It is perhaps worth noting that Freud's original theory, in the first edition of "The Interpretation of Dreams" (de facto published 4 November 1899, pro forma published 1900), was revolutionary precisely in that Freud made a point of not having a "dictionary of symbols" from which one could read off the "meaning" of a dream. His method was based on the hypothesis that only the dreamer himself was in a position to discover and divulge the meaning of his dream, through the method of "freier Einfall" (mistranslated as "free association"). Symbolism retained a minor significance, but there was no a priori register of symbols.
Unfortunately, by the time of the second edition of the book (1909), Stekel had brought out his own book on dreams, which made much of symbols. Freud was tempted to compete, and so produced his own quasi-universal dictionary of symbols in his second edition. His primary method remained "freier Einfall". Symbols were still supposed to be secondary. But, as on so many other occasions, by trying to eat his cake and have it, Freud gave a hostage to fortune which had very regrettable consequences, in this case that for a century now people (including Nabokov) have felt free to categorise Freudian interpretation as "drab, middle-class" phallic symbols and the like. And, of course, that is what it has all too often become.
By the way, Jansy errs in writing that Freud was on a train when he had the "Signorelli" conversation. He was in a hired horse-and-carriage on a day trip from Ragusa to Trebinje (in Herzegovina) when he had the famous conversation with the "stranger" Freyhan, a Berlin lawyer. (See Swales, P. J. (2003) "Freud, Death and Sexual Pleasures: On the Psychical Mechanism of Dr. Sigm. Freud". Arc de Cercle, Vol. 1, No. 1., 4-74.)
Anthony Stadlen
2A Alexandra Avenue
GB - London N22 7XE
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Founder (in 1996) and convenor of the Inner Circle Seminars: an ethical, existential, phenomenological search for truth in psychotherapy
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In a message dated 16/07/2010 13:31:19 GMT Daylight Time, jansy@AETERN.US writes:
Stan Kelly-Bootle sent:  "One may wonder if it was worth Mr. Rowe's time to  exhibit erotic  bits  picked  out  of
Lolita and Ada-- a process rather like looking for allusions to aquatic mammals in Moby Dick..."
*  Stan added: "I'm not sure, Anthony, that the Greek etymology syn+ballein (to throw together) really helps in clarifying exactly which meaning of SYMBOL VN found abhorrent ...The Middle English, via Latin symbolum, meaning Creed ... has already drifted away from the everyday, uncontroversial, mathematical usage: we use SYMBOLS as convenient, short-hand marks for variables, constants, operators etc., making sure that the reader is fully pre-informed of our intentions. ..Mathematical ymbols...although arbitrarily chosen...must be pre-defined...when combined they can produce equations surpassing Keatsian Beauty (with provable Truth as an added bonus).Perhaps Jansy can tell us if this excursion into 'symbolism' helps her with Farmer's observations. It does seem a tortuous road, littered with semantic land-mines: of course, both Lolita and HH are fictional, so to distinguish between Lolita, the idealized  nymphet lusted after by HH, an imaginary paedo, and a real incarnation, Dolores, shagged realistically from realistic school to realistic motel in a realistic first-person, stretches our analysis of meta-symbolist-narrative beyond usefulness. Perhaps this warning applies only to Rowe's excessive hunt for Freudian sexual 'symbols,' which certainly match Anthony's definition as the prefabricated symbol as reductive, deadening cliche..."

JM: One has to distinguish symbols related to indexes, signs and notations, from the various other uses of the word.
Nabokov's satire of Freud introduces "arbitrarily chosen" (conscious and willed) symbols, which he applies in a playful way,often related to puns and to his pleasure with sounds. Freudian "symbols" are as ancient as mankind (the contrived ones are found all over literature and Freud often quoted Goethe's images of "jewel box" and its fitting "key") -  but their interest lies in their effectiveness to express repressed ideas (even a supposedly innocent young girl, fingering the lock of a purse, may be ellaborating under the force of these hidden, but obvious, spontaneous connections) and as revealing mental mechanisms of distorting reality to avoid mental pain. It is true that, in a general way, Freudian symbols are of the kind Nabokov abhors in poetry. But Freud was not intent on being a poet. If, in a dream, a snake or a staff stand for the phallus, what is of interest to the psychoanalyst is to discover what that person, in particular, is trying to express in relation to his sexual experience. When Freud discovers that a statistically significant number of people distort their sexual unconfessable sins using the same kind of image as the one that is favored by the poets, he is still not intent on poetic metaphors as they are made to resound and rebound in a verse.
Nabokov's accusation towards the "Viennese school" is unfair because he imagines that Freudian symbols, by being "generic" (A stands for B), imply
a "generic view" of language, communication, individual qualms. Freudian replicators (like Rowe) make this mistake (several psychoanalysts, too, particularly the Kleinian-school). However, Freud always stressed the importance of listening to every individual's one and only "voice" and his "subjective kernel of truth" ( a distant cry from obtaining a "universal truth").
Yesterday I took the trouble to leaf through "The Oxford Dictionary of Euphemisms" ** (when, in common usage, a word A stands for an unnameable object, or verb, B). A tedious procedure. There was only one entry that reminded me of something Nabokovian (and I discarded it for Clare Bishop didn't shake hands with V, only held a bunch of keys that belonged to Sebastian with her "blind fingers"). Here it is - Shake Hands with a Bishop: to urinate ( Of a male, whose uncircumsided penis may resemble the chessman..." (citing Theroux, 1979, quoting Borges).  That's some bishop "symbol", eh?
* - VN: * "What I  object  to is Mr. Rowe's manipulating my most innocent words so as to introduce sexual "symbols" into them.  The  notion of symbol itself has always been abhorrent to me  The  symbolism  racket ... destroys plain intelligence as well as poetical sense... It numbs all capacity  to enjoy  the  fun  and enchantment of art.... Pencil licking is always a reference  to  you know what. A soccer goal hints at the vulval orifice (which Mr.Rowe evidently sees as square). I wish to share with him the following secret: In the case of a certain  type  of  writer  it  often happens that a whole paragraph or sinuous sentence exists as  a  discrete organism, with  its  own imagery, its own invocations, its own bloom, and then it is especially precious, and also vulnerable, so that if an outsider,  immune  to  poetry  and  common  sense,  injects spurious symbols into it, or actually tampers with its wording ...its  magic  is replaced  by  maggots...The fatal  flaw in Mr. Rowe's treatment of recurrent
words, such as "garden" or "water," is his regarding them as abstractions, and not realizing that the sound of a bath being  filled,  say,  in the  world of Laughter in the Dark, is as different from the limes rustling in the rain of Speak, Memory  as  the Garden   of  Delights  in  Ada  is  from the  lawns  in Lolita....(and) make every  chapter  a veritable  compote  of female organs...  what I find unpardonable, and indeed unworthy  of  a  scholar,  is  Mr.  Rowe's  twisting  my discussion  of  prosody  (as appended  to  my  translation  of Eugene Onegin) into a torrent of Freudian  drivel, which allows him to construe "metrical length" as an erection and "rhyme" as a sexual climax...Mr. Rowe's  preposterous  and  nasty  interpretations. William Woodin Rowe: Nabokov's  Deceptive  World.(August 28, 1971, published in The New York Review on October 7 of the same year.) 

** - "A Dictionary of Euphemisms (How not to say what you mean), R.W.Holder, Oxford U.P.,1995, p.330.
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