsbyStan Kelly-Bootle
- From ck to A. Bouazza on translationbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Royal Weeds; CK's first encounter with goldenrodbyJansy
- no confusionbyPenny McCarthy
- Re: Switzerland, Poe, Circles, LexicographersbyChaswe@AOL.COM
- Pale Fire concordance?byNABOKV-L
- Hortus,nasturtiums, or whateverbyJansy
- Poe, VN, and Jorge Luis BorgesbyNABOKV-L
- Re: HamletbyChaswe@AOL.COM
- VN the American (MR to CHW)byNABOKV-L
- Xavier: A. Grin's androidbyNABOKV-L
- Re: VN as an American writerbyChaswe@AOL.COM
- VN as an American writerbyNABOKV-L
- Royal weeds and Shakespeare's herbals; translationbyNABOKV-L
- Royal Weeds; CK's first encounter with goldenrodbyNABOKV-L
- Re: American writing; translation parrots; BSbyNABOKV-L
- Re: Soliloquies, American writers, Greek Godsbyjansymello
- VN on translationbyNABOKV-L
- translating parrots seriouslybyCarolyn Kunin
- Philistine (lost in translation)byNABOKV-L
- VN as an American writerbyNABOKV-L
- XavierbyD. Barton Johnson
- Re: VN as an American writerbyjansymello
- Re: Soliloquies, American writers, Greek GodsbyChaswe@AOL.COM
- Re: Brief editorial apology: VN on Translationbyjansymello
- MagibyJansy
- VN as an American writerbyNABOKV-L
- Re: X=K=C; CX = KKbyNABOKV-L
- JF pointing to Sergey Karpukhin on HodgebyNABOKV-L
- Re: American writing; translation parrots; BSbyChaswe@AOL.COM
- Re: Danish stiletttobyjansymello
- Picturing the reader of Bend Sinister (parrots and translation
redux)byNABOKV-L - bodkinbyPenny McCarthy
- VN on translationbyNABOKV-L
- Royal Weeds (JF to MR)byNABOKV-L
- VN on translationbyNABOKV-L
- Papers and postsbyNABOKV-L
- Re: VN on translationbyDonald B. Johnson
- correction of VN on translationbyCarolyn Kunin
- Brief editorial apologybyNABOKV-L
- Bend SinisterbyCarolyn Kunin
- VN Bibliography: Ladenson, Dirt for Art's SakebyNABOKV-L
- VN on translationbyCarolyn Kunin
- Danish stiletto (praise for VN)byNABOKV-L
- Re: dichten or Close Etymologies of the Koestlerian Kindbyjansymello
- Addendum: Purple loosestrife in PFbyNABOKV-L
- Re: zesty, bot, formulae, dichtenbyStan Kelly-Bootle
- VN as AmericanbyNABOKV-L
- Call for submissions to the new "Nabokov Online Journal"byNABOKV-L
- Royal WeedsbyNABOKV-L
- Re: VN: the American and Mongrelsbyjansymello
- bodkinbyPenny McCarthy
- Re: VN lost in translationbyChaswe@AOL.COM
- Re: Danish stiletttobyChaswe@AOL.COM
- VN on Philistinism (lost in translation)byNABOKV-L
- TIME review of Field's Nabokov's Life and Art (timing?)byNABOKV-L
- Zanganeh's book in progress on VNbyNABOKV-L
- VN bibliography: volume on James Laughlin (New Directions
founder) and Christmas anthologybyNABOKV-L - Russ. bibliography of Nabokov-related abstracts, etcbyD. Barton Johnson
- TIME review of Field's Nabokov's Life and ArtbyD. Barton Johnson
- Of possible inerest to those who teach Pale FirebyD. Barton Johnson
- Announcement of a new Nabokov e-journalbyNABOKV-L
- DN on numbers, synaesthesia, and adapting VN's language to cinemabyNABOKV-L
- Re: R: [NABOKV-L] R: [NABOKV-L] abstruse commentaries,
Ovid and ArdorsbyAlexey Sklyarenko - Re: dichten or Close Etymologies of the Koestlerian KindbyA. Bouazza
