John Shade: "Now I shall
speak... Better than any soap / Is the sensation for which poets
hope/ When inspiration and its icy blaze,/ The sudden image, the
immediate phrase/ Over the skin a triple ripple send/ 920
Making the little hairs all stand on end..."
Charles Kinbote note to line 920: Alfred Housman (1859-1936), whose collection The Shropshire Lad
...says somewhere (in a foreword?) exactly the opposite: The bristling of
thrilled little hairs obstructed his barbering; but since both Alfreds
[Tennyson] certainly used an Ordinary Razor, and John Shade an ancient
Gillette, the discrepancy may have been due to the use of different
Frank Kermode (Nothing for Ever and Ever)
"...the Leslie Stephen Lecture ‘On the Name and Nature of Poetry’, which he
[Housman, aged 74] gave in 1933. The lecture was a huge
success...and what everybody remembers best are the passages about the emotional
aspects of poetry. Housman included a number of surprisingly personal comments
on this topic. Milton’s ‘Nymphs and shepherds, dance no more’, he said, can
‘draw tears . . . to the eyes of more readers than one’. And tears are only one
symptom. A line of poetry can make his beard bristle as he shaves, or cause a
shiver down his spine, or ‘a constriction of the throat’ as well as ‘a
precipitation of water to the eyes’. For so reticent a man it was a
surprising performance. It possibly upset his health, and he came to regard the
date of the lecture, May 1933, as an ominous moment in his life...(‘that
infernal lecture’, he now called it)...A month before his death in April 1936 he
described himself as an ‘egoistic hedonist’, adding that while George Eliot said
she was a meliorist, he was a pejorist. And ‘pejorist hedonist’, with its
English blend of Latin and Greek, fits him well enough."
JM: One little tidbit. Housman's reference to
"bisexuality" (through the image of the "amphisbaenia," a serpent with
two heads, or tails, at each end) and its mechanical resolution (by
halving it) is mentioned by Kinbote, albeit indirectly.
The direct link is to the Leslie Stephen Lecture ( and its title also
resonates with Shade's compositional poetic bath-tub reveries).
The secondary, hypothetical one lies in his inclusion of the "old fashioned
gillette." The unsafe and ancient "gillette" ( razor blade) has two
opposing cutting-edges. In Brazilian slang the "gillette" indicates a
bisexual because, like the blade, he "can cut from both sides."
Not to give up my point qua Alexander Pope, entirely, I underlined the
variant lines by CK mentioning "a genius with a foreign name to make...any
jackass can rig up the stuff..." in the understanding that a jackass is a
dunce, hence....
* Please, check the archives for a discussion about gillette, Housman and
Shade. I remember this theme has been discussed before.
** CK writes on: "After this line, instead of
lines 923-930, we find the following, lightly deleted, variant: All artists
have been born in what they call/A sorry age; mine is the worst of all:/.../A
genius with a foreign name to make,/ When any jackass can rig up the
stuff;/An age in which a pack of rogues can bluff/The selenographer; a comic
age... [...] Having struck this out, the poet tried another theme, but
these lines he also canceled: England where poets flew the highest,
now/Wants them to plod and Pegasus to plough... ( the theme of
Housman's complaint related to the emotional aspects of