Jerry Friedman replies to Jansy Mello:
--- On Sat, 12/20/08, jansymello <jansy@AETERN.US> wrote:
> J.Friedman: [..] as Nims says in reply to VN, it's a
> change of weasels to minks (is that an example of poshlost?)
> in a poem by Antonio Machado.  The weasels' connotations
> may have been wrong, but the minks' are worse.
> JM:  I wikied Machado to try to read the word
> "weasel" (altered into "mink") in the original Spanish.
Sorry, Jansy.
De entre las peñas salen dos lindas comadrejas;
me miran y se alejan, huyendo, y aparecen
de nuevo ¡tan curiosas!...  Los campos se obscurecen.
My literal translation:
From between the rocks emerge two beautiful weasels;
They look at me and move away, fleeing, and appear
Again, so curious!... The fields darken.
Suddenly two lissome mink glitter from the rock,
Look at me with jewel eyes, flash away, and come
Back at once--so interested!  Darkening fields are dumb.
The /poshliy/ "jewel eyes" reminds me of Kinbote's
description of the wood duck: "...emerald, amethyst,
>Found that his story bears some traces of
> similarity with Poe's (marrying the very young daughter
> from a landlord): Antonio Cipriano José María y Francisco
> de Santa Ana Machado y Ruiz, known as Antonio Machado (July
> 26, 1875 - February 22, 1939) was a Spanish poet [...]In the
> same year Machado was offered the job of Professor of French
> at the school in Soria. Here he met Leonor Izquierdo,
> daughter of the owners of the boarding house Machado was
> staying in. They were married in 1909: he was 34; Leonor was
> 15.
Compare the possibly sadder story of Ernest Dowson, whose
prepubescent beloved rejected him.
> His more familiar lines: "Caminante no hay camino/sino
> estelas en la mar"   translates us back to the Timon
> lines and Henderson's query (there is a translator
> Henderson mentioned by Nims
> ).) ie: "Walker there is no "ready path" (a
> walk)/ only stars in the sea"
You've been led astray by a /falso amigo/.
/Estela/ is "wake" (Portuguese /esteira/); "star" is
> ....Poets don't offer
> an animal's name keeping in mind its scientific label:
Some do.  I feel sure Nabokov and his created poets
didn't use words that meant a species other than the
one they meant.  (Though his comic commentator might.)
By the way, Frost seems to be careful about such things;
on the other hand, Robert Bly refers to a Wilson's
warbler as a "wren".
> how can we know that Machado's englished weasel is not a
> ferret or a marten,
I don't know enough about Machado to say, especially
considering it was a rhyming word, but the poem is set
high on a dry mountain, so the habitat is wrong for a mink
or a polecat.  It seems it could be a stone marten.
> that it is unrelated to
> "gossiping" or to "weasel-wording"?
"Gossip"?  Is that an etymological pun on "comadreja" and
"comadre"?  I don't know enough Spanish to answer your
question, but Nims claimed to thoroughly research the poems
he translated, so maybe he knew.
> In a
> poem one must take care with polisemic branchings ( like the
> one with cuckoo/dove)...
Another translation open to criticism, incidentally, as
"mourning cuckoo" might bring up an irrelevant slang
meaning, but "mourning dove" is the name of a North American
bird--are we in "Russian" Estoty?
Jerry Friedman
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