NABOKV-L posts by year: 2002
- Fw: Susan Sontag, camp, and NabokovbyD. Barton Johnson
- Susan Sontag, camp, and NabokovbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Hmmm, a game show host invoking Vladimir Nabokov ...byD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Imaginary Nabokovian ScreenplaysbyD. Barton Johnson
- ... Lolita and New YearsbyD. Barton Johnson
- Advice from The Financial Times: Try short story collections:
Nabokov ...byD. Barton Johnson - James Laughlin poem on VNbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Goethe, Nabokov und, ach, die Schweiz -- Goethe, Nabokov and,
oh, Switzerland ..byD. Barton Johnson - Fw: La ragionevole pazzia di Vladimir -- Vladimir reasonable
madness ...byD. Barton Johnson - Fw :Translation Travesties and Holiday Greetings from DNbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Dutch and (bad) attempt at English--byD. Barton Johnson
- Xmas Present from NABOKV-LbyD. Barton Johnson
- Query: Nabokovian WinterbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: KQKn & PsychobyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: TwinsbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Prince of WalesbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Nabokovian Holiday gifts.byD. Barton Johnson
- Pnin's degreebyD. Barton Johnson
- : Encyclopaedia Britannica Article on VN CORRECTION!byD. Barton Johnson
- Nabokov BibliographybyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Fw: Encyclopaedia Britannica Article on VNbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: question for Phil IannarellibyD. Barton Johnson
- Nabokovian Holiday gift suggestionsbyD. Barton Johnson
- Nabokov & synasthesiabyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Query: V.N.& Eliot - & HockneybyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Nabokov,
that other writer good enough to make an academic setting ...byD. Barton Johnson - Fw: Query: V.N.& Eliot - & HockneybyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Quote For TodaybyD. Barton Johnson
- Zadie Smith was reading a lot of Kafka, Nabokov, Martin Amis ...byD. Barton Johnson
- Query: V.N.& Eliot - & HockneybyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: == Zadie Smith on PNIN ==byD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: my chicken's favoritebyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: == Zadie Smith on PNIN ==byD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Re: Sundry]byD. Barton Johnson
- : Fw: : Quilty's name: The Poetry of Being Quilty]byD. Barton Johnson
- [Fwd: RE: Fw: : Quilty's name: The Poetry of Being Quilty]byDonald Johnson
- Fw: Quilty's namebyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Playing "chicken"byD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Quote For TodaybyD. Barton Johnson
- Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie: Nabokov BibliographybyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: CALL FOR PAPERS: Vladimir Nabokov, Private InvestigatorbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Fw: : Quilty's name: The Poetry of Being QuiltybyD. Barton Johnson
- Playing "chicken"byD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: to a grouse (from a nit picker)byD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: : Quilty's name: The Poetry of Being QuiltybyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Fw: Where oh where are the Pale Fire poultry?byD. Barton Johnson
- : Quilty's name: The Poetry of Being QuiltybyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Where oh where are the Pale Fire poultry?byD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Darkbloom, V. On Location in Artificial Moonlight (fwd)byD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Quilty's name: The Poetry of Being QuiltybyD. Barton Johnson
- Nabokovian Holiday gifts.byD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Vladimir Nabokov once wrote that his earliest mental image of
Britain was ...byD. Barton Johnson - Re: Fw: Ada/or PF: VN -- the teacher & VN --the writerbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Quilty's name: The Poetry of Being QuiltybyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Herbold's article and VN's 1944 poembyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Reply to Phil Iannareli re Quilty'S namebyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: VN Reference. Alice in Wonderland. A.S. ByaTTbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Quote For TodaybyD. Barton Johnson
- Re: Dmitri Nabokv replies re riddlebyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: more on QuiltybyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: more on quiltybyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Japanese VN BibliographybyD. Barton Johnson
- Nabokov's views on evolution (simplified version)byD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: For Reading Out Loud!byD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Ada/or PF: VN -- the teacher & VN --the writerbyD. Barton Johnson
- 1): Dmitri Nabokov's on Carolyn Kunin's Norns 2) Gene Wolfe & VNbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: James Lasdun's _The Horned Man_ & VN's _Pale Fire_byD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Quilty is the dentistbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Vladimir Nabokov said that he made love to the English
language when he wrote ..byD. Barton Johnson - Fw: Fw: Why Quilty?byD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Fw: Why Quilty?byD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Why Quilty?byD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: On The Shade Side For Carolyn KuninbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Dieter Zimmer's German Translation of "Pnin" as audiobook on
