[TWO Posts from Mike M follow:]
Mike M replies:
It wasn't Rabban Gamliel, it was his son Rabbi Shimon ben Gamliel, if
it's simchat bet hasho'evah that you're thinking about. The juggling
It's interesting how the Gamliel episode in the New Testament shows a
completely different side of the Pharisees, of whom he was the leading
figure, to the way they were otherwise portrayed -- as persecutors of
Jesus and his followers. It escaped the censors.
OK, now we are in my in my neck of the woods. Gamaliel is actually
associated with a verra verra minor Jewish holiday - wikipedia can
probably provide the details. He was an actual rabbi from the period of
the Talmud I believe.
-------- Original Message --------
Mike M replies:
That's a hell of a lot of reading!
All in the archives, children!