According to my dictionary (Random House Webster), ermine
[Russ., gornostay] is also "the rank, position, or status of a
king, peer, or judge, esp. one in certain European countries who wears, or
formerly wore, a robe trimmed with ermine, as on official or state
Jesus entered Jerusalem as King of Israel: "Do not be afraid,
O Daughter of Zion; see, your king is coming, seated on a donkey's colt". (John,
Jesus was sometimes called "the son of David" (syn
Syn Davidov + de = sny + Avidov + ded
= Denis Davydov (de - particule; sny - dreams; Avidov - Baron
Klim Avidov; ded - grandfather; Denis Davydov - poet and hussar, 1784-1839).
In a letter ov November 25, 1892, to Suvorin Chekhov mentions
Denis Davydov: У одних, смотря по калибру, цели ближайшие
– крепостное право, освобождение родины, политика, красота или просто водка, как
у Дениса Давыдова, у других цели отдалённые - Бог, загробная жизнь, счастье
человечества и т. п. (Some [artists] have more immediate
objects—the abolition of serfdom, the liberation of their country, politics,
beauty, or simply vodka, like Denis Davydov; others have remote objects—God, life beyond
the grave, the happiness of humanity, and so
When they meet in Paris (3.2), Van tells Greg
Erminin that his father preferred to pass for a Chekhovian
Btw., here is a poem by VN (written in St. Moritz, on July 10,
Средь этих лиственниц и сосен,
горностаем этих гор
мне был бы менее несносен
существования позор:
однообразнее, быть может,
но без сомнения честней,
здесь бедный век мой
был бы прожит
вдали от вечности моей.
Among these larches and pines,
under the ermine of these mountains...
Re Armenia: in
Pushkin's poem "The Black Shawl" (1820) the young Greek girl whom the hero loved
passionately was unfaithful to him with an Armenian:
В покой отдалённый вхожу я один...
Неверную деву лобзал армянин.
I silently entered—alone and amazed;
Armenian was kissing the girl as I gazed. [pah]
Alexey Sklyarenko