Content-Type: message/rfc822 Date: Sat, 04 Oct 2008 10:12:39 -0400 From: "Chase Carnot" To: Subject: THOUGHTS Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="=__Part7950DBC7.1__=" --=__Part7950DBC7.1__= Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="=__Part7950DBC7.2__=" --=__Part7950DBC7.2__= Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable I recently finished *Ada, or Ardor* by VN and while some of the book was very interesting, it is part of the downward trend in books I have read by Nabokov. (*Pale Fire *being the best by far.) *Ada* makes numerous references to Russian and Western European literature that I never even heard of. However, the one motif I was able to pick up = on was the Terra/Antiterra doubling. After finishing the book and trying to find ways of understanding it, this is the image that kept returning. I have found that the Terra/Antiterra doubling works similar to the unreliable narrator which is used throughout VN's work. This works = through the form of the novel. *Ada* is essentially the memoir of someone living = on Antiterra. In the course of the narrative we learn more about the = parallel plane of Terra which shares much more in common with our own Earth. = Things still seem quite different there though. My contention is that Terra is = in fact Earth (gasp!) but the method by which Van and others access informatio= n about Terra is a greatly flawed science. Back on Earth we are accessing a document that reports information from Antiterra. The final document = (*Ada*) is just as flawed through a similar method of access and, as it were, translation. Has anyone else noticed this? What do you think? Can anyone illuminate = the text for me in another way? Thanks CM Carnot Search archive with Google: Contact the Editors:, Visit Zembla: View Nabokv-L policies: Visit "Nabokov Online Journal:" Manage subscription options: Search archive with Google: Contact the Editors:, Visit Zembla: View Nabokv-L policies: Visit "Nabokov Online Journal:" Manage subscription options: --=__Part7950DBC7.2__= Content-Type: text/html; charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
I recently finished Ada, or Ardor by VN and while = some of the book was very interesting, it is part of the downward trend in = books I have read by Nabokov.  (Pale Fire being the best by = far.)

Ada makes numerous references to Russian and Western European = literature that I never even heard of.  However, the one motif I was = able to pick up on was the Terra/Antiterra doubling.  After finishing = the book and trying to find ways of understanding it, this is the image = that kept returning.

I have found that the Terra/Antiterra doubling works similar to the = unreliable narrator which is used throughout VN's work.  This = works through the form of the novel.  Ada is essentially the = memoir of someone living on Antiterra.  In the course of the = narrative we learn more about the parallel plane of Terra which shares = much more in common with our own Earth.  Things still seem quite = different there though.  My contention is that Terra is in fact Earth = (gasp!) but the method by which Van and others access information about = Terra is a greatly flawed science.  Back on Earth we are accessing a = document that reports information from Antiterra.  The final document = (Ada) is just as flawed through a similar method of access and, as = it were, translation.

Has anyone else noticed this?  What do you think?  Can = anyone illuminate the text for me in another way?

CM = Carnot
Search the archive Contact the = Editors Visit "Nabokov = Online Journal"
Vi= sit Zembla View = Nabokv-L Policies Manage subscription = options

All = private editorial communications, without exception, are read by both co-editors.

Search the archive Contact the Editors Visit "Nabokov Online Journal"
Visit Zembla View Nabokv-L Policies Manage subscription options

All private editorial communications, without exception, are read by both co-editors.