CDsbyD. Barton Johnson - Fw: James Lasdun's _The Horned Man_ & VN's _Pale Fire_byD. Barton Johnson
- Why Quilty?byD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Dmitri Nabokov's on Carolyn Kunin's NornsbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Fw: Chose: verification of the Pushkin quote
KURVA/KURVEH/KAROVEbyD. Barton Johnson - Fw: Fw: Chose: verification of the Pushkin quotebyD. Barton Johnson
- : Visual net spins literary webbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: On The Shade Side For Carolyn KuninbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Edmunds redivivusbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Chose: verification of the Pushkin quotebyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Fw: vote for your favourite book of the 50s ...byD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: An interesting 'audio' from BBC.byD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: more ZoggishnessbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: A more colourful example is that of Lolita. Vladimir Nabokov
wrote the novel ...byD. Barton Johnson - Fw: vote for your favourite book of the 50s ...byD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Chose: verification of the Pushkin quotebyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: a woman or the nun PALE FIREbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Kerensky/NunbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Flatman solutionbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Wilson's letters to and from Vladimir Nabokov ...byD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Searching for Bibliography on Nabokov's politicsbyD. Barton Johnson
- Pnin: QuerybyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Fw: =- Pale Fire -=- All Hail King Zog! -=byD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: nuns, beards and witches in a note to Pale FirebyD. Barton Johnson
- Re: Fw: Flatman's poembyD. Barton Johnson
- a woman or the nun PALE FIREbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: FlatmanbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Searching for Bibliography on Nabokov's politics. BuckleybyD. Barton Johnson
- Re: PF & literary doubles & multiple personalitiesbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Fw: =- Pale Fire -=- All Hail King Zog! - and yet more
reflectionsbyD. Barton Johnson - Fw: Pale Fire and Jekyll and HydebyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: FlatmanbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: =- Pale Fire -=- All Hail King Zog! -=byD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Searching for Bibliography on Nabokov's politics. BuckleybyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Are you with me Dr. Jekyll? I'm ahead of you Mr. HydebyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: PF & literary doublesbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: FlatmanbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Fw: FlatmanbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: =- Pale Fire -=- All Hail King Zog! -=byD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Natt och DagbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Pale Fire and Jekyll and HydebyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Flatman, Nattochdag. See THE NABOKOOVIANbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Katharine Norman's TRANSPARENT THINGSbyD. Barton Johnson
- Searching for Bibliography on Nabokov's politicsbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: FlatmanbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Flatman's poem Pale FirebyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Flatman's poembyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: query:Azar Nafisi's _Anti-Terra:A Study of Vladimir Nabokov's
Novels_byD. Barton Johnson - Fw: Natt och Dag Pale FirebyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: FlatmanbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: The girl whom Camille Paglia once called "Lolita on aerobics"
...byD. Barton Johnson - Fw: 7) Vladimir Nabokov,
by Jane Grayson .. especially for any admirer of Nabokov ..byD. Barton Johnson - Fw: Fw: Andrew Brown on nun & chronologybyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: a bit of nonsense about the nunbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: nun jetzt in Pale Fire nunsbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: a woman or the nun PALE FIREbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: News of Vladimir Nabokov in Russian text editions ...byD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: On the program are .. the "Lolita Suite," symphonic fragments
from the opera ...byD. Barton Johnson - Fw: Netochka Pale FirebyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Fw: Andrew Brown on nun & chronologybyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: TemnosiniybyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: nun jetzt in Pale FirebyD. Barton Johnson
- Sklyarenko replies to Senderovich: Violet Knox: rainbows in ADAbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Fw: reinforcement of the rainbow: the color allusions in ADAbyD. Barton Johnson
- editor queriesbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Fw: rainbows in ADA and in naturebyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: rainbows in ADA and in naturebyD. Barton Johnson
- VN Bibliography: Anastas'ev.byD. Barton Johnson
- Ha Jin: "I never understood Nabokov's epilogue to `Lolita,' where
