D. Barton Johnson seconds Brian Boyd's recommendation that Nabokovians seek the 10/31 issue of TLS, with a bit more info:
The Oct. 31, 2014 issue of TLS of has a cover pic and two VN
1) On pages 3-4 Eric Naiman reviews the new Penguin Classics
“Vladimir Nabokov’s Letters to Vera” translated by Olga Voronina & Brian
Boyd, 864pp Fully annotated. The US edition
will appear in 2015 or 2016.
2) On pp. 13-15, an essay by the redoubtable Gennady Barabtarlo
prefaces “Textures of Time: A dream experiment by VLADIMIR
NABOKOV.” In late 1964 VN kept a record of his
dreams in an effort to verify/refute the theories of the British
writer D. W. Dunne’s 1927 book in his “An Experiment with Time.”
D. Barton Johnson