--=__Part7950DBC7.2__=-- --=__Part7950DBC7.1__= Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="Header" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Header" UmV0dXJuLXBhdGg6IDw+DQpSZWNlaXZlZDogZnJvbSBleS1vdXQtMTkyMC5nb29nbGUuY29tIChl eS1vdXQtMTkyMC5nb29nbGUuY29tIFs3NC4xMjUuNzguMTQ5XSkNCglieSB1eGEyLmlzYy51Y3Ni LmVkdSAoOC4xMy44LzguMTMuOCkgd2l0aCBFU01UUCBpZCBtOTRFQ2VrcDAxMjIzOQ0KCWZvciA8 bmFib2t2LWxAbGlzdHNlcnYudWNzYi5lZHU+OyBTYXQsIDQgT2N0IDIwMDggMDc6MTI6NDEgLTA3 MDAgKFBEVCkNClJlY2VpdmVkOiBieSBleS1vdXQtMTkyMC5nb29nbGUuY29tIHdpdGggU01UUCBp ZCAyMXNvODIxMDI0ZXljLjQ0DQogICAgICAgIGZvciA8bmFib2t2LWxAbGlzdHNlcnYudWNzYi5l ZHU+OyBTYXQsIDA0IE9jdCAyMDA4IDA3OjEyOjM5IC0wNzAwIChQRFQpDQpES0lNLVNpZ25hdHVy ZTogdj0xOyBhPXJzYS1zaGEyNTY7IGM9cmVsYXhlZC9yZWxheGVkOw0KICAgICAgICBkPWdtYWls LmNvbTsgcz1nYW1tYTsNCiAgICAgICAgaD1kb21haW5rZXktc2lnbmF0dXJlOnJlY2VpdmVkOnJl Y2VpdmVkOm1lc3NhZ2UtaWQ6ZGF0ZTpmcm9tOnRvDQogICAgICAgICA6c3ViamVjdDptaW1lLXZl cnNpb246Y29udGVudC10eXBlOw0KICAgICAgICBiaD1lNHN3dVJ4TERPM2QycFd3YzRHMGF6bWov c1ZEYmhMSFBib1VQNWFXekZjPTsNCiAgICAgICAgYj1VRzgwQmdGNkZFS0taVW42L2hUUm5rcmlG eUlHZjJTeUgyVCtCRHV1MWpkTDBCWE1sMlB3SHlDckwrODFxTVBHWnANCiAgICAgICAgIDc2KzVr UUQzZFJzSEVVUnFuYysvZmt0NnNpekRIZmQzdmgrcHMvYk9sdjZlSlhDaSs0aWVuVnFCQldBL3hT QUVia3hHDQogICAgICAgICBvd2ZBaTcyWGtLSDREMEdBWng3Vk5zbTl3aFhaQ21KaW5sQjFnPQ0K RG9tYWluS2V5LVNpZ25hdHVyZTogYT1yc2Etc2hhMTsgYz1ub2Z3czsNCiAgICAgICAgZD1nbWFp bC5jb207IHM9Z2FtbWE7DQogICAgICAgIGg9bWVzc2FnZS1pZDpkYXRlOmZyb206dG86c3ViamVj dDptaW1lLXZlcnNpb246Y29udGVudC10eXBlOw0KICAgICAgICBiPXBPckZhU1lJWENPZTV3UCty dGpPeU9IcnVWb2VUaUhRN1ZSTlVITFFPcE5rOStmTEZacFduVkRhTWtlb0RCQXdZLw0KICAgICAg ICAgTnhZc1ZnbC9HVEV0NHZHVnFueCtTUUtCVUpmSnpPVzh6ZEozR1dmSk5COGhPd2FTdm5DNEV5 eDNrYTJUZVpWN2M4TG0NCiAgICAgICAgIDFoOWFyRk95WUZKTERpWmNCNW1qVnR2VGxBZ2l1SmMw VU5lR1E9DQpSZWNlaXZlZDogYnkgMTAuMjEwLjUyLjE1IHdpdGggU01UUCBpZCB6MTVtcjMwODMx MDhlYnouMTguMTIyMzEyOTU1OTkxNjsNCiAgICAgICAgU2F0LCAwNCBPY3QgMjAwOCAwNzoxMjoz OSAtMDcwMCAoUERUKQ0KUmVjZWl2ZWQ6IGJ5IDEwLjIxMC41OS4yIHdpdGggSFRUUDsgU2F0LCA0 IE9jdCAyMDA4IDA3OjEyOjM5IC0wNzAwIChQRFQpDQpNZXNzYWdlLUlEOiA8Mzc0NjJiYjAwODEw MDQwNzEycjU4Y2QzNjEzdGY3Y2Y4NzQ5NTc0MzhhZjZAbWFpbC5nbWFpbC5jb20+DQpEYXRlOiBT YXQsIDQgT2N0IDIwMDggMTA6MTI6MzkgLTA0MDANCkZyb206ICJDaGFzZSBDYXJub3QiIDxjaGFz ZS5jYXJub3RAZ21haWwuY29tPg0KVG86IG5hYm9rdi1sQGxpc3RzZXJ2LnVjc2IuZWR1DQpTdWJq ZWN0OiBUSE9VR0hUUw0KTUlNRS1WZXJzaW9uOiAxLjANCkNvbnRlbnQtVHlwZTogbXVsdGlwYXJ0 L2FsdGVybmF0aXZlOw0KCWJvdW5kYXJ5PSItLS0tPV9QYXJ0XzQzODYwXzU4ODI3MzYuMTIyMzEy OTU1OTg4MyINCg== --=__Part7950DBC7.1__=--