NABOKV-L posts by author: jansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] Pope "On Burnet and Ducket" and Homeridesbyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] Housman: amphisbaenia and gillette in Pale Firebyjansymello
- Re: QUERY: Red Wop Explainedbyjansymello
- Re: QUERY: Red Wop Explainedbyjansymello
- Re: QUERY: Red Wop Explainedbyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] [SIGHTING] Delayed 42 years: Georg Steiner in TNY
[QUERY]byjansymello - Re: QUERY: Red Wop Explainedbyjansymello
- Fw: [NABOKV-L] QUERY: Red Wop Explainedbyjansymello
- Re: QUERY: Red Wop Explainedbyjansymello
- Re: QUERY: Red Wop Explainedbyjansymello
- Re: QUERY: Red Wopbyjansymello
- Re: ftor and Querybyjansymello
- ftorbyjansymello
- Re: ftorbyjansymello
- Speak, Nabokovbyjansymello
- ftorbyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] Belated VN-SIGHTING - G.Adaircum disavowal.byjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] Casual Nab-sighting related to Bunny-Volodya on
"amphisbaenic rhyme"byjansymello - Re: Dark bluebyjansymello
- Re: Dark bluebyjansymello
- Re: Dark bluebyjansymello
- Torfyanuyubyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] Halved nuts (walnut,
hazel) "Ultimate Knowledge" - a knackerl of nutsbyjansymello - [NABOKOV-L] Peat/swamp/bogs...Cinderella and Vanbyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] Fleshy poisons in ADA's Yewbyjansymello
- Re: Veenbyjansymello
- Re: golova, Golovin, Veenbyjansymello
- Re: SIGHTING: John Shade Sings!byjansymello
- Re: golova, Golovin, Veenbyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] The Fulmerford Mysterybyjansymello
- Re: [NABOKOV-L] Searching for Nabokov dig at American writers'
dustjacketsbyjansymello - Re: [NABOKOV-L] Searching for Nabokov dig at American writers'
dustjacketsbyjansymello - [NABOKOV-L] Searching for Nabokov dig at American writers'
dustjacketsbyjansymello - CORRECTION AND ADDITION IF STILL POSSIBLE?byjansymello
- James Wood on Lermontov, LRBbyjansymello
- THOUGHTS: SKB re: SIGHTING IN a TRANSLATOR'S BLOG: my Lolitabyjansymello
- Re: ADA's Sig Leymanskibyjansymello
- QUERY: VN and Musicbyjansymello
- Re: arshin in Eugene Oneginbyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] SIGHTING IN a TRANSLATOR'S BLOG: my Lolita.byjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] Incidental Nabokov and a confessionbyjansymello
- sharADAbyjansymello
- Freud as a Fictional Characterbyjansymello
- epitomized by the author Vladimir Nabokov ...byjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] Conradical boules in English and Russianbyjansymello
- Re: uncle Ruka, L-wordsbyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] Casual Sightingbyjansymello
- Re: ADA's L disasterbyjansymello
- [ NABOKOV-L] Ada, Artemisia and Lucette's suicide ("dracunculus")byjansymello
- Re: THOUGHT Abstractist Bric-A-Brac (PF,the poem)byjansymello
- Fw: [NABOKV-L] [NABOKOV-L] From Eros,Sore and Rose (festering
ressentment and "draoncles")byjansymello - Re: [NABOKOV-L] From Eros,Sore and Rose (festering ressentment
and "draoncles")byjansymello - Re: THOUGHT Abstractist Bric-A-Brac (PF,the poem)byjansymello
- Re: THOUGHT Abstractist Bric-A-Brac (PF,the poem)byjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] Artificial Paradisesbyjansymello
- Re: Nabokov and Verlainebyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] From Eros,Sore and Rose (festering ressentment and
"draoncles")byjansymello - Re: Russian allusions in LATHbyjansymello
- Re: Russian essay/ Russian allusions in LATH/ Beaverbyjansymello
- Re: Fwd: Re:PF and Parody--response to JF]byjansymello
- :PF and Parody--responsebyjansymello
- Fw: [NABOKV-L] [Sighting]byjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] [Sighting] Nabokov in Portugal,
review dated November 25, 2009byjansymello - Re: THOUGHT(S) on Irony and Pathos in PF, the Poembyjansymello
- Re: Fw: [NABOKV-L] [Fwd: Re:PF and Parody--response to JF]byjansymello
- Fw: [NABOKV-L] [Fwd: Re:PF and Parody--response to JF]byjansymello
- Re: THOUGHTS on the Pale Fire poem--response to Friedmanbyjansymello
