NABOKV-L posts by author: NABOKV-L, English
- Re: CFP on Pnin, ASEEES 2016byNABOKV-L, English
- CfP on Pnin, ASEEES 2016byNABOKV-L, English
- ANNC: Zembla temporarily hiddenbyNABOKV-L, English
- QUERY: Lolita: harlotte's "maroon slacks, yellow silk blouse"byNABOKV-L, English
- CFP: Annual Nabokov Conference in St.Petersburg (April and June
2016)byNABOKV-L, English - Bittersweet news about ZEMBLAbyNABOKV-L, English
- EDITORIAL: Seeking new co-editors for NABOKV-LbyNABOKV-L, English
- EDITORIAL: Back to our regular programming, already in progressbyNABOKV-L, English
- QUERY: The "two titles" of LOLITA?byNABOKV-L, English
- Fwd: NYTimes.com: My 10 Favorite Books: Terrence McNallybyNABOKV-L, English
- The name of LolitabyNABOKV-L, English
- BIB: Infante's illustrations of LOLITAbyNABOKV-L, English
- The name of LolitabyNABOKV-L, English
- Thoughts: Two LolitasbyNABOKV-L, English
- BIB: On the name "Lolita"byNABOKV-L, English
- BIB: VN and NietzschebyNABOKV-L, English
- BIB: Maxim Shrayer on Letters to VerabyNABOKV-L, English
- TODAY: "On Point" (NPR show) on Roper's Nabokov in AmericabyNABOKV-L, English
- Fwd: candlestick,
Juvenal & Petronius in Calmbrood's poem The Night JourneybyNABOKV-L, English - Fwd: My sliz'. Rechyonnaya est' lozh' & divnoe o rumyanom
vosklitsanii in Oblako, ozero, bashnyabyNABOKV-L, English - Fwd: Balmont-into-Lermontov anagram; elements & L disaster in AdabyNABOKV-L, English
- Fwd: BIRTHDAY?byNABOKV-L, English
- BIRTHDAY: Greetings from NOJbyNABOKV-L, English
- BIRTHDAY: GreetingsbyNABOKV-L, English
- QUERY: Letters to VerabyNABOKV-L, English
- EDITORIAL: Invitation to a BirthdaybyNABOKV-L, English
- SIGHTING: "The Potato Elf" and . . . Anjelica Huston?byNABOKV-L, English
- Calendrical RecurrencebyNABOKV-L, English
- EDITORIAL: New leafbyNABOKV-L, English
- Nabokov's Christmas memorybyNABOKV-L, English
- Dating Anomalies in Nabokov and PushkinbyNABOKV-L, English
- SIGHTING: VN on bedtime readingbyNABOKV-L, English
- SIGHTING: VN's translation of Laughter in the DarkbyNABOKV-L, English
- EDITORIAL: Server malfunctionbyNABOKV-L, English
- QUERY: Elena RukavishnikovabyNABOKV-L, English
- Sad news: Marina LedkovskybyNABOKV-L, English
- Sam SchumanbyNABOKV-L, English
- SIGHTING/ QUERY: VN in Gibson's SPOOK COUNTRY; rubber bathtub
photo?byNABOKV-L, English - SIGHTING: Spoof on VN's dreams and psychoanalysisbyNABOKV-L, English
- NOJ pays tribute to the late Dr. Sam SchumanbyNABOKV-L, English
- THOUGHTS: End of green-eyed catsbyNABOKV-L, English
- Fwd:Выставка акварелей и рисунков Николая Дмитриева (1933-1948)byNABOKV-L, English
- Sam SchumanbyNABOKV-L, English
- Sam SchumanbyNABOKV-L, English
- THOUGHTS: "Moon, moonrise, moor, moral" in PFbyNABOKV-L, English
- QUERY: Authors of VN vs. Wilson parody in NYTBR of 1972?byNABOKV-L, English
- CFP: Submissions sought on VN for new journalbyNABOKV-L, English
- THOUGHTS: Ovine and bovine, aurochs and angels in LObyNABOKV-L, English
