During google-search directed towards references joining "Borges and
Nabokov," I reached three old "sightings" - which I thought
might interest the List. (see below).
One of them, Ben Yagoda's in The New Yorker, led me to
Nabokov's ADA simply to gratify a whim related to his use of "the
hoity-toity boarding school," because it brought to my mind Aqua's
opening sentence in her farewell letter to husband and son*. ( Aqua
still hides many secrets from me)
Hoity-toity's standard meaning (pretentious, show off**), as found in
Nabokov's Speak,Memory***, apparently indicates something other
than simply Aqua's crazy multilingual word-plays (from the
French-aujourd'hui; the English-today and the German Heute), since
"toity", in her final message, is echoed in "toy" (and then it moves
towards "joy") and it reappers in "Estoty" or in "estoic": "esthetically, ecstatically, Estoitially..." as well.
Here are the "sightings":
1. The New Yorker reached into many of
our lives in many ways. I remember a couple myself. There was a New Yorker
scandal at the hoity-toity boarding school I went to in the fifties. For our
finals in English Literature, we seniors were given five or ten of the
Newsbreaks, along with sarcastic comment. We were asked to explain the humor of
the piece, and the reason for the comment. I can remember hearing sighs and boos
in the examination room because we knew we were victims of our English teachers'
obsession with a magazine which, as of yet, we didn't care for (except the
cartoons, and perhaps the stories by Salinger, which we felt were written for
us). Like most of the writers of my generation, I knew the only place worth
being published in America was at 25 West 43th Street. Over the years, I
probably collected fifty rejection slips from them. When one came in the mail,
there would be no anger, but, rather, an assumption that I had not yet reached
that place
, the place where I was good enough to appear in the same pages as
O'Hara, Shaw, Cheever, A. J. Liebling or Vladimir Nabokov. In other words, we
writers would criticise our own art, never the standards of the New Yorker.
Ben Yagoda
The New Yorker, Ben Yagoda, About Town
2. Aliens, aliases, and alibis: Alfau's 'Locos' as a metaphysical detective
story "http://www.thefreelibrary.com/Aliens,+aliases,+and+alibis%3A+Alfau's+'Locos'+as+a+metaphysical...-a013663065">Aliens,
aliases, and alibis: Alfau's 'Locos' as a metaphysical detective
Felipe Alfau, who began writing in English as a Spanish emigre to
America, can now take,his proper place in this assembly. Alfau's case provokes
similar questions about his classification within the canon: Is he a Spanish
writer? an American writer? a hyphenated hybrid? Or perhaps, like Borges,
Nabokov, and O'Brien, he is a different entity altogether, one of "the new
|esperantists'" - twentieth-century writers whose fiction is shaped by their
sense of linguistic and cultural exile....The works of emigre authors are
often obsessively autobiographical and "often accused of being repetitious
repetitious Asher Z. Milbauer argues, because they attempt to establish an
equilibrium "between the |now' and the |then,' between the |before' and the
|after'"- and, one might add, between the "here" and the "there." Alfau's novels
certainly seek such equilibrium. Each is a dazzling series of mises en abyme, in
which Madrilenos are situated in Toledo and Spaniards in America...
Alfau is an important early postmodernist, in part, because he anticipates
what McCarthy calls "the modernist novel as detective story detective story
{inset::detective story - Type of popular literature dealing with the
step-by-step investigation and solution of a crime, usually murder. " or the
metaphysical detective story - a genre that is typical of literary postmodernism
in its concern with parody, intertextuality Intertextuality is the shaping of
texts' meanings by other texts. It can refer to an author’s borrowing and
transformation of a prior text or to a reader’s referencing of one text in
reading another. , self-reflexivity, and hermeneutics. A metaphysical detective
story is a self-reflexive fiction which parodies detective-story conventions,
especially in terms of narrative closure and the detective's role as surrogate
reader. Rather than successfully solving a mystery, the detective confronts the
insoluble mysteries of his own interpretation and his own identity; Patricia
Merivale defines "a real metaphysical detective story," for example, as one in
which the hero "becomes, by |accident'or by |destiny,' the murderer he has been
seeking."(6) Although Edgar Allan Poe and G. K. Chesterton are important
influences, this experimental, open-ended, self-reflexive genre is usually
identified with fiction produced in the thirties and forties by Nabokov (The
Eye, Despair, and The Real Life of Sebastian Knight) and Borges ("The Garden of
Forking Paths" and "Death and the Compass "Death and the Compass" (original
Spanish title: "La muerte y la brújula") is a short story by Argentine writer
and poet Jorge Luis Borges. Published in Sur in May 1942, it was included in
the 1944 collection Ficciones. "), as Merivale argues in her comparative essay.
The genre is also illustrated by O'Brien's contemporaneous novels (for example,
At Swim-Two-Birds At Swim-Two-Birds is a novel by Irish novelist Flann O'Brien
(one pen-name of Brian O'Nolan) published in 1939. It is widely considered
O'Brien's masterpiece and one of the most sophisticated examples of
metafiction. and The Third Policeman). Alfau's Locos, however, anticipates
these works - and thus the development of the metaphysical detective story - by
at least two years.Like Borges, Nabokov, and O'Brien, Alfau apparently seized
upon the detective story as a means to conflate different genres and
cultures, to express his sense of temporal and spatial exile, and to reflect his
own search for an independent identity. His first novel, Locos, is actually a
series of interlocking metaphysical detective stories which boast a variety of
crimes, criminals, and police officers' frequent allusions to Sherlock Holmes,
and an ongoing parody of "official" solutions to the question of human identity.
In particular, Alfau turns the detective story into a meditation on the nature
of identity, especially as it is constructed by language: by a character's name,
on the one hand, and by the papers that testify to his existence, on the
other...Copyright 1993 Gale, Cengage Learning. All rights reserved. Aliens,
aliases, and alibis: Alfau's 'Locos' as a metaphysical ...www.thefreelibrary.com
› ... › March 22, 1993
3. Nabokovs Ada: Inzest und Sprachspiel im Original und
in der deutschen Übersetzung von Alexandra Berlina Literaturübersetzung,
Neuere Germanistik Heinrich Heine-Universität: Anglistik II Abteilung für
Amerika-Studien - Hauptseminar „Bruder und Schwester” Wintersemester 2005/2006