In a message dated 16/06/2011 15:23:13 GMT Daylight Time, jansy@AETERN.US writes:"Nabokov would never be explicitly didactic nor find place for Stravinsky in such a brief article." Anthony Stadlen: "Moreover, what place would he have for him in a long article? He claims not to be musical. He does mention Stravinsky once, dismissively, in response to an explicit question, in an interview in Strong Opinions, but spells him Stravinski."
JM: You're perfectly right ( I was overcautious). However, it seems that inspite of his denials Nabokov must have been an expert Alpine Horn blower! *
Correction: Where I wrote:   In  ","  G. de Vries mentions paranormal phenomena and ghosts ..." please add the correct title of his note: "Pale Fire and Doctor Johnson." (p.21, The Nabokovian, 66, Spring 2011) .  
* On Jun 15, 2011, at 11:15 AM, Mark Bennett wrote:  That is from Irwin Shaw's contribution to the TriQuarterly issue dedicated to VN, in 1970(?) I believe.
[Keith sends this response.  -- SES] "Nabokov responds to Shaw:: In his "Advice to a Young Writer," Mr. Shaw draws his examples from the life, labors, and luck of "Vladimir N., perched on 
a hill in Switzerland." To Irwin S., perched on a not-too-distant hill, I send by Alpine Horn my best greetings. "
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