- Remembering Sam SchumanbyNABOKV-L, English
- Sam SchumanbyNABOKV-L, English
- Remembering Sam SchumanbyNABOKV-L, English
- Remembering Sam SchumanbyNABOKV-L, English
- SIGHTING: Review of Letters to Vera in The ObserverbyNABOKV-L, English
- SIGHTING (reminder): VN in TLS 10/31 issuebyNABOKV-L, English
- VN Postal stampbyNABOKV-L, English
- THOUGHTS: Shakespeare in LObyNABOKV-L, English
- THOUGHTS: VN and "a pane of stamps"byNABOKV-L, English
- QUERY: Humbert's age when he diesbyNABOKV-L, English
- QUERY: Missing ENCHANTER and the story Edmund Wilson readbyNABOKV-L, English
- VNBIB/ SIGHTINGS: Letters to Vera, VN's dreamsbyNABOKV-L, English
- THOUGHTS: Shakespeare's identity and Valeria's and Dolores'
husbands in LObyNABOKV-L, English - SIGHTING: VN and Shakespeare in ADA and LObyNABOKV-L, English
- CFP: Intermedial Nabokov and Popular CulturebyNABOKV-L, English
- QUERY: Source for alleged quote by VN?byNABOKV-L, English
- QUERY: "Speak, America," projected sequel to Speak, MemorybyNABOKV-L, English
- ANNC: VN's England at Pushkin HousebyNABOKV-L, English
- CORRECTIONS re: TamarabyNABOKV-L, English
- Nabokov's Elegant SolutionsbyNABOKV-L, English
- SIGHTING: VN's encounter with actor Ivan MozzukhinbyNABOKV-L, English
- THOUGHTS: Hamlet, "Texture of Time," VN and WSbyNABOKV-L, English
- BIB: Russian publications on VNbyNABOKV-L, English
- BIB: Karshan's diss on VN and playbyNABOKV-L, English
- EDITORIAL: apologies for (almost) duplicate postbyNABOKV-L, English
- SIGHTING: Vere, Turk, VN, and WSbyNABOKV-L, English
- SIGHTING: VN at Vintage ShortsbyNABOKV-L, English
- EDITORIAL: Changing of the guardbyNABOKV-L, English
- EDITORIAL: SES for SHB; also, "Rue Saigon" in ADAbyNABOKV-L, English
- Abstracts for Nabokov ReadingsbyNABOKV-L, English
- ANNC: Nabokov Readings 2014 July 3-4byNABOKV-L, English
- CCL: Tone of first paragraphbyNABOKV-L, English
- CCL: The titlebyNABOKV-L, English
- CCL: Version and RevisionbyNABOKV-L, English
- ANNC: Short Story Book Club: "Cloud, Castle, Lake"byNABOKV-L, English
- Life before 'Lolita' . . .byNABOKV-L, English
- BIB: Transformation of Bronze Horseman to Black Chess Knight in
DEFENSEbyNABOKV-L, English - Mansfield Park in Time & SpacebyNABOKV-L, English
- SIGHTING? Ghostly FootprintsbyNABOKV-L, English
- ANNC: ICCEES congress deadline extendedbyNABOKV-L, English
- SAD NEWS: N-L Contributor Stan Kelly-BootlebyNABOKV-L, English
- SAD NEWS: N-L Contributor Stan Kelly-BootlebyNABOKV-L, English
- SAD NEWS: N-L contributor Stan Kelly-BootlebyNABOKV-L, English
- BIB: 1001 Nights and ADAbyNABOKV-L, English
- SIGHTING: Francine Prose on HH re: Maurice Chevalier's "Thank
Heaven for Little Girls"byNABOKV-L, English - THOUGHTS: Trains in VN's workbyNABOKV-L, English
- EDITORIAL: Nabokovian Short Story Book Club?byNABOKV-L, English
- BIRTHDAY: NOJ Prize for Best Scholarly Contribution to Stephen H.