- Smuggling guns and emeraldsbyNABOKV-L
- Re: VN: the AmericanbyChaswe@AOL.COM
- Re: Danish stiletttobyPenny McCarthy
- Re: Smuggling guns and emeraldsbyNABOKV-L
- two comments on Commentaries to Eugene OneginbyGeorge Shimanovich
- Re: zesty, bot, formulae, dichtenbyjansymello
- Re: R: [NABOKV-L] R: [NABOKV-L] abstruse commentaries,
Ovid and ArdorsbyStan Kelly-Bootle - Re: Danish stiletttobyStan Kelly-Bootle
- JF on versipellous Vseslav and botany (including a possible
discrepancy)byNABOKV-L - Re: c/k/s, Karlik & Kinbote: camouflage or coincidence?byStan Kelly-Bootle
- American imaginary feelingsbyNABOKV-L
- Bend Sinister (JM to V. Fet on baldness,
to Sidsel on Freud and VN)byNABOKV-L - Jekyll's name in Stevenson's Strange CasebyNABOKV-L
- Re: X=K=C; CX = KKbyNABOKV-L
- Re: Kinbote: camouflage or coincidence?byCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Fw: Nabokov's Kamera Obskura and Hildebrand's Camera Obscura
(Alexey to A. Bouazza)byNABOKV-L - Re: Kinbote: camouflage or coincidence?byAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: zesty, bot, formulae, dichtenbyChaswe@AOL.COM
- Re: Jerry Friedman: zesty, "vira", and versipellous VseslavbyNABOKV-L
- "Danish words"byNABOKV-L
- Re: versipellous VseslavbyNABOKV-L
- Jerry Friedman: zesty, "vira", and versipellous VseslavbyNABOKV-L
- PF: Royal Weeds and Webster's 2ndbyNABOKV-L
- VN Bibliography: KosovabyNABOKV-L
- VN Bibliography: Gekokski, Nabokov's ButterflybyNABOKV-L
- Re: Memorability of poetry IIbyjansymello
- Re: Fw: [NABOKV-L] kinboot - Russian "vira" (A. Bouazza to Alexey)byNABOKV-L
- book review ...bySandy P. Klein
- Re: Kinbote: camouflage or coincidence? -in = -ine; X = KbyNABOKV-L
- Memorability and defamiliarizationbyNABOKV-L
- Re: Zesty and the likebyChaswe@AOL.COM
- Miscellanybyjansymello
- Memorability of poetrybyNABOKV-L
- Zesty and the likebyNABOKV-L
- PF and LOTR? (Jerry responds to Carolyn)byNABOKV-L
- Fw: [NABOKV-L] kinboot - Russian "vira"byAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: "C" "K" "S" in PF solution (tongue-twisters)byStan Kelly-Bootle
- Re: Pedantic pointsbyChaswe@AOL.COM
- Re: Kinbote, zesty, verse: CHW to AB & WD?byChaswe@AOL.COM
- Re: Kinbote: camouflage or coincidence?byAnthony Stadlen
- Fw: [NABOKV-L] Carolyn on criticism from Jansy & Jerrybyjansymello
- Verse and PoemsbyWilliam Dane
- VNBib: Galef Re HazelbyD. Barton Johnson
- VNBib:byD. Barton Johnson
- VNBib: Kosova:Культурные истоки образа «двойника» в рома нах Набокова.byD. Barton Johnson
- Re: Kinbote: camouflage or coincidence?byA. Bouazza
- Meddling with Links and Bobolinksbyjansymello
- Carolyn on criticism from Jansy & JerrybyCarolyn Kunin
- Jerry Friedman to Carolyn Kunin on coincidencesbyNABOKV-L
- JM on reading VN as an artistbyNABOKV-L
- JF to JM, DBJ, and CHW on cedars and anagramsbyNABOKV-L
- Danish words in Stevenson and Pale Fire? CHW to CK & ASbyNABOKV-L
- Kinbote: camouflage or coincidence?byCarolyn Kunin
- Re: "C" "K" "S" in PF solution (tongue-twisters)byAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: MR's last word on PF (quality of)byChaswe@AOL.COM
