[EDNOTE. Priscilla Meyer, who edits the "Annotations & Queries"
section of The Nabokovian, sends the following news about Steve Parker.
Let me take this occasion to encourage all Nabokovians to join the International
Vladimir Nabokov Society, entitling them to a free subscription to this journal,
or encourage research libraries to join as institutional members. -- SES.]
Steve Parker broke his ankle in Chicago a few weeks ago, and writes that"if
all goes well I should be back to normal walking in about 6 more weeks. The next
issue of the Nabokovian will not appear until some time in January or early
February."We wish him a speedy recovery!--Priscilla
JM: Perhaps other non-Americans
find it problematic, as I do, to subscribe to The Nabokovian, or to Nabokov
Studies, because payments cannot be made directly using
credit-cards. Is there some hope that we'll soon be able to
contribute to the Vladimir Nabokov Society without resorting to complicated
burocratic procedures that allow us to send money
I'm happy to hear from Priscilla Meyer that The
Nabokovian shall soon be walking around the world, as
Sandy Klein sends http://english.ruvr.ru/2010/11/29/35879972.html :The
publication of the book “The Original of Laura ” became the main literary
sensation of 2009. But the mystery is that the music for the ballet “Laura”
appeared before that. “The ballet “Laura” came to me in May 2008. I have no idea
who brought it, my inspiration or the Hand of God”. Russian composer David
Krivitsky, who unfortunately passed away last summer, wrote these words in the
preface to his score.. Famous choreographer Yelena Bogdanovich agreed to stage
the ballet. She is a well-known master and the winner of numerous theatrical
prizes. In her interview for “The Voice of Russia” she pointed out that Vladimir
Nabokov’s son, who decided to publish the novel, considers it the epitome of the
writer’s thought. This is also true of the ballet, says the
choreographer. “The main idea of the ballet is the Creator, that is an
artist in the general sense of the word, his soul and its transformation through
love, - says Yelena Bogdanovich. – According to Nabokov, the highest artistic
revelations are associated with a plunge into intimacy. This is why the main
topic of the ballet is Laura and her relations with the