Book Review
"Sacred Book of the Werewolf": Vampiress gets into her work a little too much
"The Sacred Book of the Werewolf" is Russian novelist/satirist Victor Pelevin's take on modern Russian consumerism, Chinese werewolves and the work of the great Russian writer Vladimir Nabokov, among other things.
By Richard Wallace
Special to The Seattle Times
"The Sacred Book of the Werewolf," the newest novel by Russian writer Victor Pelevin, is fashioned like a set of nested dolls — one genre fitting inside another.
First of all, it's a supernatural tale of love and money, or, more accurately, love for money — told by an intriguing teenage narrator. A Hu-Li is a beautiful 15-year-old Moscow prostitute and a 2,000-year-old Chinese werefox. She's a wily, shape-shifting temptress. By waving her tail, she can grant men their deepest, darkest desires while she calmly sits in a chair 10 feet away from their squirming, writhing bodies.
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An ultra-chaste psychic vampiress, A Hu-Li takes life energy, gives away fantasy and keeps her body for herself. When not practicing her hypnotic sex trade, she reads voraciously and has a great love for Russian authors, especially Vladimir Nabokov.
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Discursive, irritating, witty, sexy and puzzling, "The Sacred Book of the Werewolf" asks how can we go on in a predatory world like ours. A Hu-Li's answer is: Transcend it.