- Weeping Cedars againbyD. Barton Johnson
- MR's last word on PF (quality of)byNABOKV-L
- VN and baldness?byNABOKV-L
- Re: c/k/s, Karlik & Kinbote: camouflage or coincidence?byjansymello
- Re: to kinbote = to be niktobyFet, Victor
- VN and baldness?byNABOKV-L
- Index poem as "light verse" (MR to CHW)byNABOKV-L
- c/k/s, Karlik & Kinbote: camouflage or coincidence?byCarolyn Kunin
- Re: "C" "K" "S" in PF solution (tongue-twisters)byjansymello
- Re: "C" "K" "S" in PF solution (tongue-twisters)byAlexey Sklyarenko
- Charity concert in Rozhdestveno house (Russian)byFet, Victor
- Nabokov as public intellectualbyNABOKV-L
- Re: "C" "K" "S" in PF solution (tongue-twisters)byjansymello
- Re: Jerry Friedman on Index poem, Dunciad, from CHWbyChaswe@AOL.COM
- Re: Danish stiletttobyChaswe@AOL.COM
- Fw: [NABOKV-L] Ex Ponto & alternatives & moities: JM to CHW et
aliibyjansymello - Weeping Cedar aka Shaggy Dog in PFbyNABOKV-L
- Re: "C" "K" "S" in PF solution (tongue-twisters)byStan Kelly-Bootle
- Lolita-like temptress (Nishabd, forthcoming Indian film)byNABOKV-L
- Danish stiletttobyPenny McCarthy
- Stacy Schiff (author of VERA) and CleopatrabyNABOKV-L
- What is this ad selling?byNABOKV-L
- Lebanon Cedar aka Weeping Cedar in PFbyNABOKV-L
- JM responds to Marshal Zeringue's question about what VN might
have saidbyNABOKV-L - Jerry Friedman on Index poem, cedars, italics, thanksbyNABOKV-L
- Rough and final versions of "Ex Ponto" (and what about Windex?)byNABOKV-L
- Re: Nobody will heed my index from CHWbyChaswe@AOL.COM
- Re: Ex Ponto & 2 halves: CHW answer to JMbyChaswe@AOL.COM
- Re: 1st edition LOLITAbyA. Bouazza
- "Lebanese blue of the sky" in AdabyNABOKV-L
- Fw: Cedrus libani ( sorry,
Beth for these three messages in a row!)byjansymello - Re: JF on PF topics: from CHWbyjansymello
- What is this ad selling, and how is it related to VN?byNABOKV-L
- Re: Query: VN's take on the argument over Nafisi's Reading Lolita
in TehranbyNABOKV-L - Riddle: "Lebanese blue of the sky" in Ada?byNABOKV-L
- 1st edition LOLITAbyD. Barton Johnson
- VN bibliography: de la DurantayebyNABOKV-L
- The Rose that Blows and ShadowsbyJansy
- Ruling out "nikto b" once more (response to JF)byNABOKV-L
- Re: JF on PF topics: from CHWbyChaswe@AOL.COM
- Call for Papers: July 2007 conference on "Transitional Nabokov"byNABOKV-L
- Query: VN's take on the argument over Nafisi's Reading Lolita in
TehranbyNABOKV-L - JF on PF topicsbyNABOKV-L
- Re: "C" "K" "S" in PF solution (tongue-twisters)byAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: "C" "K" "S" in PF solution (tongue-twisters)byjansymello
- Re: Greek C/ Sigma AND Pale FirebyNABOKV-L
- "C" "K" "S" in PF solution (tongue-twisters)byNABOKV-L
- FW: Chekhovian origins of N family dachshundsbyNABOKV-L
- Saudades, Toska... ( a PS)byjansymello
- Re: Italics in PF indexbyjansymello
- poetry of brand names?byCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Greek C/ SigmabyNABOKV-L
- Postscript on "a song of exile"byNABOKV-L
- Greek C/ SigmabyNABOKV-L
- News from Europe regarding C, K & SbyNABOKV-L
- Hearts & tomatoes & TamarabyNABOKV-L
- Italics in PF indexbyNABOKV-L
- Letters and jokesbyCarolyn Kunin
