Many chess
players have no doubt seen The Luzhin
Defence, a movie based off
the novel (of the same name) by Vladimir Nabokov. In viewing this movie, one cannot help but to feel
empathy for the main character Alexander Ivanovich Luzhin, an eccentric Russian Grandmaster played credibly by
John Turturro. As a young boy, Luzhin lived a life of
privilege, but also one filled with contradictions and personal
challenges. He had one escape from the confusion that swirled around
his life… chess.
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John Turturro
as "Alexander Luzhin"
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Set in the
1920s era, Luzhin travels to Italy to compete in a top tournament
billed as the equivalence of the World Championship. He meets a
woman named Natalia
Kutkov (played by Emily Watson) with whom he falls in love and to whom he proposes
marriage. The entire story would unfold and a number of personal
challenges beset a troubled Luzhin: memories of a neglectful
childhood, Natalia's mother's opposition to the proposal and an
exploitive acquaintance from the past.
One of the most
intense moments came when Luzhin faced Dottore Turati,
an Italian Grandmaster played by Fabio Sartor.
Both had won their respective groups and would face off in the grand
finalé… the winner would be the World Champion. The game started off
1.Nf3 d5 and after a positional battle, both players got
into intense time pressure. The Dutch director Marleen Gorris was able to catch the emotions of the two players and
some very interesting board angles.
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In the time
scramble, the position in diagram #1 occurred. Turati had just
played Ne5 and had the advantage. Both players had a couple minutes
left and were feverishly blitzing out moves. The game continued 37…
Rd2 38.Nxd7+ Rxd7 39.Kf2 Bc5 (threatening Nxf4) 40.Kf3. Luzhin
paused, blitzed out 40… Re7 and pounded the clock. Turati played
41.Rc1 followed by Luzhin's 41…a6!? After 42.Nc3 Luzhin maniacally
slammed 42...Nxf4!?
on the board after which Turati
played 43.exf4 (diagram #2).
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Diagram #1
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Diagram #2
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As Luzhin
calculated the position, variations flashed about the board. Luzhin
seemed to be searching for something more than a move… perhaps
answers to his life. While at the board, Luzhin had an epiphany of
his deceased parents and his beloved aunt. During these visions,
Luzhin lost track of the game and his flag fell before his 43rd move
(diagram #2). They would adjourn the game and play the secondary
time control the next day. Spectators could be heard saying that
Luzhin's position was practically hopeless.
What would happen
next is sheer tragedy. After suffering a complete breakdown, being
told never to play chess again, and later being detoured from his
wedding, Luzhin lost himself and leaped from a window to "escape"
from the troubled past. Now with Luzhin dead, there would be no
completion of the match. While searching Luzhin's suit coat, wife
Natalia found his adjourned moves. After realizing what she had
found, Natalia contacted the tournament officials and requested to
play the moves posthumously for her husband.
Natalia entered
the hall with a demure and confident look. She took her seat and the
game continued, 43… Re3+ (sealed move) 44.Kg4 f5+ 45.Kg5 Kg7!
(threatening Be7 mate) 46.Nd5 (diagram #3). Using the sheet of paper
with "Luzhin's Defence," Natalia picked up the rook, played
46…Rh3!! and looked at Turati before releasing the piece. After
47.gxh3 (else 47…h6 is checkmate), Black triumphed with 47…h6+
48.Kh4 Bf2 mate!! (diagram #4) This is what Luzhin was so happy
about only moments before his initial emotional breakdown. A
satisfying ending!
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Diagram #3
(Luzhin finds
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Diagram #4
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The movie
is one a chess player can certainly appreciate and is crafted for a
mature audience. The chess scenes were realistic (thanks to the
film's chess advisor English GM Jonathan Speelman) and the movie set captured the 1920s prestige of the
chess circuit. Some viewers have even noted a resemblance to
Alekhine-Capablanca, but one thing is certain the movie is just as
much a lesson in triumph in values as it is triumph over the chess
board. Other chess movies such as "Fresh" and "Searching for Bobby
Fischer" have similar characteristics. "The Luzhin Defense" is
certainly worth seeing as mere words cannot even begin to capture
its resplendent craftsmanship. Well done!
Dr. Daaim Shabazz, The Chess
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