he said ..."byD. Barton Johnson - Fw: ADA's Chose: an alternative solutionbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: has not flown as high as that other star of the emigration,
Vladimir Nabokov ...byD. Barton Johnson - Fw: CHIASSO - Nabokov che passeggia con la moglie VИra. VN news from ItalybyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Visual net spins literary webbyD. Barton Johnson
- Nabokov refutes White Whale in Harvard CrimsonbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: reinforcement of the rainbow: the color allusions in ADAbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Twenty-twobyD. Barton Johnson
- melnikovbyD. Barton Johnson
- Lithuanian Nabokov. BibliographybyD. Barton Johnson
- VN Bibliography: Livak. DesparbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Andrew Brown on nun & chronologybyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: reinforcement of the rainbow: the color allusions in ADAbyD. Barton Johnson
- ebats in VillettebyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Fw: ebats in C. Bronte's _Villette_byD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Fw: query re ADA and KantbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: query re ADA and KantbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: "The Quiet American" and "Lolita"byD. Barton Johnson
- Article on Nabokovs in _Literaturnaya gazeta_byD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: who wrote the indexbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Andrew Brown on nun & chronologybyD. Barton Johnson
- Kubrick "Lolita" (8 p.m. Eastern on TCM) today ...byD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: he has already been compared, in linguistic terms,
to Nabokov and Conrad ...byD. Barton Johnson - Heller's _Catch 22_ explained.byD. Barton Johnson
- query re ADA and KantbyD. Barton Johnson
- VN BibliographybyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Funny numbersbyD. Barton Johnson
- VN Bibliography:byD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Funny numbersbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Fw: Fw: Hitchens//Herzen/VN. An authoritative AnswerbyD. Barton Johnson
- Reply to Mr Pultorak and a challenge PALE FIREbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: caught at 22byD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Fw: Hitchens//Herzen/VN. An authoritative AnswerbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: reply to Mr Pultorak and a challenge PALE FIREbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: reply to Mr Brown Pale Fire HazelbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Fw: Ck replies to Jerry FriedmanbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Fw: Fw: reply to Mr Pultorak and a challenge PALE FIREbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: nabokov reference in rushdie essaybyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Hitchens to Nabokov in two?byD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Christmas Cards?byD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Fw: Hitchens//Herzen/VNbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Fw: reply to Mr Pultorak and a challenge PALE FIREbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: reply to Mr Brown Pale Fire HazelbyD. Barton Johnson
- Salman Rushdie & The third and worst crime of translation,
in Nabokov's opinion ...byD. Barton Johnson - Fw: In Lolita,
Sellers was the shadowy antagonist Claire Quilty ...byD. Barton Johnson - Fw: Hitchens//Herzen/VNbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Fw: Ck replies to Jerry FriedmanbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: CK replies to JF re Pale Fire Canto IVbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: reply to Mr Pultorak and a challenge PALE FIREbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Ck replies to Jerry FriedmanbyD. Barton Johnson
- Who should play Pnin?byD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Query:: Nabokov and CinemabyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Fw: Ck replies to Jerry FriedmanbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: beryozy, missing Lolita paragraph, Mel'nikovbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: DepairbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Ck replies to Jerry FriedmanbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Lanced TwicebyD. Barton Johnson
- Nabokov and Cinema: FellinibyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: JF's Answers to Some of CK's Questions for ShadeansbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Query:: Nabokov and CinemabyD. Barton Johnson
- Query:: Nabokov and CinemabyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: NYTimes.com Article: Forget the Sex and Violence; Shame Is
the Ratings LeaderbyD. Barton Johnson - WORMbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Fw: Questions for ShadeansbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: typo (?) in chess problem in 'Drugie berega'byD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Lanced TwicebyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: On Joyce Carole Oates & NabokovbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: REVISED EDITION: Fw: Colors and shades: the Temnosiniy and
Proust allusions:byD. Barton Johnson - On Joyce Carole Oates & NabokovbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Freeman Dyson on Amateurs, including VNbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: nuns and lovers in Pale FirebyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Dmitri Nabokov reply to Aleksei Sklyarenko re ADA's " K.R."