- Review of "Nabokov Studies between the Colonies and Capitals,
ed. Levin & SoshkinbyD. Barton Johnson - Greek C/SigmabyNabokv-L
- Hearts & tomatoes & TamarabyNABOKV-L
- The problem with "C"byCarolyn Kunin
- Re: "C" "K" "S" in PF solution;sound shortcuts to character soundsbyjansymello
- Re: "C" "K" "S" in PF solution; Karl and CharlesbyFet, Victor
- Re: "C" "K" "S" in PF solution (Caesar, Kaiser, Tsar)byAnthony Stadlen
- Re: "C" "K" "S" in PF solutionbyNABOKV-L
- Re: "C" "K" "S" in PF solutionbyNABOKV-L
- Painting a motorcar (a la Victor in PN)byNABOKV-L
- Curdy, C/K/S, C Minus grade, and a Curious LinkbyNABOKV-L
- VNBibbyD. Barton Johnson
- Re: R: [NABOKV-L] "Pale Fire" GS to CHWbyStan Kelly-Bootle
- JF's response to query: teaching Pale FirebyNABOKV-L
- FW: Dolly & "Daddy" in RussiabyCarolyn Kunin
- "C" "K" "S" in PF solution (Caesar, Kaiser, Tsar)byNABOKV-L
- Editor SwitchbyNABOKV-L
- JM query re S-KbyNabokv-L
- Kingsley Amis and Vladimir NabokovbyD. Barton Johnson
- [Fwd: ki Vs chi]byNabokv-L
- Query: Teaching Pale Fire cbyNabokv-L
- J.Rea re: Skaters, frost and oozy plums]byNabokv-L
- VNBib: THE RIDDLE OF/IN PALE FIRE by Neil D. IsaacsbyD. Barton Johnson
- DN on thornsbyNabokv-L
- DN on Box I & IIbyNabokv-L
- Three from Walter MbyNabokv-L
- Re: canine literary lines and several ups and downsbyjansymello
- Re: [Fwd: Woolf and Water]byAndrew Brown
- P.N.Dale on dialects and proverbbyNabokv-L
- Query: Teaching Pale FirebyNabokv-L
- canine literary linesbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: DN update re: Sicilian/ Focose Flossbyjansymello
- CHW wrap-up of Pale Fire discussionbyNabokv-L
- DN update re: SicilianbyNabokv-L
- [Fwd: Woolf and Water]byNabokv-L
- [Fwd: Thorns]byNabokv-L
- DN on "isculzo" & Italian dialectsbyNabokv-L
- New text about L.Carroll and F.Dostoevsky in the novel "The
Defense".byNabokv-L - Re: merits of Shade¹s poem: CHW to MR & JFbyStan Kelly-Bootle
- Nabokov, in praising ... Shakespeare novel ...bySandy P. Klein
- Reminiscent of Nabokov and Joyce ...bySandy P. Klein
- "Gothic Lolita" ...bySandy P. Klein
- AB re JM on Woolf and WaterbyNabokv-L
- Re: JM to SKB on Cunning Stuntsbyjansymello
- Foreword Forwordbyjansymello
- Re: Fw: Skaters, frost and oozy plumsbyjansymello
- Fw: Skaters, frost and counterpointbyNabokv-L
- John Rea and SKB on Cunning StuntsbyNabokv-L
- Fw: Skaters, frost and counterpointbyjansymello
- V. Fet re: A phrase from LeninbyNabokv-L
- AB to CK re Wilde and RLSbyNabokv-L
- archivesbyNabokv-L
- Re: A phrase from Leninbyjansymello
- Fw: nabokov-list collection: six messages in tandem.byjansymello
- A phrase from LeninbyOle Nyegaard
- SUBLIME grouses...byjansymello
- VNBib: Luzhin & "The Immortal Game"byD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: [NABOKV-L] R: [NABOKV-L] R: [NABOKV-L] abstruse commentaries,
Ovid and ArdorsbyAlexey Sklyarenko - VNBib: Translating Multilingual Writers: Theough the Looking of
Nabokov's FictionbyD. Barton Johnson - VNBib: Brian Boyd "Nabokov, Time, and Timelessness"byD. Barton Johnson
- Re: Keats & VN & other thoughtsbyAndrew Brown
- Re: merits of Shade’s poem: CHW to MR & JFbyChaswe@AOL.COM
