Describing Gradus’ activities in Paris, Kinbote (in VN’s novel Pale Fire, 1962, Shade’s mad commentator who imagines that he is Charles the Beloved, the last self-exiled king of Zembla) mentions Oswin Bretwit, the former Zemblan consul in Paris:
I, too, was wont to draw my poet’s attention to the idyllic beauty of airplanes in the evening sky. Who could have guessed that on the very day (July 7) Shade penned this lambent line (the last one on his twenty-third card) Gradus, alias Degré, had flown from Copenhagen to Paris, thus completing the second lap of his sinister journey! Even in Arcady am I, says Death in the tombal scripture.
The activities of Gradus in Paris had been rather neatly planned by the Shadows. They were perfectly right in assuming that not only Odon but our former consul in Paris, the late Oswin Bretwit, would know where to find the King. They decided to have Gradus try Bretwit first. That gentleman had a flat in Meudon where he dwelt alone, seldom going anywhere except the National Library (where he read theosophic works and solved chess problems in old newspapers), and did not receive visitors. The Shadows’ neat plan sprung from a piece of luck. Suspecting that Gradus lacked the mental equipment and mimic gifts necessary for the impersonation of an enthusiastic Royalist, they suggested he had better pose as a completely apolitical commissioner, a neutral little man interested only in getting a good price for various papers that private parties had asked him to take out of Zembla and deliver to their rightful owners. Chance, in one of its anti-Karlist moods, helped. One of the lesser Shadows whom we shall call Baron A. had a father-in-law called Baron B., a harmless old codger long retired from the civil service and quite incapable of understanding certain Renaissance aspects of the new regime. He had been, or thought he had been (retrospective distance magnifies things), a close friend of the late Minister of Foreign Affairs, Oswin Bretwit’s father, and therefore was looking forward to the day when he would be able to transmit to “young” Oswin (who, he understood, was not exactly persona grata with the new regime) a bundle of precious family papers that the dusty baron had come across by chance in the files of a governmental office. All at once he was informed that now the day had come: the documents would be immediately forwarded to Paris. He was also allowed to prefix a brief note to them which read:
Here are some precious papers belonging to your family. I cannot do better than place them in the hands of the son of the great man who was my fellow student in Heidelberg and my teacher in the diplomatic service. Verba volant, scripta manent.
The scripta in question were two hundred and thirteen long letters which had passed some seventy years ago between Zule Bretwit, Oswin's grand-uncle, Mayor of Odevalla, and a cousin of his, Ferz Bretwit, Mayor of Aros. This correspondence, a dismal exchange of bureaucratic platitudes and fustian jokes, was devoid of even such parochial interest as letters of this sort may possess in the eyes of a local historian - but of course there is no way of telling what will repel or attract a sentimental ancestralist - and this was what Oswin Bretwit had always been known to be by his former staff. I would like to take time out here to interrupt this dry commentary and pay a brief tribute to Oswin Bretwit.
Physically, he was a sickly bald-headed man resembling a pallid gland. His face was singularly featureless. He had café-au-lait eyes. One remembers him always as wearing a mourning band. But this insipid exterior belied the quality of the man. From beyond the shining corrugations of the ocean I salute here brave Bretwit! Let there appear for a moment his hand and mine firmly clasping each other across the water over the golden wake of an emblematic sun. Let no insurance firm or airline use this insigne on the glossy page of a magazine as an ad badge under the picture of a retired businessman stupefied and honored by the sight of the technicolored snack that the air hostess offers him with everything else she can give; rather, let this lofty handshake be regarded in our cynical age of frenzied heterosexualism as a last, but lasting, symbol of valor and self-abnegation. How fervently one had dreamed that a similar symbol but in verbal form might have imbued the poem of another dead friend; but this was not to be... Vainly does one look in Pale Fire (oh, pale, indeed!) for the warmth of my hand gripping yours, poor Shade! (note to Line 286)
Kinbote's transatlantic handshake with Oswin Bretwit makes one think of rukopozhat'ye rokovoe na shatkom Nemanskom plotu (the fateful handshake on the precarious Neman raft) between Napoleon and Alexander I at Tilsit (now Sovetsk) on June 25, 1807:
(Entrevue de Napoléon Ier et d'Alexandre Ier sur le Niemen. 25 juin 1807, a 1808 historical painting by the French artist Adolphe Roehn)
Какая вещая Кассандра
Тебе пророчила беду?
О, будь, Россия Александра,
Благословенна и в аду!