BlackwellbyNABOKV-L, English - BIRTHDAY: PoembyNABOKV-L, English
- BIRTHDAY: Tartine au mielbyNABOKV-L, English
- Gloating Uncle: Ruka and Bibliotheque RosebyNABOKV-L, English
- BIRTHDAY: Gloating uncle in Speak, MemorybyNABOKV-L, English
- BIRTHDAY: Ada's "Lolita" skirt and several link-and-bobolink
coincidencesbyNABOKV-L, English - BIRTHDAY: A birthday present from "S&S"byNABOKV-L, English
- BIRTHDAY: Many happy returns (in Speak, Memory)byNABOKV-L, English
- SIGHTING: Charlie Chaplin and Humbert in LObyNABOKV-L, English
- Blanche & coachmen in ADA (Revision of Alexey's recent post)byNABOKV-L, English
- BIB/ TRANS: Ferreira on PF as detective storybyNABOKV-L, English
- REMINDER: Vote for 2013 recipient of NOJ Prize for studies of
NabokovbyNABOKV-L, English - QUERY: Samizdat translation of LO?byNABOKV-L, English
- REMINDER: Happy returns!byNABOKV-L, English
- BIB: "Yarn-Spinning and Magic Wands": VN's Fairy TalesbyNABOKV-L, English
- QUERY: Plums and Easter eggsbyNABOKV-L, English
- ANNC: Seminar on KQK at Nabokov Museum on May 11byNABOKV-L, English
- BIB: Oberfrank thesis on "Nabokov's Fairy Tales"byNABOKV-L, English
- BIB: Horgan dissertation on "Nabokov's Details"byNABOKV-L, English
- ANNC: Celebrating VN's Birthday at the Library of CongressbyNABOKV-L, English
- EDITORIAL: Invitation to a BirthdaybyNABOKV-L, English
- EDITORIAL: TurnaboutbyNABOKV-L, English
- EDITORIAL: Bait and switchbyNABOKV-L, English
- EDITORIAL: Pasternak and VNbyNABOKV-L, English
- Re: Dr Mertvago & Dr SwissairbyNABOKV-L, English
- ANNC: Fall 2013 NabokovianbyNABOKV-L, English
- Le Magazine LitterairebyNABOKV-L, English
- Reminder re: For Nabokov Society members: electionsbyNABOKV-L, English
- EDITORIAL: ApologybyNABOKV-L, English
- EDITORIAL: CivilitybyNABOKV-L, English
- ANNC: Tragedy of Mister Morn in NYCbyNABOKV-L, English
- P.S. Cover image for Filimonov bookbyNABOKV-L, English
- BIB: Alexey Filimonov's new book (enclosed) of articles on VN and
poemsbyNABOKV-L, English - QUERY: "Wodnaggen" in PFbyNABOKV-L, English
- NOJ interface problemsbyNABOKV-L, English
- QUERY: VengerovbyNABOKV-L, English
- CORRECTION: Cordula Tobak in ADAbyNABOKV-L, English
- QUERY: S. A. Vengerov in ADAbyNABOKV-L, English
- Postscript re: Humbert's Innocence?byNABOKV-L, English
- Humbert's Innocence?byNABOKV-L, English
- Humbert's Innocence?byNABOKV-L, English
- Humbert's Innocence?byNABOKV-L, English
- An Exchange on Humbert's InnocencebyNABOKV-L, English
- BIB: Interview with Andrea PitzerbyNABOKV-L, English
- Re: Podtyagin in MARYbyNABOKV-L, English
- THOUGHTS: Art's higher level (VN and Musil?)byNABOKV-L, English
- Re: Pale Fire in TurkishbyNABOKV-L, English
- EDITORIAL: BacklogbyNABOKV-L, English
- VN in the NY Times: Born Again in a Second LanguagebyNABOKV-L, English
- quote querybyNABOKV-L, English
- Re: French terms in Pale FirebyNABOKV-L, English
- Responses to Nabokov Drama photobyNABOKV-L, English
- BIB: Nikolai Mel'nikov on accounts of VN by his contemporariesbyNABOKV-L, English
- Apropos of DoloresbyNABOKV-L, English
- THOUGHTS: Vivien Maier photo and DoloresbyNABOKV-L, English
- THOUGHTS: SM, ADA, and silent movie actor MozzhukinbyNABOKV-L, English