- Re: THOUGHTS on the Pale Fire poem--response to Friedmanbyjansymello
- Re: [Fwd: [NABOKV-L] Chronesthesia]byjansymello
- Re: THOUGHT on Shade as poetbyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] [Query] Stream of Consciousness and Nabokovbyjansymello
- Re: Is Krolik breeding or feeding?byjansymello
- Re: Is Krolik breeding or feeding... Novels about lovebyjansymello
- Re: THOUGHT on Shade as poetbyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] [Queries] about Larvorium,
Scammell's colloquial equivalent for shtang and The Real and the
Plausible.byjansymello - STANG--response to Lipon et al.byjansymello
- Re: STANG--response to Lipon et al.byjansymello
- Re: THOUGHT on Shade as poetbyjansymello
- Re: THOUGHTS re the Great Beaver]byjansymello
- Re: STANG--response to Lipon et al.byjansymello
- Re: larvae & instars or Krolik: breeding or feeding?byjansymello
- Re: Fw: [NABOKV-L] Powerful Kramler: Nabokov decoded ...]byjansymello
- Re: CORRECTION about Webster's Second, more on "stang"byjansymello
- Re: Fw: [NABOKV-L] Powerful Kramler: Nabokov decoded ...byjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] Larvarium, larvorium, Lemures from Lolita onto TOoLbyjansymello
- Fw: [NABOKV-L] Fw: [NABOKV-L] Powerful Kramler: Nabokov decoded
...byjansymello - Wer ist Iris? Back to larvae and lemuria.byjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L} Tangential VN: Zaratustra's "O Mensch, gib acht."byjansymello
- Re: Wer ist Iris?byjansymello
- Re: [TOUGHT] TOoL: Asparagus,
aspirins and Proust - synesthesia through mnemonic feats]byjansymello - Fw: [NABOKV-L] Powerful Kramler: Nabokov decoded ...byjansymello
- Re: Powerful Kramler: Nabokov decoded ...byjansymello
- Re: Powerful Kramler: Nabokov decoded ...byjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] [TOUGHT] TOoL: Asparagus,
aspirins and Proust - synesthesia through mnemonic featsbyjansymello - [Query] Dr. Philip Wild and Steven Millhouserbyjansymello
- Re: Powerful Kramler: Nabokov decoded ...byjansymello
- Re: LATH and Mayakovsky: addendumbyjansymello
- Re: LATH and Mayakovsky: addendumbyjansymello
- Re: LATH and Mayakovsky: addendumbyjansymello
- Re: TOoL: Formal Experimentsbyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] Carpetoes and Vibgyorbyjansymello
- TOoL: Brazilian translationbyjansymello
- Re: TOoL: Brazilian translationbyjansymello
- Re: TOoL: Formal Experimentsbyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] "a compound effect"byjansymello
- Re: VNBibliographybyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] Merry Christmasbyjansymello
- VNBibliography: Correctionbyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] An amusing contrast in PF's lines about "human life"byjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] TOoL Query: Title pagebyjansymello
- Amis-James debate: CORRECTIONbyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] Images from "Bravo" (Dec.2009) Reviewbyjansymello
- [NABOBOV-L] ToOL and a sighting about an expedition to Xingu
(Brazil).byjansymello - [NABOKOV-L] ToOL in "Bravo"byjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] TOoL and Wild's Homunculusbyjansymello
- SIGHTING: TLS review of TOoLbyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] [TOoL] O Original de Laura, coverbyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] TOoL - reviews in Portuguese and various linksbyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] Sighting: 1977 Obituary ( "VEJA" magazine )byjansymello
- Re: [TOoL] Laura Number One in Russiabyjansymello
- Re: [TOoL] Laura Number One in Russiabyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] Lets: sounds, inlets and doubletsbyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] TOoL, Longwood and a silent seedbyjansymello
- Fw: [NABOKV-L] Christmas Season bustle and Nabokov
revisited:correctedbyjansymello - [NABOKOV-L] Sighintg: discussing Lolitabyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] Villa Neptune,circa 1920: Cloud,CAstle,Lake?byjansymello