Рукопожатье роковое
На шатком неманском плоту.
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
What prophetic Cassandra
did predict disaster to you?
O Alexander's Russia,
Be blessed even in hell!
The fateful handshake
on the precarious Neman raft.
(a 1915 fragment by Osip Mandelshtam)
Geographically, Kinbote's Zembla seems to correspond the Province of Kaliningrad (formerly, Königsberg), the westernmost exclave of Russia, situated on the Sambia (or Samland) Peninsula. Sovetsk (formerly, Tilsit) is a city in the Northeast of the Kaliningrad Oblast' (on the Lithaunian border). The capital of Zembla, Onhava seems to hint at heaven. In his fragment Mandelshtam mentions ad (hell).
According to Kinbote (the author of a book on surnames), the name Bretwit means Chess Intelligence:
But to return to the roofs of Paris. Courage was allied in Oswin Bretwit with integrity, kindness, dignity, and what can be euphemistically called endearing naïveté. When Gradus telephoned from the airport, and to whet his appetite read to him Baron B.'s message (minus the Latin tag), Bretwit's only thought was for the treat in store for him. Gradus had declined to say over the telephone what exactly the "precious papers" were, but it so happened that the ex-consul had been hoping lately to retrieve a valuable stamp collection that his father had bequeathed years ago to a now defunct cousin. The cousin had dwelt in the same house as Baron B., and with all these complicated and entrancing matters uppermost in his mind, the ex-consul, while awaiting his visitor, kept wondering not if the person from Zembla was a dangerous fraud, but whether he would bring all the albums at once or would do it gradually so as to see what he might get for his pains. Bretwit hoped the business would be completed that very night since on the following morning he was to be hospitalized and possibly operated upon (he was, and died under the knife).
If two secret agents belonging to rival factions meet in a battle of wits, and if one has none, the effect may be droll; it is dull if both are dolts. I defy anybody to find in the annals of plot and counterplot anything more inept and boring than the scene that occupies the rest of this conscientious note.
Gradus sat down, uncomfortably, on the edge of a sofa (upon which a tired king had reclined less than a year ago), dipped into his briefcase, handed to his host a bulky brown paper parcel and transferred his haunches to a chair near Bretwit's seat in order to watch in comfort his tussle with the string. In stunned silence Bretwit stared at what he finally unwrapped, and then said: "Well, that's the end of a dream. This correspondence has been published in 1906 or 1907 - no; 1906, after all - by Ferz Bretwit's widow - I may even have a copy of it somewhere among my books. Moreover, this is not a holograph but an apograph, made by a scribe for the printers - you will note that both mayors write the same hand."
"How interesting," said Gradus noting it.
"Naturally I appreciate the kind thought behind it," said Bretwit.
"We were sure you would," said pleased Gradus.
"Baron B. must be a little gaga," continued Bretwit, "but I repeat, his kind intention is touching. I suppose you want some money for bringing this treasure?"
"The pleasure it gives you should be our reward." answered Gradus. "But let me tell you frankly: we took a lot of pains in trying to do this properly, and I have come a long way. However, I want to offer you a little arrangement. You be nice to us and we'll be nice to you. I know your funds are somewhat -"
(Small-fish gesture and wink).
"True enough," sighed Bretwit.
"If you go along with us it won't cost you a centime."
"Oh, I could pay something" (Pout and shrug).
"We don't need your money" (Traffic-stopper's palm). "But here's our plan. I have messages from other barons for other fugitives. In fact, I have letters for the most mysterious fugitive of all."
"What!" cried Bretwit in candid surprise. "They know at home that His Majesty has left Zembla?" (I could have spanked the dear man.)
"Indeed, yes," said Gradus kneading his hands, and fairly panting with animal pleasure - a matter of instinct no doubt since the man certainly could not realize intelligently that the ex-consul's faux pas was nothing less than the first confirmation of the Kings presence abroad: "Indeed," he repeated with a meaningful leer, "and I would be deeply obliged to you if you would recommend me to Mr. X."
At these words a false truth dawned upon Oswin Bretwit and he moaned to himself: Of course! How obtuse of me! He is one of us! The fingers of his left hand involuntarily started to twitch as if he were pulling a kikapoo puppet over it, while his eyes followed intently his interlocutor's low-class gesture of satisfaction. A Karlist agent, revealing himself to a superior, was expected to make a sign corresponding to the X (for Xavier) in the one-hand alphabet of deaf mutes: the hand held in horizontal position with the index curved rather flaccidly and the rest of the fingers bunched (many have criticized it for looking too droopy; it has now been replaced by a more virile combination). On the several occasions Bretwit had been given it, the manifestation had been preceded for him, during a moment of suspense - rather a gap in the texture of time than an actual delay - by something similar to what physicians call the aura, a strange sensation both tense and vaporous, a hot-cold ineffable exasperation pervading the entire nervous system before a seizure. And on this occasion too Bretwit felt the magic wine rise to his head.