(of rozy/beryozy" fame)byD. Barton Johnson - Fw: Fw: Ada's blurb on the Penguin edbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Ada's blurb on the Penguin edbyD. Barton Johnson
- Dmitri Nabokov reply to Aleksei Sklyarenko re ADA's " K.R." (of
rozy/beryozy" fame)byD. Barton Johnson - Fw: The Chronology in Transparent ThingsbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Questions for ShadeansbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Responses re Hazel's roommatebyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Fw: CK replies to Tom Bolt re Hazel's roommatebyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Fw: ==- Hazel's roommate -==byD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: ==- That roommate -==byD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: CK replies to Tom Bolt re Hazel's roommatebyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: ==- Hazel's roommate -==byD. Barton Johnson
- Review-article of new German printing of Transparent Things & LATHbyD. Barton Johnson
- REVISED EDITION: Fw: Colors and shades: the Temnosiniy and Proust
allusions:byD. Barton Johnson - Re: Fw: Ian Dury: Ada LyricsbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: CK replies to JF re Hazel's roommatebyD. Barton Johnson
- Brian Boyd: Colors and shades: the Temnosiniy and Proust
allusionsbyD. Barton Johnson - Fw: Fw: reply to Jennifer re Hazel's roommate PALE FIREbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Query: rozy / beryozybyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Solving Pale Fire's riddlebyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Ian Dury: Ada LyricsbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: patifoliabyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Fw: Colors and shades: the Temnosiniy and Proust allusionsbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: beryozy blooperbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Colors and shades: the Temnosiniy and Proust allusions: Boyd
replies to SklyarenkobyD. Barton Johnson - Fw: reply to Jennifer re Hazel's roommate PALE FIREbyD. Barton Johnson
- VNBibliography: M. Grishakova Nabokov's visual poeticsbyD. Barton Johnson
- Alex Sklyarenko on ' rozy / beryozy' (roses/birches) & Grand
Duke Konstantin Romanov.byD. Barton Johnson - "rozy/beyozy" & Editor's lapse into senilitybyD. Barton Johnson
- Yuri Leving: "'Twirl of Mirror Darkness': Nabokov & Visual
Poetics of the text" AATSEEL AbstractbyD. Barton Johnson - Fw: Vladimir Nabokov is the most famous of twentieth-century
butterfly collectors ..byD. Barton Johnson - Fw: Fw: frail roommate in Pale FirebyD. Barton Johnson
- Query: rozy / beryozybyD. Barton Johnson
- apes, pictures,bars, LOLITAbyD. Barton Johnson
- patifoliabyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: frail roommate in Pale FirebyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: versipel f patifoliabyD. Barton Johnson
- Re: Ian Dury: Ada LyricsbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: reply to JP and MR re Hazel & her roommatebyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: On Nov. 11, 1936,
the death of Queen Blenda of Zembla; accession of her son ...byD. Barton Johnson - News from the St. Petersburg Nabokov MuseumbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Fw: Sidenote Hazel & pitybyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Sidenote Hazel & pitybyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: CK replies to Nick GrundybyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: demons of pity - Ck replies to Tom BoltbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: reply to Thomas N re Pale FirebyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: nabokov as "transit lounger"byD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: ==- The Demons of Our Pity (REPEAL IF!) -==byD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Slat sign: VN & Merriam-Webster II & IIIbyD. Barton Johnson
- News from Nabokov Museum in St. PetersburgbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Fw: Slat sign: VN & Merriam-Webster II & IIIbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: reply to Carolyn Kunin re Pale Fire puzzlebyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: The ape who paints (Quote of the Day)byD. Barton Johnson
- Query re Signs and symbols.Jams & jambyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Slat sign: VN & Merriam-Webster II & IIIbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Colors and shades: the Temnosiniy and Proust allusionsbyD. Barton Johnson
- Re: Pale Fire: Boyd/Alexander/Kunin Thread]:"fountain/mountain"byD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Fw: versipel f patifoliabyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Ian Dury: Ada LyricsbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: reply to George Shimanovich re Pale FirebyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Fw: versipel f patifoliabyD. Barton Johnson
- : Quote of the DaybyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: versipel f patifoliabyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Ian Dury: Ada LyricsbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Versipel in Lewis and ShortbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: More on Nocturnal Color VisionbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Versipel. VN & Merriam-Webster II & IIIbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Versipel. VN & Merriam-Webster II & IIIbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Fw: p.s. to Thomas N; and weary onlookers pleasebyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: versipelbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Quote of the DaybyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: p.s. to Thomas N; and weary onlookers pleasebyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: reply to Thomas N re Pale FirebyD. Barton Johnson