- Chip Kidd:Covers for Brazilian edition of Nabokovbyjansymello
- Nabokov butterfliesbyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] St.Peterburg Times, ToOLbyjansymello
- [NABOKOV_L] Boticelli's Flora and Laurabyjansymello
- Fw: [NABOKV-L] Chip Kidd on VN Covers ...byjansymello
- Re: Re : [NABOKV-L] "-lets"byjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] Holograph and copied text: To Pushkin (On Translating
Eugene Onegin)byjansymello - Re: "-lets" IIbyjansymello
- Re: TOoL--two more reviewsbyjansymello
- Re: "-lets"byjansymello
- Fw: [NABOKOV-L}Playboy mispels TOoLbyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] From TOoL's lyric backs to KQK's Lollobrigidabyjansymello
- Re: TOoL: Note on iambic rhythm and correctionbyjansymello
- Fw: [NABOKV-L] Gogol & Nabokovbyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] Non-schlarly Sighting: Playboy's TOoLbyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] Evanescent Kings according to Dave Haan and TOoLbyjansymello
- Re: TOoLbyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] [Sighting] John Shade and hyperprismatic crackpotterybyjansymello
- Re: TOoL: elliptical self-portraiture ...byjansymello
- Re: Nabokov’s Notes For “The Origin a l of Laura” Go on the Auction Blo ck -and a SIGHTINGbyjansymello
- Fw: [NABOKV-L] TOoL ( reviews)byjansymello
- Fw: [NABOKV-L] NEWSbyjansymello
- Fw: [NABOKV-L] NY Times "Original of Laura" Review ...byjansymello
- Re: [NABOKOV-L] [QUERY] Balagur/ Balaganchikbyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] [SIGHTING] Yours Truly: reviewbyjansymello
- Re: Nabokov’s Notes For “The Origin al of Laura” Go on the Auction Block -and a SIGHTINGbyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] [QUERY] Balagur/ Balaganchikbyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] Punch and Judy in relation to Punchinello:wild leapsbyjansymello
- Re: The Nabokov Collection ...byjansymello
- Fw: [NABOKOV-L] Pale Fire and Vrubel's six winged Seraphim;
Lolita and Mirandolabyjansymello - [ NABOKOV-L] Pierrot and Harlequin by Picassobyjansymello
- Fw: [NABOKOV-L] Harlequin as Quilty?byjansymello
- Re: ex Pontobyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] SIGHTING Image from article by France Presse,
Nova York, about TOoLbyjansymello - Re: THOUGHTS: Frost, Tigrisbyjansymello
- Re: ANNC: Reader's Guide to Nabokov's Lolitabyjansymello
- Fw: [NABOKV-L] Frost/Shade Querybyjansymello
- Ada's first lines; Pontiusbyjansymello
- Re: [NABOKOV-L] Et In Arcadia Egobyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] [Correction] Goldsmithi, not Wordsmithi...byjansymello
- Re: [NABOKOV-L] Et In Arcadia Ego IIbyjansymello
- Re: [NABOKOV-L] Et In Arcadia Ego, correction and addition.byjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] Et In Arcadia Egobyjansymello
- Re: Ada as an islandbyjansymello
- Re: Lastochkabyjansymello
- Re: Nabokov and Jules Vernebyjansymello
- Re: Nabokov and Jules Vernebyjansymello
- Re: Nabokov and Jules Vernebyjansymello
- Re: Nabokov and Jules Vernebyjansymello
- Re: [ NABOKOV-L] [SIGHTING] favorite characters and novelsbyjansymello
- Re: [ NABOKOV-L] [SIGHTING] favorite characters and novelsbyjansymello
- Nabokov and Jules Vernebyjansymello
- [ NABOKOV-L] [SIGHTING] favorite characters and novelsbyjansymello
- Re: [NABOKOV-L] A Viennese in Pale Fire: "Bera" and "Fountain"
transformationsbyjansymello - [NABOKOV-L] A Viennese in Pale Fire: "Bera" and "Fountain"
transformationsbyjansymello - Fw: [NABOKV-L] [NABOKOV-L] [ Sighting] [QUERY] Ada's first lines:
Tolstoy's ouroborusbyjansymello - Re: Ada and Lucettebyjansymello
- Re: Ada's first lines; Pontiusbyjansymello
- Re: [NABOKOV-L] [ Sighting] [QUERY] Ada's first lines: Pontiusbyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] [ Sighting] [QUERY] Ada's first lines: Pontiusbyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] [ Sighting] [QUERY] Ada's first lines: Pontiusbyjansymello
- Re: [QUERY: SPEAK MEMORY]byjansymello
- Re: QUERY: SPEAK, MEMORYbyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] [SIGHTING] Vladimir Nabokov = Lolitabyjansymello
