Dear Jerry,
I too find Conmal to be knotty problem. Some interesting things - - there seems to be an anagram lurking in the full name (Conmal Duke of Aros), and interesting tidbits regarding him lurk in the Index.
Conmal is half-brother of Blenda, so from my point of view he should be half-brother to Caroline Lukin. No "i" blocks the Lukin half of that possibility. So I'm looking for other possibilities. "Samuel" is a possible first name.
The Index has other hints regarding the Duke's identity:
Aroz, a fine town in E. Zembla, capital of Conmal's dukedom; once the
mayorship of the worthy Ferz ("chessqueen") Bretwit (q.v.), a cousin of
the grand-uncle of Oswin Bretwit (q.v.).
When you look up Bretwit you are sent to Odevalla and Aroz.
Odevalla, a fine town north of Onhava in E. Zembla, once the mayorship of the worthy Zule ("chessrook") Bretwit, granduncle of Oswin Bretwit (q.v., q.v., as the crows say).
I haven't had a chance to digest all this, but there does seem to be lots to chew on. I wonder if Odevalla and Aroz might add up to something. The whole Bretwit family has me totally confused. Any ideas?