"All right, I am ready. Give me the sign," he avidly said.
Gradus, deciding to risk it, glanced at the hand in Bretwit's lap: unperceived by its owner, it seemed to be prompting Gradus in a manual whisper. He tried to copy what it was doing its best to convey - mere rudiments of the required sign.
"No, no," said Bretwit with an indulgent smile for the awkward novice. "The other hand, my friend. His Majesty is left-handed, you know."
Gradus tried again - but, like an expelled puppet, the wild little prompter had disappeared. Sheepishly contemplating his five stubby strangers, Gradus went through the motions of an incompetent and half-paralyzed shadowgrapher and finally made an uncertain V-for-Victory sign. Bretwit's smile began to fade.
His smile gone, Bretwit (the name means Chess Intelligence) got up from his chair. In a larger room he would have paced up and down - not in this cluttered study. Gradus the Bungler buttoned all three buttons of his tight brown coat and shook his head several times.
"I think," he said crossly, "one must be fair. If I bring you these valuable papers, you must in return arrange an interview, or at least give me his address."
"I know who you are," cried Bretwit pointing. "You're a reporter! You are from the cheap Danish paper sticking out of your pocket" (Gradus mechanically fumbled at it and frowned). "I had hoped they had given up pestering me! The vulgar nuisance of it! Nothing is sacred to you, neither cancer, nor exile, nor the pride of a king" (alas, this is true not only of Gradus - he has colleagues in Arcady too).
Gradus sat staring at his new shoes - mahogany red with sieve-pitted caps. An ambulance screamed its impatient way through dark streets three stories below. Bretwit vented his irritation on the ancestral letters lying on the table. He snatched up the neat pile with its detached wrapping and flung it all in the wastepaper basket. The string dropped outside, at the feet of Gradus who picked it up and added it to the scripta.
"Please, go," said poor Bretwit. "I have a pain in my groin that is driving me mad. I have not slept for three nights. You journalists are an obstinate bunch but I am obstinate too. You will never learn from me anything about my kind. Good-bye."
He waited on the landing for his visitor's steps to go down and reach the front door. It was opened and closed, and presently the automatic light on the stairs went out with the sound of a kick. (note to Line 286)
In the first stanza of his poem Dekabrist ("The Decembrist," 1917) Mandelshtam mentions shakhmaty (chess) being played nearby:
— Тому свидетельство языческий сенат —
Сии дела не умирают! —
Он раскурил чубук и запахнул халат,
А рядом в шахматы играют.
Честолюбивый сон он променял на сруб
В глухом урочище Сибири
И вычурный чубук у ядовитых губ,
Сказавших правду в скорбном мире.
Шумели в первый раз германские дубы,
Европа плакала в тенётах,
Квадриги чёрные вставали на дыбы
На триумфальных поворотах.
Бывало, голубой в стаканах пунш горит,
С широким шумом самовара
Подруга рейнская тихонько говорит,
Вольнолюбивая гитара.
— Ещё волнуются живые голоса
О сладкой вольности гражданства! —
Но жертвы не хотят слепые небеса:
Вернее труд и постоянство.
Всё перепуталось, и некому сказать,
Что, постепенно холодея,
Всё перепуталось, и сладко повторять:
Россия, Лета, Лорелея.
«To this the Senate serves as witness —
Such actions do not die»
Smoked a cigar and tucked his gown,
Chess players nearby.
The dreams of honor he exchanged for plot
In god-forsaken deep Siberian wilds
And elegant cigar at poisoned lips,
The truth of bitter world having revealed.
First German oaks rustle with their leaves
Then in the shadows Europe weeps and begs
At each triumphant angle of the curve
Quadrigae's stallions stand upon hind legs.
Once in our glass blue punch glowed
And with the sound much like a samovar
A girlfriend spoke quietly from afar,
The freedom-loving Rheinian guitar.
The voices of the living scream and cry
About the citizen's sweet liberty
But victims do not wish the open sky
But rather work and constancy.
All is confused, and nobody can hear
That it is getting colder every day
All is confused, and it is sweet to hear:
Russia, Lethe, and Lorelei.