- Re: [NABOKOV-L] [QUERY: SPEAK MEMORY]byjansymello
- Re: [NABOKOV-L] [QUERY: SPEAK MEMORY]byjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] [TANGENTIAL NABOKOV] Sherlock, Bend Sinister,
Footprints...byjansymello - Fw: [NABOKV-L] QUERY: Who killed Shade, clarification needed]byjansymello
- Re: Minor McFate sightingbyjansymello
- Re: from Ron Rosenbaum re: an encounter with <Laura>]byjansymello
- Fw: SIGHTINGS: When Writers Speakbyjansymello
- Re: from Ron Rosenbaum re: an encounter with <Laura>]byjansymello
- Re: A sighting, a recommendation, a thanksbyjansymello
- Re: from Ron Rosenbaum re: an encounter with <Laura>]byjansymello
- Re: from Ron Rosenbaum re: an encounter with <Laura>]byjansymello
- Re: [Query] [THOUGHT] E.Wilson, Freud, Nabokovbyjansymello
- Re: [Query] [THOUGHT] E.Wilson, Freud, Nabokovbyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] More about book covers and Chip Kiddbyjansymello
- Re: Book designer: Jackets are his racket ...byjansymello
- Re: Boyd: Machado and Nabokovbyjansymello
- [NABOV-L] Sighting: VN and Kubrickbyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] Bend Sinister and infidelitybyjansymello
- Clarice Lispector and Nabokovbyjansymello
- Re: THOUGHTS: Pale Fire and The Cream of the Jestbyjansymello
- Re: QUERY: Ouspenskybyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] [Sighting] Fragments about Hitchcock/Nabokovbyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] [Sighiting] Shteyngart mentions Nabokov through
G.Greenebyjansymello - [NABOKOV-L] [Sighting,
Events] Brian Boyd on Machado de Assis and Nabokov, Rio, 2009byjansymello - [NABOKOV-L] [ Explorers, Madmen, Mystics] NYT on hoaxes,
Cook and Peary, Johnson and Humbertbyjansymello - "Lolita" review ...PS ( a correction)byjansymello
- Re: "Lolita" review ...byjansymello
- Re: "Lolita" review ...byjansymello
- Nabokov in passenger seatbyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] [Synasthetic and Kinesthetic Caprices: Tchekhov,
Gogol, Nabokov]byjansymello - Re: [NABOKOV-L] [TANGENTIAL NABOKOV] Anton Chekhov and synesthesiabyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] [TANGENTIAL NABOKOV] Anton Chekhov and synesthesiabyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] [ Sighting] Nabokov and Chostakóvitchbyjansymello
- Re: Von Humboldt/Humbert reply to the reply of my query.byjansymello
- Re: Von Humboldt/Humbert reply to the reply of my query.byjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] [THOUGHTS] Lolita and Galatea circularitiesbyjansymello
- Re: QUERY: Alexander von Humbert.byjansymello
- Re: QUERY: Alexander von Humbert.byjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] [QUOTES] Funnybone future and a mosaicbyjansymello
- Vladimir N abokov\\udc92s c ollection of bu tterf ly genital ia ...byjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] Can we blame Kinbote?byjansymello
- Re: THOUGHTS: dates in THE GIFT, Yuri Leving's concordancebyjansymello
- Yuri Leving's online concordance to Nabokov's "The Gift" (second)byjansymello
2002] Driving in the Snow: Ithaca and N...byjansymello - Re: Yuri Leving's online concordance to Nabokov's "The Gift"byjansymello
2002] Driving in the Snow: Ithaca and New Wyebyjansymello - [NABOKOV-L] [SIGHTING,
2002] Driving in the Snow: Ithaca and New Wyebyjansymello - Re: [Fwd: Blog Sighting With Comments On Original of Laura]byjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] Tangential Nabokov: Infinite fore and aftertime...byjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] [REVIEW] Gavriel Shapiro and Nabokovbyjansymello
- Re: [NABOKOV-L] TOOL and the Advance PW Reviewbyjansymello
- Re: [NABOKOV-L][Tangential Nabokov] Demonic nymphtets: the beauty
and the beastbyjansymello - [NABOKOV-L][Tangential Nabokov] Demonic nymphtets: the beauty and
the beastbyjansymello - Re: SIGHTING: Philly Lit. Examinerbyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] TOOL and the Advance PW Reviewbyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] Tangential Nabokov: curiosities and fluffbyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] [THOUGHTS] Machado de Assis and Nabokovbyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] Sightings in a Gallimard 2003 editionbyjansymello
