Another PS:
I made a mistake when I mentioned Nabokov's
"exclusion of the reds". Unlike B. Boyd ( " Notice - I just have - that Violet and Oranger form the
beginning and end of Ada's acrostic spelling of the spectrum:
vibgyor,") in his informative preface to Holingbird. I
extended the meaning of this color-play (violet/orange) most
inadequately. The spectrum begins with V (violet) I (indigo) B (blue)...
and ends with O (organge) R (red).
A trap, perhaps?
Take TOoL's special slippers, "carpetoes,"
tearful Wild bought by the dozen. One may find in this word ( either set in
deliberately by VN, or not):
carpet, carping (lamenting), carpe
(enjoy!), toes and the bones ...of the hand (carpal and
metacarpal bones).