- ANNC: Symposium on Carl Proffer at U of Michigan Sept. 20-21byNABOKV-L, English
- 1981 Brazilian LOLITA cover in a blogbyNABOKV-L, English
- ANNC: Updated program for Nabokov ReadingsbyNABOKV-L, English
- ANNC: Nabokov Summer ReadingsbyNABOKV-L, English
- THOUGHTS: "Sirin" and V. Sirin/ Harlequin JalouxbyNABOKV-L, English
- Harlequin Jaloux: Bely's Petersburg pub. by "Sirin" in 1913byNABOKV-L, English
- THOUGHTS: Vanessa, an Orphic DivinitybyNABOKV-L, English
- QUERY: VN and Pushkin's awareness of John Tanner's narrativebyNABOKV-L, English
- EDITORIAL: Nabokov and FrancebyNABOKV-L, English
- THOUGHTS: "Crystal to crystal" in PFbyNABOKV-L, English
- QUERY: Chess problem with a Nabokov connectionbyNABOKV-L, English
- THOUGHTS: "Crystal to crystal in "PF"byNABOKV-L, English
- THOUGHTS: "Solving" PFbyNABOKV-L, English
- THOUGHTS: A glimpse of Botkin? (Dr. Sutton in PF)byNABOKV-L, English
- Chess problemsbyNABOKV-L, English
- THOUGHTS: A glimpse of Botkin?byNABOKV-L, English
- SIGHTING: Carroll's "Doublets" (aka "word golf" in PF)byNABOKV-L, English
- THOUGHTS: A glimpse of Botkin?byNABOKV-L, English
- VNBIB: TWO WAYS by VN and Andrei BalashovbyNABOKV-L, English
- SIGHTING: Is Humbert Jewish?byNABOKV-L, English
- THOUGHTS: 4000 timesbyNABOKV-L, English
- VN, Cocteau, ProustbyNABOKV-L, English
- THOUGHTS: Standfuss or Standfast?byNABOKV-L, English
- Gingko and muscatbyNABOKV-L, English
- EDITORIAL: NABOKV-L policiesbyNABOKV-L, English
- Responses from Carolyn Kunin on birthday and muscatbyNABOKV-L, English
- BIB: Darker Shades of Pale FirebyNABOKV-L, English
- THOUGHTS: Kinbote's birthdaybyNABOKV-L, English
- Responses from Carolyn (ADA and gingko leaf)byNABOKV-L, English
- Responses from Mary re: cat and muscatbyNABOKV-L, English
- Learned cats and their talesbyNABOKV-L, English
- THOUGHTS: Ada and ArcadiabyNABOKV-L, English
- CFP: Nabokov Readings conference in St. Petersburg (flyers in
Russian and English)byNABOKV-L, English - ANNC: AdaOnline Pt 1 Ch 34byNABOKV-L, English
- THOUGHTS: Cat vs. ChateaubriandbyNABOKV-L, English
- CFP: Metaphysical Thriller (including Nabokov)byNABOKV-L, English
- VNBIB: TWO WAYS (1918) by VN and Andrey BalashovbyNABOKV-L, English
- THOUGHTS: Responses from Carolyn KuninbyNABOKV-L, English
- CFP: Annual VN conference St. Petersburg 2013byNABOKV-L, English
- Minor points: Surnames and name daysbyNABOKV-L, English
- SIGHTING: VN's immigration documents and Pitzer's Secret HistorybyNABOKV-L, English
- BIB: VN and the death of the authorbyNABOKV-L, English
- Zemblan and digitized Samuel Johnson (Crapula/ scrofula)byNABOKV-L, English
- BIB: Widiss on LOLITA and authorshipbyNABOKV-L, English
- Zemblan and digitized Samuel Johson (Crapula)byNABOKV-L, English
- BIRTHDATES: Pnin's BirthdaybyNABOKV-L, English
- SIGHTINGS: Birthday links etc.byNABOKV-L, English
- THOUGHTS: Julian Connolly on numbers in RLSKbyNABOKV-L, English
- Reading Rattner on TerrabyNABOKV-L, English
- About that birthday sonnetbyNABOKV-L, English
- QUERY: Courses on NabokovbyNABOKV-L, English
- Birthdates of VN's charactersbyNABOKV-L, English
- EDITORIAL: Birthday editorial twostepbyNABOKV-L, English
- BIRTHDAY: Returning to the partybyNABOKV-L, English