- [NABOKOV] Ranking in a list of the 100 essential booksbyjansymello
- Re: THOUGHTS re My cuebyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] Goethe's and Mann's cradle-gondolabyjansymello
- Re: L N G of Qbyjansymello
- Re: THOUGHTS re: "My Cue"byjansymello
- Re: THOUGHTS re: "My Cue"byjansymello
- Re: NEWS sightings from S.P.Kleinbyjansymello
- Fw: [NABOKV-L] Fw: [NABOKOV-L] On plums and Bend Sinister,PSbyjansymello
- Re: Fw: [NABOKOV-L] On plums and Bend Sinister,PSbyjansymello
- Re: Fw: [NABOKOV-L] On plums and Bend Sinister,PSbyjansymello
- Re: Fw: [NABOKOV-L] On plums and Bend Sinister,PSbyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] [QUERY] Sybil Shade as a pseudonymbyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] On plums and Bend Sinisterbyjansymello
- Fw: [NABOKOV-L] On plums and Bend Sinister,PSbyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] Lost in Translation: a plum on Albinus Kretschmarbyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] Wakes, anniversaries and birthdays: a game of worldsbyjansymello
- Re: [nabokov-l] Google Alert - James Joycebyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] Evolution, animal classification, Poe and Conchologybyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] Tamerlane and conchology: E.A. Poe and plagiarismbyjansymello
- [nabokov-l] Google Alert - vladimir nabokovbyjansymello
- Re: THOUGHTS: VN and intelligent designbyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] Nabokov sighting through S.K-Bootle and some Mathbyjansymello
- [nabokov-l] Google Alert - vladimir nabokovbyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] Exploring linksbyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] Pursuing a blogger's link towards BBC Interviewsbyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] Blogs dealing with Nabokovbyjansymello
- Re: VN SIGHTING? "Morrie and the Grand Potato"byjansymello
- Re: VN SIGHTING? "Morrie and the Grand Potato"byjansymello
- THOUGHTS: PF and poetic pastiches in novel form (Byatt's
Possession)byjansymello - [NABOKOV-L] Sighting: Google Alert - vladimir nabokovbyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] [Query] Iridule, a PSbyjansymello
- Re: QUERY: Iridulebyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] Iridules: a technical question.byjansymello
- Re: Happy Bloomsday with a VN Sighting in NY Times OpEdbyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] Pale Fire's Rousseaubyjansymello
- Fw: [NABOKV-L] "Nabokov's Code",
wa s made especially for the Nabo kov Museum ...byjansymello - [NABOKOV-L] authorship, freedom and God in Zemblabyjansymello
- Re: VN Bibliography & online essay.byjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] [ QUERY] Pale Fire: crystal on crystal ( long)byjansymello
- novelist Vladimir Nabokov ...byjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] [Query] Kinbote's ping-pong tables and twinningsbyjansymello
- Re: THOUGHTS: Earthlights in PF? Also Therese Humbertbyjansymello
- Re: [NABOKOV-L] Castor, lightining... a Querybyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] Pale Fire mirror-words and marrowskiesbyjansymello
- Re: THOUGHTS: Brown review and Russian Lolitabyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] Castor, lightining... a Querybyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] Pale Fire and another reference to "Pale Flambeau" (
Rameau's Castor et Pollux libretto)byjansymello - Re: The New Republic 1958 - Lolita review ...byjansymello
- Re: THOUGHTS: Derivation of Luzhin's namebyjansymello
- : [NABOKV-L] first para graph of V ladimir Na bo kov’s “L olita” ...byjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] Tangencial Nabokovbyjansymello
- Re: THOUGHTS: Nabokov's Van Veen as a distant relative of
Pushkin's Onegin and Lermontov's Pechorinbyjansymello - [NABOKOV-L] New words,
