"Causing a chunk of ice formed on a high-/Flying
airplane to plummet from the sky/And strike a farmer dead; hiding my
Glasses or pipe. Coordinating these/ Events and objects with remote events/And
vanished objects. Making ornaments/ Of accidents and possibilities."
(Pale Fire, John Shade).
Last week, while watching an episode of SCI, the detectives concluded
that what had initially seemed to be a murder had simply resulted from a curious
accident. They concluded that the fallen construction-worker (either in
Miami or in NYC) had been killed by a chunk of ice that had
dropped from an airplane.
According to these investigators duly registered occurrences of this
sort, in the US, summed up to 24.
I thought that John Shade or Kinbote had used the word "icicle" in
Nabokov's novel but, apparently, they did not. Shade
mentions "stilettos of a frozen stillicide" and Kinbote likens the
poem "Pale Fire" (its structure), to a "crystal" and a snowflake, on
the poet's watch, as a "crystal on crystal." There's no particular reason
for investigating if Nabokov mentions icicles in PF. These are
much lighter and smaller than what, in the TV-episode, was
irritatingly designated as a "crapcicle" only to get me started
on ice blocks, icicles and
frozen stilettos...