- BIRTHDAY: Party game ("Why did the chicken cross the road?")byNABOKV-L, English
- BIRTHDAY: Mademoiselle's placebyNABOKV-L, English
- BIRTHDAY: How I first discovered VNbyNABOKV-L, English
- BIRTHDAY: NOJ AnnouncementbyNABOKV-L, English
- BIRTHDAY: VN and ShakespearebyNABOKV-L, English
- BIRTHDAY: Many happy returns, Hazel Brown!byNABOKV-L, English
- THOUGHTS: Bobolinks and rice birdsbyNABOKV-L, English
- EDITORIAL: Birthday reminderbyNABOKV-L, English
- EDITORIAL: ApologiesbyNABOKV-L, English
- Swoony-balloonybyNABOKV-L, English
- Personification, animism, cartoon-imagery? PostscriptbyNABOKV-L, English
- Short responses: loins and pederastsbyNABOKV-L, English
- Shelly Winters on VN, Kubrick, and LOLITAbyNABOKV-L, English
- EDITORIAL: Patience neededbyNABOKV-L, English
- SIGHTING/ ANNC: International Nabokov LIterary PrizebyNABOKV-L, English
- ANNC: Invitation to a BirthdaybyNABOKV-L, English
- THOUGHTS: Last words on Dickens meeting DostoevskybyNABOKV-L, English
- QUERY: Recent Russian text on THE GIFT as meta-novel?byNABOKV-L, English
- VNBIB: Reading Voices & Transegmental Drift in PFbyNABOKV-L, English
- Did Dostoevsky meet Dickens?byNABOKV-L, English
- SIGHTING: Did Dostoevsky Meet Dickens? (Naiman and VN's hoaxing
protogonists)byNABOKV-L, English - QUERY: The image of an "ancient town" in PNINbyNABOKV-L, English
- QUERY: VN and Gombrowicz?byNABOKV-L, English
- QUERY: On compassion in PNINbyNABOKV-L, English
- QUERY - In PF,
why doesn't Charles II become King on Alfin's death?byNABOKV-L, English - THOUGHTS: Bacchus in ADAbyNABOKV-L, English
- QUERY: VN on compassion in PNINbyNABOKV-L, English
- THOUGHTS: TelluridebyNABOKV-L, English
- Query about translating Gallicisms in LolitabyNABOKV-L, English
- QUERY: Psycho-plagiarism?byNABOKV-L, English
- April FoolbyNABOKV-L, English
- EDITORIAL: N-L policies, including second thoughtsbyNABOKV-L, English
- Welcome back to foolish AprilbyNABOKV-L, English
- SIGHTING: Tweeting VNbyNABOKV-L, English
- EDITORIAL: GreetingsbyNABOKV-L, English
- [SIGHTING] Adjectival Nabokov & stylebyNABOKV-L, English
- QUERY: VN's copy of Wilson's A Window on Russia?byNABOKV-L, English
- ANNC: Winners of NOJ student essay competitionbyNABOKV-L, English
- THOUGHTS: Freemasonry in Speak, MemorybyNABOKV-L, English
- QUERY: Love and lust in VN's stories?byNABOKV-L, English
- ANNC: TOC of fall 2012 NabokovianbyNABOKV-L, English
- QUERY: Love and lust in VN's stories?byNABOKV-L, English
- SIGHTING: Nabokov readerbyNABOKV-L, English
- QUERY: Edmund Wilson and TOOL?byNABOKV-L, English
- QUERY: Turati and "Avanti" in The Defense?byNABOKV-L, English
- SIGHTING: "Lolita" beerbyNABOKV-L, English
- BIB: Kleinberg-Levin on happiness and language in VN and Wallace
StevensbyNABOKV-L, English - Coriolanus in PFbyNABOKV-L, English
- Coriolanus in PFbyNABOKV-L, English
- Sad news: Omry RonenbyNABOKV-L, English
- REMINDER/ CLARIFICATION: NOJ special issue on translationbyNABOKV-L, English
- THOUGHT: "Ever and ever sight" in LOLITAbyNABOKV-L, English
- THOUGHT: "First sight" in LOLITAbyNABOKV-L, English
- THOUGHT: VN's ghosts . . . and PNINbyNABOKV-L, English
- SIGHTING: Darkly blooming crossword?byNABOKV-L, English
- EDITORIAL: Falling aheadbyNABOKV-L, English