archive on prone versus supine and Huxley's cline.byjansymello - Through the Charlotte Haze ...byjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] Images and quotes about Assyrian beards,
Persian blues, Ada and Tartars...byjansymello - Re: [NABOKOV-L] Conjectures on Assyrian black and blue beardsbyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] Conjectures on Assyrian black and blue beardsbyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] A clock-work gardener with wheel-barrowbyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] Harbingers and Don's note on a "back-quote"byjansymello
- Re: THOUGHTS: ardilla in ADAbyjansymello
- Re: THOUGHTS: JF's replies to Andrea Pitzer and Jansy Mellobyjansymello
- Re: THOUGHTS: Roth/DeRewal article in NOJ, Part 1byjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] John Webster's wolf, Eliot's dog, Kinbote's fox...byjansymello
- Re: RESPONSE to Aisenberg on Pale Fire's epigraph etc.byjansymello
- Re: THOUGHTS on Jim Twiggs's /Pale Fire/ essaybyjansymello
- Re: NEWS: Dr. John Rae's Arctic Explorationsbyjansymello
- Re: NEWS: Dr. John Rae's Arctic Explorationsbyjansymello
- Re: THOUGHTS: Roth/DeRewal article in NOJbyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] Pushkin's Cat in Chains, fugue and counterpoint.byjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] Linguistic and Psewudo-Entomological issuesbyjansymello
- Re: Russian novelist Vladimir Nabokov ...byjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] [QUERY] Stuffed owlbyjansymello
- Re: AFTERTHOUGHTS: Plato in Pale Firebyjansymello
- Russian novelist Vladimir Nabokov ...byjansymello
- Re: QUERY: Sources for "empyrean" and "blue-tinted or
rose-shaded" quotes in VNbyjansymello - [NABOKOV-L] News on Nabokovbyjansymello
- Re: Tribute from a (very) buff Orpingtonbyjansymello
- Re: AFTERTHOUGHTS: Plato in Pale Firebyjansymello
- NABOKOV-L] Added quotes about "timing" from VN and Bowers.byjansymello
- Re: THOUGHTS: kot or in Pale Fire and otrok in Pushkinbyjansymello
- Fw: [NABOKV-L] VN's Triptych, PSbyjansymello
- Re: THOUGHTS: Proof beyond ultimate proof--I mean,
plausibility argument (long)byjansymello - Re: THOUGHTS: Gunshots & MPD, Suspicious Supernaturalismbyjansymello
- THOUGHTS: Gunshots & MPD, Suspicious Supernaturalismbyjansymello
- Fw: [NABOKOV-L] A Preterist's preterition in Pale Firebyjansymello
- Re: THOUGHTS: Hazel in Pale Fire and Solus Rexbyjansymello
- Re: THOUGHTS: Nitsa - Bol'nitsa in Pale Firebyjansymello
- Re: THOUGHTS: Proof beyond ultimate proof--I mean,
plausibility argument (long)byjansymello - Re: From Russia with love ...byjansymello
- Re: THOUGHTS: kot or in PF & learned cat in Pushkinbyjansymello
- Re: VNBibliography: Rudolf Sardi. An approa ch to VN's "Öth erworld"byjansymello
- Re: THOUGHTS: Sally Beauchampbyjansymello
- kot or in Pale Firebyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] [Query] Ada and Dolores: Our Lady's Tearsbyjansymello
- Fw: [NABOKV-L] THOUGHTS: Alexandrov and Ethicsbyjansymello
- Fw: [NABOKV-L] kot or in Pale Firebyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] THOUGHTS Alexandrov: Authorship and Ethicsbyjansymello
- Fw: [NABOKV-L][LINKS ON LINE] Nabokov’s u npublished college lecturebyjansymello
- Re: the meaning of preteristbyjansymello
- Re: was Can anyone identify this; now THOUGHTS re Sybil and Disabyjansymello
- Re: de fencing lessons] Thanatusbyjansymello
- Re: the meaning of preteristbyjansymello
- de fencing lessons] Thanatusbyjansymello
- Can anyone identify this?]byjansymello
- Fw: [NABOKOV-L] Bobolinks and Apopheniabyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] Aunt Maud's Indexbyjansymello
- Re: de fencing lessons]byjansymello
- Re: de fencing lessons]byjansymello
- Re: de fencing lessonsbyjansymello
- Re: de fencing lessonsbyjansymello
- Re: [NABOKOV-L] Ada and Bras d'Or]byjansymello
- Re: SIGHTING--new essay on Lolita by Francine Prosebyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] Pale Fire Foils,
Fleurets and Flowerlets and Fleur De Fylerbyjansymello - Re: de fencing lessonsbyjansymello