(tr. I. Shambat)
The poem’s last line, Rossiya, Leta, Loreleya (Russia, Lethe, Lorelei), brings to mind Lethe that leaks in the dreary terms of defective plumbing in Kinbote’s commentary:
We all know those dreams in which something Stygian soaks through and Lethe leaks in the dreary terms of defective plumbing. Following this line, there is a false start preserved in the draft-and I hope the reader will feel something of the chill that ran down my long and supple spine when I discovered this variant:
Should the dead murderer try to embrace
His outraged victim whom he now must face?
Do objects have a soul? Or perish must
Alike great temples and Tanagra dust?
The last syllable of Tanagra and the first three letters of "dust" form the name of the murderer whose shargar (puny ghost) the radiant spirit of our poet was soon to face. "Simple chance!" the pedestrian reader may cry. But let him try to see, as I have tried to see, how many such combinations are possible and plausible. "Leningrad used to be Petrograd?" "A prig rad (obs. past tense of read) us?"
This variant is so prodigious that only scholarly discipline and a scrupulous regard for the truth prevented me from inserting it here, and deleting four lines elsewhere (for example, the weak lines 627-630) so as to preserve the length of the poem. (note to Line 596)
Leningrad (1930) is a poem by Mandelshtam:
Я вернулся в мой город, знакомый до слёз,
До прожилок, до детских припухлых желёз.
Ты вернулся сюда, так глотай же скорей
Рыбий жир ленинградских речных фонарей,
Узнавай же скорее декабрьский денёк,
Где к зловещему дёгтю подмешан желток.
Петербург! Я ещё не хочу умирать!
У тебя телефонов моих номера.
Петербург! У меня ещё есть адреса́,
По которым найду мертвецов голоса́.
Я на лестнице чёрной живу, и в висок
Ударяет мне вырванный с мясом звонок,
И всю ночь напролёт жду гостей дорогих,
Шевеля кандалами цепочек дверных.
‘ve returned to my city, it’s familiar in truth
To the tears, to the veins, swollen glands of my youth.
You are here once again, — quickly gulp in a trance
The fish oil of Leningrad’s riverside lamps.
Recognize this December day spreading far,
Where an egg yolk is mixed with the sinister tar.
I’m not willing yet, Petersburg, to perish in slumber:
It is you who retains all my telephone numbers.
I have plenty of addresses, Petersburg, yet,
Where I’m certain to find the voice of the dead.
In the dark of the staircase, my temple is threshed
By the knocker ripped out along with the flesh.
All night long, I await my dear guests like before
As I shuffle the shackles of the chains on the door.
(tr. A. Kneller)
VN's home city, St. Petersburg was renamed Petrograd in 1914 (after the beginning of World War I) and, ten years later (after Lenin’s death), Petrograd was renamed Leningrad. Peterburg (“Petersburg,” 1913) is a novel by Andrey Bely. Its characters include Graf Dubl’ve (Count Double-u), Apollon Apollonovich Ableukhov’s antagonist whose name hints at Count Witte (on Sept. 5, 1905, Witte, Korostovets and K. D. Nabokov signed the Treaty of Portsmouth that ended the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-05). Oswin Bretwit seems to blend Oswin (a king of Deira in northern England, died Aug. 20, 651) with Bret Harte (an American writer, 1836-1902) and Count Witte (1849-1915). Bret Harte’s story Colonel Starbottle’s Client (1892) brings to mind Starover Blue, the astronomer at Wordsmith University who was nicknamed by the students “Colonel Starbottle:”
Presumably, permission from Prof. Blue was obtained but even so the plunging of a real person, no matter how sportive and willing, into an invented milieu where he is made to perform in accordance with the invention, strikes one as a singularly tasteless device, especially since other real-life characters, except members of the family, of course, are pseudonymized in the poem.
