Vladimir Nabokov, controversial author of "Lolita," left behind a legacy of over 300 letters to his beloved wife of 52-years, Vera. The Russian langua...
Vladimir Nabokov, controversial author of "Lolita," left behind a legacy of over 300 letters to his beloved wife of 52-years, Vera. The Russian langua...
The New Yorker | Ian Frazier | Posted 08.22.2010 | Books
Nabokov was also a professor of literature, and in his copy of the New Yorker anthology he gave every story a letter grade. The way he wrote each grad...
Examiner | Michelle Kerns | Posted 06.20.2010 | Books
Something strange happened to unreliable narrators in the mid-20th century: they became a little more reliably unreliable, and a lot nastier. In the l...
LIFE | Posted 03.18.2010 | Books
Vladimir Nabokov's never-finished novel, "The Original of Laura," has finally been published to great interest and excitement. In honor of the new pub...
Flavor Wire | Posted 11.24.2010 | Books