- Re: R: [NABOKV-L] R: [NABOKV-L] abstruse commentaries,
Ovid and ArdorsbyAlexey Sklyarenko - SUBLIME grouses...byjansymello
- Re: Monroe, merits of Shade's poembyStan Kelly-Bootle
- R: [NABOKV-L] R: [NABOKV-L] abstruse commentaries, Ovid and Ardorsbypndale
- Re: Hopkins et al: CHW to JMbyChaswe@AOL.COM
- Re: Cunning Stunts in Transparent ThingsbyPriscilla Meyer
- Re: JM on Alain AndreubyNabokv-L
- EdSwitch; posting guidelinesbyNabokv-L
- Re: Cunning Stunts in Transparent ThingsbyWilliam Dane
- character from Vladimir Nabokovs 1962 novel Pale Fire ...bySandy P. Klein
- Re: Quality of Edsel FordbyChaswe@AOL.COM
- 1# Vladimir Nabokov ...bySandy P. Klein
- Fw: alain andreubyjansymello
- Shade - Sleptsov, 'Christmas' - 'Signs and Symbols'byGeorge Shimanovich
- Editor SwitchbyNABOKV-L
- JF on quality of PF, CK in New Wye, sublimated grouse, pine's barkbyNABOKV-L
- Cunning Stunts in Transparent ThingsbyNABOKV-L
- Re: R: [NABOKV-L] abstruse commentaries, Ovid and Ardorsbyjansymello
- Re: Keats & VN & other thoughtsbyjansymello
- Quality of PF, Botkin in index, CK in New WyebyNABOKV-L
- PF's sublimated grousebyNABOKV-L
- Re: pf'S SUBLIMATED GROUSEbyStan Kelly-Bootle
- LATHbyjansymello
- Re: Keats & VN & other thoughtsbyChaswe@AOL.COM
- R: [NABOKV-L] abstruse commentaries and different perspectives (
JM to Steven, P. Dale and JF)bypndale - Fw: a partial overviewbyjansymello
- JF on Botkin in PF index and as Wordsmith faculty memberbyNABOKV-L
- Bibliography: Stagl, "Muse und Antimuse"byNABOKV-L
- Re: Botkin in PF indexbyAndrew Brown
- CHW, Monroe, merits of Shade’s poembyNABOKV-L
- Botkin - nikto - Mr Un rienbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: Monroe, merits of Shade's poembyAndrew Brown
- pf'S SUBLIMATED GROUSEbyD. Barton Johnson
- Re: Merits of PF poem and treatment of HazelbyChaswe@AOL.COM
- abstruse commentaries and different perspectives ( JM to Steven,
P. Dale and JF)byjansymello - Re: Botkin in PF indexbyDonald B. Johnson
- PD to SKB on otherworldly logicbyNABOKV-L
- Merits of PF poem and treatment of HazelbyNABOKV-L
- Botkin in PF indexbyNABOKV-L
- Re: Mary McCarthy's review of PALE FIREbyAnthony Stadlen
- Why are the Shades disappointed in Hazel?byNABOKV-L
- DN on legalities of searchable LolitabyNABOKV-L
- JM on "overlapping patterns"byNABOKV-L
- Re: Botkin(e), Russian madman & nobodybyStan Kelly-Bootle
- Re: "Pale Fire" Quality of?byChaswe@AOL.COM
- Re: Mary McCarthy's review of PALE FIREbyA. Bouazza
- Mary McCarthy and "Pale Fire" source,
and other material from "Encounter" 1962-3byAnthony Stadlen - Mary McCarthy and "Pale Fire" source,
and other material from "Encounter" 1962-3byAnthony Stadlen - Re: Monroe, merits of Shade's poembyChaswe@AOL.COM
- Re: Another correctionbyChaswe@AOL.COM
- Re: Searchable Lolita, merits of Shade's poembyNABOKV-L
- Botkin in PF indexbyNABOKV-L
- the estates of Vladimir Nabokov, Preston Sturges . . .byNABOKV-L
- Re: Botkin(e), Russian madman & nobodybyChaswe@AOL.COM
- Re: More help for otherworldly logic (DN responds on VN and
mathematics)byNABOKV-L - Re: Botkin(e). Modest ProposalbyStan Kelly-Bootle
