Баратынский (Боратынский) + Шеншин +
Владимир Набоков = Барбашин (Барбошин) + алтын + Вишневский + ад/да +
мир/Рим + окно
ад/да + мир/Рим + окно = дар + кимоно = командир
+ о = ком + родина
Баратынский (Боратынский) -
Evgeniy Baratynski (1800-44), the poet whose surname is sometimes
spelled 'Boratynski'
Шеншин - Shenshin, the
"real" name of Afanasiy Fet (1820-92)
Владимир Набоков - Vladimir
Барбашин - Leonid Viktorovich
Barbashin (in The Event, Lyubov's former lover of whom the
portrait painter Troshcheykin is mortally afraid; in The Waltz
Invention, Salvator Waltz's likely real name)
Барбошин - Alfred Afanasievich
Barboshin (the private detective whom Troshcheykin hired in order to protect
himself from Barbashin)
алтын - altyn (three-kopeck
piece); cf. Ne bylo ni grosha, da vdrug altyn ("The Easy Money," 1872),
a play by Ostrovski (its main character, Mikhey Mikheevich Krutitski, is a
namesake of Meshaev the Second, a characer in The Event); Tatar,
Вишневский - Vishnevski (in
The Event, the fat lawyer whom Troshcheykin consults after Barbashin's
unexpected release from prison and return to the city)
ад -
да - yes
мир - world;
Рим -
окно -
дар - gift; cf.
Dar ("The Gift," 1937), a novel by VN
кимоно - kimono; in The
Waltz Invention (Act Three), Waltz proposes to dress up the
Colonel (the Minister's former secretary who wanted to commit harakiri) as
a samurai
командир - commander
о - of, about, concerning; on;
against, etc.
ком - lump; ball; clod
родина - native land, mother
country; home, homeland
Alexey Sklyarenko