Dear Alexey,
Driving into West Los angeles (in pursuit of a passport) I was musing on the
strange form that Homer's tale of the "Odyssy", as a title I mean. Should it not
be "Odyssiada" (as in that Pushkin poem mocking the virgin birth*).
Is it possible (anything being possible, granted) that Ada, as a title, could be
a truncated "...iada." And if so, what could the three dots have been, if indeed
they ever were, in Nabokov's mind. Vaniadaiada, perhaps (like my old idea of
yady ady).
*Gavriliada - that's the Pushkin title I was trying for.
Very pretty - when wet.
For Carolyn et al. The leaf of the ginko does indeed resemble the wings of a
Susan Elizabeth Sweeney
Co-Editor, NABOKV-L
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