Found them! I'd forgotten
to check the Foreword of Speak,Memory (Vintage
International, p.13/14)
"All dates are given
in the New Style: we lagged twelve days hehind the rest of the civilized world
in the nineteenth century, /and thirteen in the beginning of the twentieth. By
the Old Style I was born on April 10, at daybreak, in the last year of the
last century, and that was...April 22 in, say, Germany; but since all my
birthdays were celebrated, with diminishing pomp, in the twentieth century,
everybody, including myself, upon being shifted by revolution and expatriation
from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian, used to add thirteen, instead of
twelve days to the 10th of April. The error is serious. What is to be
done? I find "April 23" under "birth date" in my most recent passport, which
is also the birth date of Shakespeare, my nephew Vladimir Sikorski, Shirley
Temple and Hazel Brown (who, moreover, shares my passport).´
( As a reward I treated myself
to a pair of "Ferrero Rocher" special hazel
brown bonbons!)