Jansy wrote:
…. poets VN respected ( among them Keats
and Browning). In the first part of Lolita VN made a passing mention to
And yet, in
Dear Jansy,
I much regret Russian to me is a closed book that I'm unlikely to open at this juncture. There must be others on the list not too base to ignore your query. However, I would say that the greatest disaster that has befallen English poetry in the last 150 years is the selfless reticence and suppression of Hopkins until Bridges' belated (and hesitant?) recognition of him in 1918; coupled with the previous hysterical, and in my view barmy, adulation of Pound, a barn-storming self-promoter from the New World. I am reasonably certain that VN couldn't abide Pound, under any conditions.
My (Kinbote's) own
wóren ok spóz on nátt ut vétt?
Éto est vótchez ut míd
ik détt.
How do you think did GMHopkins rate with VN?
Off the cuff, I'd say he was in two minds about him. Looking at this little chunk of Zemblan translation again, I'd say it resembles nothing so much as several Scandinavian languages passed through a meat-mincer. "Votchez" and "spoz" could be added spices, from a more exotic habitat. I suppose the acute accents indicate stress, a la Hopkins.
Wikipedia has quite a good stab at explaining sprung-rhythm.