- Re: Fw: [NABOKV-L] VN's comments on PFbySteven
- Re: A Proposal and current PF phasebySteven
- Otherworldly logic (and proposal for collaborative reading of
LATH)byNABOKV-L - Re: Enjoying LATH ("Perfection," "Lik")bySteven
- Searchable Lolita, merits of Shade's poembyNABOKV-L
- Re: Monroe, merits of Shade's poembyNABOKV-L
- VNBib: Imperiia N. Nabokov i posledniki. SbornikbyD. Barton Johnson
- Re: Enjoying LATH ("Perfection," "Lik"), translation,
and lycanthropybyNABOKV-L - More help for otherworldly logic (DN responds on VN and
mathematics)byNABOKV-L - Re: serious & unserious poets// monadism & translation possible &
impossiblebyjansymello - Re: Searchable Lolita, merits of Shade's poembyNABOKV-L
- lycanthropy & versipelbyNABOKV-L
- Re: automatism,
diagnosing a character;llycanthropy & Levantine prehistorybyjansymello - automatism, diagnosing a character; drugs, lycanthropy & versipelbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: "Pale Fire" Quality of?byChaswe@AOL.COM
- Serious & unserious poetsbyNABOKV-L
- Re: Gradus the automatic man;MPD; Translating PFbyJansy
- JF responds to CK (Korean student in PF and Caspar the friendly
ghost)byNABOKV-L - Re: "Pale Fire" Quality of?byJansy
- Queries on searchable Lolita and approachable Nabokov StudiesbyNABOKV-L
- SKB on Hazel's roommate (now a nun) in PFbyNABOKV-L
- JF on DZ on date palms, NYH Tribune, and modest proposalbyNABOKV-L
- "Pale Fire" Quality of?byD. Barton Johnson
- Gradus the automatic manbyCarolyn Kunin
- MR to JM on translations of PFbyNABOKV-L
- CK responds to ABbyCarolyn Kunin
- Glanvill, Sympathized Hands, and PoebyNABOKV-L
- Hazel and SybilbyNABOKV-L
- Re: VN's comments on PFbyAnthony Stadlen
- Fw: [NABOKV-L] VN's comments on PFbyjansymello
- Date Palm and Johnson's wig (addenda)byNABOKV-L
- PatifoliabyNABOKV-L
- Re: A Proposal and current PF phasebyjansymello
- Re: Pastures new, and old, now dead.byChaswe@AOL.COM
- VN's comments on PFbyNABOKV-L
- Re: CK responds to AB (Korean student in PF)byNABOKV-L
- Enjoying LATH ("Perfection," "Lik")byNABOKV-L
- Hazel and SybilbyNABOKV-L
- More help for otherworldly logic (also Goedel Escher Bach)byNABOKV-L
- Nabokov's "A Guide to Berlin" written in 1925 ...bySandy P. Klein
- Fw: new essay needs a translationbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: VN's comments on PFbySteven
- Zimmer on Shakespeare Alley and NYHT interviewbyNabokv-L
- Re: assorted comments on Ament, Pinsk and FreudbyStan Kelly-Bootle
- CK responds to AB (Korean student in PF)byNABOKV-L
- Re: A Modest Proposal (and our current PF phase)bySteven
- Last will? codicilbyNABOKV-L
- Re: VN's comments on PFbyAnthony Stadlen
- the next omnibus ( a bit awkward,too artificial but...)byjansymello
- Re: Dieter Zimmer on date palmsbyChaswe@AOL.COM
- Re: PF reference in the OnionbyNicholas Grundy
- A pseudo-echo of "Pale Fire"byEarl Sampson
- A Modest ProposalbyNABOKV-L
- Dieter Zimmer on date palms, Tribune quote, and A Modest ProposalbyNABOKV-L
- Timelines in Pale Fire inter aliabyjansymello
- Obligatory tribute to Sybil in PF poem?byNABOKV-L
- argument about Nabokov in a bar ...bySandy P. Klein