- Texture vs. Text in Pale FirebyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: reply to Thomas N re Pale FirebyD. Barton Johnson
- Nabokov Japanese BibliographybyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Fw: reply to Mr Grundy re demons of pitybyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: p.s. to Thomas NbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: On-line articles on NabokovbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Quote of the DaybyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: de plus sur Quelques FleursbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Nabokov "sighting" (auditory)byD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: reply to Thomas N re Pale FirebyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Big Bug Surprise:"VN, Mimicry, & Moth Nocturnal Color Vision!byD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Texture vs. Text in Pale Fire (TN response to CK)byD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: reply to Mr Grundy re demons of pitybyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: reply to Nick Grundy re Pale Fire puzzlebyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: "I don't want anybody to say Riviera Beach has a reputation
of Lolita ...byD. Barton Johnson - Fw: From Ovid to Nabokov, Marina Warner examines metamorphosis ...byD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Nabokov's "Lolita" became Aleksandar Hemon's handbook for
learning English.byD. Barton Johnson - Fw: Quote of the day, November 6, 2002byD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Query: Jessie Thomas LokrantzbyD. Barton Johnson
- Query: Jessie Thomas LokrantzbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Query: Pale Fire's epigraphbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Fw:C. Kunin query for Mr FriedmanbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: C. Kunin replies to T Nguyen re Pale FirebyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Query: Pale Fire's epigraphbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Quelques Fleurs: the ballet; the perfumebyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Quote for the daybyD. Barton Johnson
- NEWS from ZEMBLA.byD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Hugh's On First?byD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: more on K/C/S (C to be eliminated from the English
Language)byD. Barton Johnson - Fw: Fw: Alex Sklyarenko on Brian Boyd on "Chose" in ADAbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw:C. Kunin query for Mr FriedmanbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: C. Kunin replies to T Nguyen re Pale FirebyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Friedman on wordplaybyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Re: Boyd's "distorted "glebe/globe"byD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Quote For TodaybyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Alex Sklyarenko on Brian Boyd on "Chose" in ADAbyD. Barton Johnson
- : Poor Hazel - reply to Mr Bolt and Comment by Sergei Aksenov:
Jerry FriedmanbyD. Barton Johnson - Fw: Pale Fire: Response to Ms. KuninbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: [Fwd: RE: Brian Boyd on "Chose" in ADA]byD. Barton Johnson
- [Fwd: RE: : Quelques Fleurs du Mal: CHOSE]byDonald Johnson
- Alex Sklyarenko on Brian Boyd on "Chose" in ADAbyDonald Johnson
- CKs reply to DN and TN: Pale FirebyDonald Johnson
- Father to SonbyDonald Johnson
- Dmitri Nabokov on :"glass presses"; RLS, & Duels in the SunbyDonald Johnson
- Dmitri Nabokov obyDonald Johnson
- : Quelques Fleurs du Mal: CHOSEbyDonald Johnson
- [Fwd: Re: Pale Fire: Boyd/Alexander/Kunin Thread]]byDonald Johnson
- Re: Brian Boyd on "Chose" in ADA: Moire CHOSESbyDonald Johnson
- [Fwd: Re: Quote of the day]]byDonald Johnson
- [Fwd: Pale fire, italian translation (Fuoco pallido)]byDonald Johnson
- Real Luzhins: Nabokov and ChessbyDonald Johnson
- Re: Boyd's "distorted "glebe/globe"byDonald Johnson
- [Fwd: RE: Brian Boyd on "Chose" in ADA]byDonald Johnson
- [Fwd: Re: Quote of the day]byDonald Johnson
- [Fwd: Fw: Duel in the Sun]byDonald Johnson
- [Fwd: Quelques Fleurs du Mal]byDonald Johnson
- Quote of the daybyDonald Johnson
- Fw: Duel in the SunbyD. Barton Johnson
- Duel in the SunbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Fw: Poor Hazel - reply to Mr Bolt: Comment by Sergei AksenovbyD. Barton Johnson
- VN and Robert Louis StevensonbyDonald Johnson
- Kunin reply to DMbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: no pressing matter: PALE FIRE and "press"byD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: reply to Jane Morrison & Carolyn KuninbyD. Barton Johnson
- Reply to Jane Morrison. Pale Fire's "glass presses"byD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Pale Fire: Boyd/Alexander/Kunin Thread]byD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: $273,500 for a 1955 copy of Nabokov's ``Lolita'' ...byD. Barton Johnson
