NABOKV-L posts by author: G S Lipon
- Re: mandiblebyG S Lipon
- Re: [Query] Nabokov in anthologies/readersbyG S Lipon
- THOUGHT: VN's aestheticbyG S Lipon
- Re: VN's Knowledge of FrostbyG S Lipon
- "My husband...has not read much Frost."byG S Lipon
- Re: on Shakespeare (1924)byG S Lipon
- on Shakespeare (1924)byG S Lipon
- Re: VN's poetic genius and PF poembyG S Lipon
- Re: Seeking information on Nabokov's poem "Shakespeare" (1924)?byG S Lipon
- Re: The "56 days" conundrum in "Lolita"byG S Lipon
- Humbert's RemorsebyG S Lipon
- Re: DN: "Stang" and "Beaver" reminiscencesbyG S Lipon
- for Humbert HumbertbyG S Lipon
- The Devil in Skazka & the English Linguist in Pale FirebyG S Lipon
- Where are they now?byG S Lipon
- Pale Fire, the poem, as myth, 2byG S Lipon
- Pale Fire, the poem, as mythbyG S Lipon
- Re: Prisons, Cages and Neon-barsbyG S Lipon
- The Raven & Pale FirebyG S Lipon
- On Shade's memorybyG S Lipon
- iridules & cloud iridescencebyG S Lipon
- on George CloynebyG S Lipon
- Re: query; music and NabokovbyG S Lipon
- QUERY: LaFontaine was wrong?byG S Lipon
- THOUGHT: The Little Scissors...byG S Lipon
- Re: Pale Fire's omniscience (and italics)byG S Lipon
- Re: Pale Fire's omnisciencebyG S Lipon
- The Whole Codology; methodsbyG S Lipon
- Re: Norman DouglasbyG S Lipon
- Re: THOUGHT: the whole codologybyG S Lipon
- and speaking of KeatsbyG S Lipon
- Re: THOUGHT: the whole codologybyG S Lipon
- Re: THOUGHT: the whole codologybyG S Lipon
- Re: THOUGHT: the whole codologybyG S Lipon
- THOUGHT: the whole codologybyG S Lipon
- Re: Poltergeists and DJ WestbyG S Lipon
- Lolita's eyes? vair!byG S Lipon
- THOUGHT Botkin, two allegoriesbyG S Lipon
- Re: BotkinbyG S Lipon
- Re: BotkinbyG S Lipon
- Re: Scry and mysteriesbyG S Lipon
- Re: [Fwd: Re: Botkin]byG S Lipon
- Re: model poetbyG S Lipon
- Re: Shade's little scissors as a synthesis of sun and starbyG S Lipon
- Re: from Ron Rosenbaum re: Botkin Hosital insanity wingbyG S Lipon
- Re: model poetbyG S Lipon
- Ginsburg as model for Kinbote?byG S Lipon
- SIGHTING: 52 year anniversary of Lolita's American PublicationbyG S Lipon
- THOUGHTs on Heflin, a little verse.byG S Lipon
- Nabokov on Botkin,byG S Lipon
- THOUGHTs on Botkin, Hodge, RashomonbyG S Lipon
- Re: from Ron Rosenbaum re Pale FiringsbyG S Lipon
- THOUGHTs about solutions re: Pale FirebyG S Lipon
- Re: LaughterbyG S Lipon
- Re: another invisible gorillabyG S Lipon
- Bloomsday, June 16, Ulysses SeenbyG S Lipon
- [THOUGHT] Hodge & catkinbyG S Lipon
- [THOUGHT] Hodge, the epigram in Pale FirebyG S Lipon
- [THOUGHT} the ironizing effects of Shade's madnessbyG S Lipon