This name, no doubt, is most tempting. The star over the blue eminently suits an astronomer though actually neither his first nor second name bears any relation to the celestial vault: the first was given him in memory of his grandfather, a Russian starover (accented, incidentally, on the ultima), that is, Old Believer (member of a schismatic sect), named Sinyavin, from siniy, Russ. "blue." This Sinyavin migrated from Saratov to Seattle and begot a son who eventually changed his name to Blue and married Stella Lazurchik, an Americanized Kashube. So it goes. Honest Starover Blue will probably be surprised by the epithet bestowed upon him by a jesting Shade. The writer feels moved to pay here a small tribute to the amiable old freak, adored by everybody on the campus and nicknamed by the students Colonel Starbottle, evidently because of his exceptionally convivial habits. After all, there were other great men in our poet's entourage – for example, that distinguished Zemblan scholar Oscar Nattochdag. (note to Line 627: The great Starover Blue)
"Leningrad used to be Petrograd?" and "A prig rad us" bring to mind Konrad Wallenrod (1828), a poem by Adam Mickiewicz, and Joseph Conrad (Józef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski, 1857-1924, an English writer who was Mickiewicz's compatriot). The Introduction to Konrad Wallenrod was translated into Russian by Pushkin:
Сто лет минуло, как тевтон
В крови неверных окупался;
Страной полночной правил он.
Уже прусак в оковы вдался,
Или сокрылся, и в Литву
Понёс изгнанную главу.
Между враждебными брегами
Струился Немен; на одном
Ещё над древними стенами
Сияли башни, и кругом
Шумели рощи вековые,
Духов пристанища святые.
Символ германца, на другом
Крест веры, в небо возносящий
Свои объятия грозящи,
Казалось, свыше захватить
Хотел всю область Палемона
И племя чуждого закона
К своей подошве привлачить.
С медвежьей кожей на плечах,
В косматой рысьей шапке, с пуком
Калёных стрел и с верным луком,
Литовцы юные, в толпах,
Со стороны одной бродили
И зорко недруга следили.
С другой, покрытый шишаком,
В броне закованный, верхом,
На страже немец, за врагами
Недвижно следуя глазами,
Пищаль, с молитвой, заряжал.
Всяк переправу охранял.
Ток Немена гостеприимный,
Свидетель их вражды взаимной,
Стал прагом вечности для них;
Сношений дружных глас утих,
И всяк, переступивший воды,
Лишён был жизни иль свободы.
Лишь хмель литовских берегов,
Немецкой тополью плененный,
Через реку, меж тростников,
Переправлялся дерзновенный,
Брегов противных достигал
И друга нежно обнимал.
Лишь соловьи дубрав и гор
По старине вражды не знали
И в остров, общий с давних пор,
Друг к другу в гости прилетали.
A HUNDRED years have passed since first the Order
Waded in blood of Northern heathenesse;
The Prussian now had bent his neck to chains,
Or, yielding up his heritage, removed With life alone.
The German followed after, Tracking the fugitive; he captive made
And murdered unto Litwa’s farthest bound.
Niemen divideth Litwa from the foe;
On one side gleam the sanctuary fanes,
And forests murmur, dwellings of the gods.
Upon the other shore the German ensign,
The cross, implanted on a hill, doth veil
Its forehead in the clouds, and stretches forth
Its threatening arms towards Litwa, as it would
Gather all lands of Palemon together,
Embrace them all, assembled ’neath its rule.
This side, the multitude of Litwa’s youth,
With kolpak of the lynx-hide and in skins
Clad of the bear, the bow upon their shoulders,
Their hands all filled with darts, they prowl around,
Tracking the German wiles. On the other side,
In mail and helmet armed, the German sits
Upon his charger motionless; while fixed
His eyes upon the entrenchments of the foe,
He loads his arquebuse and counts his beads.
And these and those alike the passage guard.
The Niemen thus, of hospitable fame,
In ancient days, uniting heritage
Of brother nations, now for them becomes
The threshold of eternity, and none,
But by foregoing liberty or life,
Cross the forbidden waters. Only now
A trailer of the Lithuanian hop,
Drawn by allurement of the Prussian poplar,
Stretches its fearless arms, as formerly,
Leaping the river, with luxuriant wreaths,
Twines with its loved one on a foreign shore.
The nightingales from Kowno’s groves of oak
Still with their brethren of Zapuszczan mount,
Converse, as once, in Lithuanian speech.
Or having on free pinions ’scaped, they fly,
As guests familiar, on the neutral isles.
(transl. from the Polish by Miss Maude Ashhurst Biggs, London, 1882)
The epigraph to Konrad Wallenrod is from Macchiavelli's The Prince (1532): “Dovete adunque sapere come sono due generazioni da combattere... bisogna essere volpe e leone.” MACCHIAVELLI, Il Principe.