- Re: SIGHTING--new essay on Lolita by Francine Prosebyjansymello
- Re: Giving up DEFENSEbyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] Ada and Bras d'Orbyjansymello
- Re: reading ADA anagramaticallybyjansymello
- Re: Magritte and Pale Fire..dictionaries and expelled wordsbyjansymello
- Re: reading ADA anagramaticallybyjansymello
- Giving up DEFENSEbyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] [Query] Aleister Crowley/Cammell/numbersbyjansymello
- Re: THOUGHTS: Reply to Joseph Aisenberg on the supernatural in
/Pale Fire/]byjansymello - Re: Response to Aisenberg on Hegel's Holidaybyjansymello
- Re: Subject:,Re: [NABOKV-L] THOUGHTS: More bits of S in K,
and vice-versabyjansymello - Re: THOUGHTS: More bits of S in K, and vice-versabyjansymello
- Re: Magritte and Pale Firebyjansymello
- Re: madness and avian theme in Pale Fire]byjansymello
- Magritte and Pale Firebyjansymello
- Re: OBSERVATION: Blog on Russians and Squirrelsbyjansymello
- Re: THOUGHTS: re: Rortybyjansymello
- Re: THOUGHTS on Susan's note to Sergeibyjansymello
- THOUGHTS: hypnosis, free-association in PFbyjansymello
- Re: uses Nabok ov’s Humbe rt Humbert t o show . ..byjansymello
- Re: THOUGHTS: More bits of S in K, and vice-versa]byjansymello
- Re: THOUGHTS: More bits of S in K, and vice-versabyjansymello
- Re: [NABOKOV-L] Through the Looking Glass, a Post-Scriptumbyjansymello
- Re: THOUGHTS: More bits of S in K, and vice-versabyjansymello
- Fw: [NABOKOV-L] [SIGHTING] Umberto Eco mentions "lolitic" Nausicaabyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] Through the Looking Glass, a Post-Scriptumbyjansymello
- Re: THOUGHTS: More bits of S in K, and vice-versa]byjansymello
- THOUGHTS: More bits of S in K, and vice-versabyjansymello
- Fwd: Lolita Paradoxbyjansymello
- Re: a bit of S in Kbyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] JL Borges and a whiff of Pnin and Pale Fire academebyjansymello
- Re: PF fugue made simple: Escape/Chase/Insanity (repeat)byjansymello
- Re: Pale Fire's (fatal?) Flawbyjansymello
- Re: VN on Dickens, Jekyll & Hydebyjansymello
- Re: P...F proof?byjansymello
- Re: VN on Dickens, Jekyll & Hydebyjansymello
- Re: [NABOKOV-L] [QUERY] Padus racemosabyjansymello
- Re: VN and the Jekyll and Hyde movie (the good one) - SPECULATIVE
QUERY]byjansymello - [NABOKOV-L] [QUERY] Padus racemosabyjansymello
- Re: THOUGHTS: Dickensbyjansymello
- Re: THOUGHTS:Donald Cammell/Pale Fire Screenplaybyjansymello
- perils of learning Russianbyjansymello
- [ Nabokov-l] Sighting: Nabokov, Saul Steinberg, Millor Fernandesbyjansymello
- Re: Nabokov in Makine]byjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] [on translation] Pale Fire and spine-thrillsbyjansymello
- Re: One Ginbyjansymello
- Re: THOUGHTS: acrostrich]byjansymello
- Fw: [NABOKV-L] THOUGHTS: more and final 'fatally flawed'?]byjansymello
- Re: THOUGHTS: Derzhavin's Acrostic]byjansymello
- THOUGHTS: Derzhavin's acrostic (was "New Republic" etc)byjansymello
- Re: The New Republic review of Verses and Versions]byjansymello
- Re: new in Zemblabyjansymello
- Re: [NABOKOV-L] Sighting (celadon eyes; light of my life)byjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] Sighting (celadon eyes; light of my life)byjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] [SIGHTING] reference to VN,
through ons of his translators, Jorio Dauster.byjansymello - [NABOKOV-L] [THOUGHTS] magic number one and then two...( a
correction)byjansymello - Left/Levyibyjansymello
- Re: THOUGHTS: Fitzgerald's Rubaiyat; Eberthella Hurleybyjansymello
- Re: THOUGHTS: Fitzgerald's Rubaiyat; Eberthella Hurleybyjansymello
- Re: THOUGHTS: Fitzgerald's Rubaiyat; Eberthella Hurleybyjansymello
- Re: THOUGHTS: Fitzgerald's Rubaiyat; Eberthella Hurleybyjansymello
- Re: THOUGHTS re: Botkin, V.byjansymello
- Re: THOUGHTS re: Botkin, V.byjansymello
- Re: [NABOKOVL] [Idle conjectures] Werewolves,
Vsleslav and...paradisesbyjansymello - [NABOKOVL] [Idle conjectures] Werewolves, Vsleslav and...paradisesbyjansymello
- Re: Propose a limited-edition artist's book of The Real Life of
Sebastian Knightbyjansymello - Re: Updike on Nabokovbyjansymello