- Pale Fire: Boyd/Alexander/Kunin Thread]byD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Nabokov's Butterflies NewsbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: : Poor Hazel - Kunin reply to Mr FriedmanbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: ==- On Hazel's Death -== Bolt Response to GuerinbyD. Barton Johnson
- : Poor Hazel - reply to Mr BoltbyD. Barton Johnson
- [Fwd: Pale Fire: Boyd/Alexander/Kunin Thread]byDonald Johnson
- [Fwd: ON HAZEL'S SUICIDE]byDonald Johnson
- Fw: Poor Hazel - reply to Mr BoltbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Fw: ==- On Hazel's Suicide -== Response to BoltbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Fw: ==- On Hazel's Suicide -== Response to Tom BoltbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Fw: ==- On Hazel's Suicide -= Response to Tom BolbyD. Barton Johnson
- Abstracts for MLA Session 788: MLA Convention " Nabokov's Obsessions"byD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: ==- On Hazel's Suicide -==byD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Spoken Arts recordbyD. Barton Johnson
- VN BIBliography:: book by Mikhail Yakovlevich DymarskybyD. Barton Johnson
- VN Quote of the DaybyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Music, headphones, theatresbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: "REALITY" -- Nabokov or Campbell?byD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: "REALITY"byD. Barton Johnson
- "REALITY"byD. Barton Johnson
- Re "Reality" THanKSbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Query from editor. Answer.byD. Barton Johnson
- Query from editorbyD. Barton Johnson
- Research query re reader reception of ADA, TT, & LATHbyD. Barton Johnson
- Italian Nabokov BibliographybyD. Barton Johnson
- Finding VN quotesbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: VN bibliography: GrishakovabyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Off the WALL vn CITATIONSbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: The Eye And Samuil KissinbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Off the WALL vn CITATIONSbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Virus notificationbyD. Barton Johnson
- AATSEEL Nabokov Panel Dec 29, 2002, 8-10AM. New YorkbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: The phrase which best conveys something of the nature of
chess is coined ...byD. Barton Johnson - Fw: Nabokov-s Speak Memory. It is one of the most remarkable
books I have ever readbyD. Barton Johnson - Off the WALL vn CITATIONSbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Nabokovs "Lolita" - OperabyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: The great novelist Vladimir Nabokov rightly complained of
dreams' "mental ...byD. Barton Johnson - Fw: Fw: another Nabokov reference in Zadie Smith's _AutographMan_byD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: another Nabokov reference in Zadie Smith's _Autograph Man_byD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Lolita ref in the MirrorbyD. Barton Johnson
- VN on Music (Transparent Things)byD. Barton Johnson
- VN's & Pia Pera LO (inter alia)byD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: sirin reference in Zadie Smith's _Autograph Man_byD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: PNIN & PALE FIRE: Tim and Joan in IstanbulbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: vnbib: "Pushkin Motiv in the Poetics of Nabokov's _Gift_byD. Barton Johnson
- vnbib: "Pushkin Motiv in the Poetics of Nabokov's _Gift_byD. Barton Johnson
- TSVETAEVA ON sirinbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Alfred Appel's Jr.'s Jazz ModernismbyD. Barton Johnson
- Re: NABOKV-LbyD. Barton Johnson
- Teddy Roosevelt & Nabokov as nature writersbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Nabokov at Basel (Switzerland)byD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Submission to Nabokov ForumbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: A Northern Crown & Pale FirebyD. Barton Johnson
- ALERT & DISCLAIMERbyD. Barton Johnson
- Nabokov BibliographybyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Article on Synesthesia in today's Washington PostbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: music and formbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: music and formbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: The Puzzle of the 3 rd Magus in Pale FirebyD. Barton Johnson
- VN Bibliography: Alice in Wonderland (Anya v strane chudes)byD. Barton Johnson
- N/AbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Nabokov and MusicbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Nabokov and MusicbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Nabokov and MusicbyD. Barton Johnson
- QUERY: Nabokov and Yvor WintersbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Vladimir Nabokov's 1958 first American edition of ``Lolita''
sold for $273,500. Dedication to VerabyD. Barton Johnson - Fw: more Pale Fire ConstellationsbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Fw: Nabokov and MusicbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Vladimir Nabokov's 1958 first American edition of ``Lolita''
...byD. Barton Johnson - Fw: Nabokov and MusicbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: A Soldier in Despair (fwd)byD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: New items for Nabokov bibliographybyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Commedia dell'Arte & NabokovbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: More VN in the news. pARAnABOKOVIANAbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: VN in the newsbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Fw: Pale/Palm QuerybyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Pale/Palm QuerybyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: VN bibliography: Spiritualism: Thomas BerrybyD. Barton Johnson
