Châteaubriand = château + Briand
Бриан = барин
Chateau is a character in VN's Pnin (1957). The historical I. P.
Pnin*** (1773-1805), a poet and president of The Free Society of Lovers of
Literature, Sciences and Arts, was an illegitimate son of Prince N. V.
Repnin (1734-1801). Batyushkov is the author of an elegy "На смерть И. П. Пнина"
("On the Death of I. P. Pnin," 1805). Poor mad Batyushkov used to call
Châteaubriand "Château brillant."
Incidentally, it was Batyushkov who first compared Russia
to Falconet's equestrian statue of Peter I (Pushkin's Bronze
Horseman known on Antiterra as Headless Horseman):
У нас перед глазами Фальконетово произведение, сей
чудесный конь, живый, пламенный, статный и столь смело поставленный, что один
иностранец, поражённый смелостью мысли, сказал мне, указывая на коня
Фальконетова: - "Он скачет, как Россия!" ("A Walk to the Academy of
Arts," 1814)
I notice that I misspelled Korea in my previous post. Btw., Korea
and Koreans are mentioned in VN's story "Лебеда" (Orache,