Bisogna essere volpe e leone can be translated as "therefore you should be fox and lion." Lisa i vinograd is the Russian title of Aesop's fable The Fox and the Grapes. Kinbote calls Gradus (aka Vigogradus and Leningradus) "a cross between bat and crab:"
The grotesque figure of Gradus, a cross between bat and crab, was not much odder than many other Shadows, such as, for example, Nodo, Odon's epileptic half-brother who cheated at cards, or a mad Mandevil who had lost a leg in trying to make anti-matter. (note to Line 171)
Cypress and Bat is an oil by Shade's Aunt Maud:
It appears that in the beginning of 1950, long before the barn incident (see note to line 347), sixteen-year-old Hazel was involved in some appalling "psychokinetic" manifestations that lasted for nearly a month. Initially, one gathers, the poltergeist meant to impregnate the disturbance with the identity of Aunt Maud who had just died; the first object to perform was the basket in which she had once kept her half-paralyzed Skye terrier (the breed called in our country "weeping-willow dog"). Sybil had had the animal destroyed soon after its mistress's hospitalization, incurring the wrath of Hazel who was beside herself with distress. One morning this basket shot out of the "intact" sanctuary (see lines 90-98) and traveled along the corridor past the open door of the study, where Shade was at work; he saw it whizz by and spill its humble contents: a ragged coverlet, a rubber bone, and a partly discolored cushion. Next day the scene of action switched to the dining room where one of Aunt Maud's oils (Cypress and Bat) was found to be turned toward the wall. Other incidents followed, such as short flights accomplished by her scrapbook (see note to line 90) and, of course, all kinds of knockings, especially in the sanctuary, which would rouse Hazel from her, no doubt, peaceful sleep in the adjacent bedroom. But soon the poltergeist ran out of ideas in connection with Aunt Maud and became, as it were, more eclectic. All the banal motions that objects are limited to in such cases, were gone through in this one. Saucepans crashed in the kitchen; a snowball was found (perhaps, prematurely) in the icebox; once or twice Sybil saw a plate sail by like a discus and land safely on the sofa; lamps kept lighting up in various parts of the house; chairs waddled away to assemble in the impassable pantry; mysterious bits of string were found on the floor; invisible revelers staggered down the staircase in the middle of the night; and one winter morning Shade, upon rising and taking a look at the weather, saw that the little table from his study upon which he kept a Bible-like Webster open at M was standing in a state of shock outdoors, on the snow (subliminally this may have participated in the making of lines 5-12).
I imagine, that during that period the Shades, or at least John Shade, experienced a sensation of odd instability as if parts of the everyday, smoothly running world had got unscrewed, and you became aware that one of your tires was rolling beside you, or that your steering wheel had come off. My poor friend could not help recalling the dramatic fits of his early boyhood and wondering if this was not a new genetic variant of the same theme, preserved through procreation. Trying to hide from neighbors these horrible and humiliating phenomena was not the least of Shade's worries. He was terrified, and he was lacerated with pity. Although never able to corner her, that flabby, feeble, clumsy and solemn girl, who seemed more interested than frightened, he and Sybil never doubted that in some extraordinary way she was the agent of the disturbance which they saw as representing (I now quote Jane P.) "an outward extension or expulsion of insanity." They could not do much about it, partly because they disliked modern voodoo-psychiatry, but mainly because they were afraid of Hazel, and afraid to hurt her. They had however a secret interview with old-fashioned and learned Dr. Sutton, and this put them in better spirits. They were contemplating moving into another house or, more exactly, loudly saying to each other, so as to be overheard by anyone who might be listening, that they were contemplating moving, when all at once the fiend was gone, as happens with the moskovett, that bitter blast, that colossus of cold air that blows on our eastern shores throughout March, and then one morning you hear the birds, and the flags hang flaccid, and the outlines of the world are again in place. The phenomena ceased completely and were, if not forgotten, at least never referred to; but how curious it is that we do not perceive a mysterious sign of equation between the Hercules springing forth from a neurotic child's weak frame and the boisterous ghost of Aunt Maud; how curious that our rationality feels satisfied when we plump for the first explanation, though, actually, the scientific and the supernatural, the miracle of the muscle and the miracle of the mind, are both inexplicable as are all the ways of Our Lord. (note to Line 230)
Shade's Aunt Maud is a namesake Maude Ashurst Biggs (1856-1933), Mickiewicz's English translator and Polish nationalist. Starover Blue's mother, Stella Lazurchik is an Americanized Kashube. The Kashubians also known as Cassubians or Kashubs, are a Lechitic (West Slavic) ethnic group native to the historial region of Pomerania, including its eastern part called Pomerelia, in north-central Poland. The largest city of the Kashubia region is Gdansk (Germ., Danzig).