- VNA's and BB's emailsbyD. Barton Johnson
- VNBibliography: Review of Gavriel Shapiro study of Invitation to
a BeheadingbyD. Barton Johnson - Fw: Kafka, Freud, VNbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Fw: Pale/Palm QuerybyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Pale/Palm QuerybyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Course on Nabokov's ButterfliesbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Swans and Beavers in Pale FirebyD. Barton Johnson
- VNBibliography: Commedia dell'Arte & NabokovbyD. Barton Johnson
- Dic. of Literary Bio; Transpapernt Things in classroom; Alesandar
HemonbyD. Barton Johnson - Fw: Poe-Nabokov chatbyD. Barton Johnson
- [Fwd: Gogol's Nose Takes a Hike]byDonald Johnson
- Nabokoviana: : if a priest asked a child to read "Lolita," he
could be accused of abuse ...byD. Barton Johnson - Nabokoviana: To praise one of our own , James McCourt,
and place him in the company of Nabokov, Joyce ...byD. Barton Johnson - Nabokoviana: "VN & the term politically incorrect"byD. Barton Johnson
- Nabokoviana: Stephen King-- up there with Nabokov or Thomas
Pynchon?byD. Barton Johnson - Fw: The double dactyl, with its fascinating rule ...byD. Barton Johnson
- Info exchange re writing on NabokovbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Nabokovand Frederick Exley's _A Fan's Notes_byD. Barton Johnson
- Nabokovand Frederick Exley's _A Fan's Notes_byD. Barton Johnson
- Query re Sasha SokolovbyD. Barton Johnson
- paraNabokoviana: D. Gilmour "Sparrow Nights":As Humbert Humbert
used to say, you can always count on a murderer ...byD. Barton Johnson - Brookner on NabokovbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Inquiry: Nabokov on Thomas Mann. Boyd's replybyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Inquiry: Nabokov on Thomas MannbyD. Barton Johnson
- Author responsere Robinson's TLS review of _Nabokov's Blues-nbyD. Barton Johnson
- reviews of recent publications on NabokovbyD. Barton Johnson
- ParaNabokoviana: novelist Vladimir Nabokov rightly complained of
dreams' "mental mediocrity" ...byD. Barton Johnson - Fw: Personal PLUS PublicbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Enchanting, Log DammitbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Nabokov's Blues againbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Clive James & VN's translation of EObyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Clive James & VN's translation of EObyD. Barton Johnson
- Clive James & VN's translation of EObyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: GraduscatologybyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: FUNNY FOTOSbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: p.s. to my reply to Mr L.byD. Barton Johnson
- seductively false in Pale FirebyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: reply to Mr L Pale FirebyD. Barton Johnson
- EDITOR'S NOTE: seductively false in Nabokv-LbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: more electricitybyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: reply to Phil IanarellibyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Pale Fire questions for Mr Langridge.Langridge replybyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Fw: Fw: VN's translation of EObyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Fw: VN's translation of EObyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: short updatebyD. Barton Johnson
- Miriam Rothschild's Butterfly Book. Red AdmiRALSbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Fw: VN's translation of EObyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: seductively false in Pale FirebyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: LOLITA reference in John Calapinto's novel ABOUT THE AUTHORbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: VN's translation of EObyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: seductively false in Pale FirebyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Query re Plausibility (was Re: Friedman to Malign D re Pale
Fire)byD. Barton Johnson - Friedman to Malign D re Pale FirebyD. Barton Johnson
- query: source of Ganin's "dispersion of will"byD. Barton Johnson
- Dmitrri Nabokov answers Hanny Hindi re: Nabokov and Augustine in
MARYbyD. Barton Johnson - Malign D REPLIES TO kUNIN RE pALE fIREbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: by re-reading the works of Nabokov and . Aleksandar HemonbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: reply to Michael DonohuebyD. Barton Johnson
- VN Bibliography: A. Ilichevskii "byD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Fw: reply to Malign DbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: reply to Malign DbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Jane Grayson's forthcoming Nabokov BookbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: V NAbokov and W AllenbyD. Barton Johnson
- Ellen Pifer's forthcoming Lolita casebook: Table of ContentsbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: Pale Fire questions for Mr LangridgebyD. Barton Johnson
- Nabokov Bibliography: Vladimir Nabokov's Lolita: A CasebookbyD. Barton Johnson