- Anthologies, sf sighting, new version of timelinebyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] Pnin and missed time-lines: how old was Victor..?byjansymello
- Re: Albion and black albinosbyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] Further evidence cf. S K-B and DZ for oriole
derivationbyjansymello - Re: THOUGHTS re citations in DZ annotations--ombriole --lithophanebyjansymello
- Re: More comments on Boyd's Annotations: Mascodagamabyjansymello
- Re: [NABOKOV] Notes on Pale Fire, D.Zimmerbyjansymello
- Re: Albion and black albinosbyjansymello
- [NABOKOV] Notes on Pale Fire, D.Zimmerbyjansymello
- Re: QUERY & THOUGHT: Fahles Feuer, Citing the List, Todd Rdbyjansymello
- Re: QUERY Nabokov and Roman Jakobson]byjansymello
- Re: Albionbyjansymello
- Re: QUERY Nabokov and Roman Jakobsonbyjansymello
- Re: [NABOKOV-L] St.Anthony's fire and John Raybyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] Sighting in Portuguese: Ivan Junqueirabyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] St.Anthony's fire and John Raybyjansymello
- Re: QUERY Lolita scenebyjansymello
- Re: Doc Datamancer via Humbert Humbird ...byjansymello
- [NABOVOV] [QUERY] Last moments: Nabokov and Dostoievskibyjansymello
- Re: was Two from SKB; renamed VN'S Scots Sourcesbyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] [Verses and Versions] Fyodor Tyutchevbyjansymello
- Re: In his book Lolita ...byjansymello
- Re: EDNote: responses to Schneider's "review"byjansymello
- Re: Thoughts: Southey and McDiarmidbyjansymello
- Re: Helen Mirren as Lolita?byjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] [THOUGHTS II] Attractors,
form limits and jumps in nature?byjansymello - Re: Two from SKBbyjansymello
- Re: DN re Nymphetbyjansymello
- Re: Two from SKBbyjansymello
- Re: DEFINITIONS: Nymphetbyjansymello
- Re: Hugh MacDiarmid's "Lallans" and Nabokov's " my Lalage"?byjansymello
- Two from SKBbyjansymello
- [ NABOKOV-L] Mesdames et messieurs - a PS, if I may?byjansymello
- Fw: [NABOKV-L] Lolita: Nymphet? Or Larvalet?byjansymello
- Re: Hugh MacDiarmid's "Lallans" and Nabokov's " my Lalage"?byjansymello
- THOUGHTS: Charlotte Hayes in LObyjansymello
- McDiarmid, Southey, etc.byjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] Hugh MacDiarmid's "Lallans" and Nabokov's " my
Lalage"?byjansymello - Re: MacDiarmid, Southey, etc.byjansymello
- Re: THOUGHTS: Nabokov and Machadobyjansymello
- THOUGHTS: Nabokov and Machadobyjansymello
- Re: Responses to Nabokov and Walt Disney (Duck Amuck)byjansymello
- QUERY: Bend Sinister poem?byjansymello
- QUERY: Bend Sinister poem?byjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] Moonshining in Bend Sinister and TRLSKbyjansymello
- QUERY: Swinburne, Dolores, Mazeppabyjansymello
- VN Sighting, actually Lolita's.byjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] sighting, 2007 The little black book:Booksbyjansymello
- Re: THOUGHTS: Buttons on the Leftbyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] Lolita, Dolores Haze ,Swinburnebyjansymello
- Fw: [NABOKV-L] [NABOKOV-L] Query on Alps, Bera range,
Algonquin...Birchesbyjansymello - Re: QUERY: Bend Sinister poem?byjansymello
- Re: QUERY: Dostoevsky and Nabokovbyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] Swinburne, Dolores, Mazeppa , a querybyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] Swinburne and Doloresbyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] Lolita, Dolores Haze ,Swinburnebyjansymello
- Re: Fw: [NABOKOV-L] Third Man and Pushkin's Requiembyjansymello
- Re: [NABOKOV-L] Query on Alps, Bera range, Algonquin...Birchesbyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] Duels, Darwin, Miragesbyjansymello
- Re: Fw: [NABOKOV-L] Third Man and Pushkin's Requiembyjansymello
- Post Script to cithereal mollitude (added paragraph)byjansymello
- Fw: [NABOKOV-L] Third Man and Pushkin's Requiembyjansymello
- Post Script to [NABOKOV-L] cithereal mollitude (Verses and
Versions)byjansymello - [NABOKOV-L] VERSES AND VERSIONSbyjansymello
- THOUGHTS/ BIB: On VN and Borgesbyjansymello