I don't know if this will interest you Jansy, but when you spoke of that Magritte painting it reminded me of one I had been interested in my very uneducated youth:
 It is titled Hegel's Holiday. It
led me to read Hegel and I was never really sure exactly what the joke
meant. Is it a dialectical gag? Thesis: rain. Antithesis unmbrella. Synthesis:
pesron under protected by rain. Only here the glass seems to be protecting the water
from the rain. A holiday from Hegelian reasoning? --- On Sun, 3/15/09, jansymello <jansy@AETERN.US> wrote:
From: jansymello <jansy@AETERN.US> Subject: [NABOKV-L] Magritte and Pale Fire To: NABOKV-L@LISTSERV.UCSB.EDU Date: Sunday, March 15, 2009, 11:01 AM
Dear List,
While researching after Magritte's La Golconda, I came accross several paintings of his that are surrealistically suggestive of a mood in Pale Fire: the shattered windowpane with reflected and actual landscape; flying birds by day and by night; check mates; preterist and therapists; Boticelli's Flora/Spring in "Gradus"... So, here they are to compensate for my mistaken umbrella ( it went on holidays with Hegel ) in the Golconda reproduction...Enjoy.
1. L'Oiseau bleu; 2.Le Printemps; 3. La Clef des Champs;4. Les Mois des Vendanges; 5. Le Thérapeute;6.Le Bouquet tout fait; 7. Les Vacances de Hegel; 8. Echec et Mat; 9. Echec et Mat; 10. The blue bird
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