Jordan Bowen: I recently read about Alexander von
Humboldt, the German explorer thought to be a homosexual pederast[ ...] I am not
well versed in Nabokov scholarship, but I wonder out of curiosity if
correlation had not been suggested as an influence for the name (and
another poke at homosexuals.)
JM: The subject of the query is "Alexander von Humbert,"
but I cannot remember any "poke" related to Alexander von Humboldt, in
"Lolita", through a play with their surnames (the vague indication
suggests an overtly spitefulit mood on the part of VN). Try as I may, I
cannot find paragraphs or page to check how VN worded this "poke," nor
Could anyone give me an indication about where "A. von Humbert"
is mentioned in "Lolita" for the proper context?