Dear NABOKV-L Editor & Co-Editors,
I’d like to draw your attention to the recently released Russian literary study: Иван Левдоров. Рукотворная фактология (заметки о “Юджине Онегине” В. Набокова). Москва, Вебов и Книгин, 2011, 108 сс., ISBN 978-5-905236-17-4. Although Google search for the Cyrillic author’s name shows up the Russian internet shops where the brochure’s printed & digital versions are available, it looks like those shops do not serve US customers. I’ve got and just read this quite remarkable facts-based study about Vladimir Nabokov as a literary scholar due to the Moscow friend of mine who purchased and sent it to me.
Moisey Teytelboym
52A Troy Drive
Springfield, NJ 07081