Content-Type: message/rfc822 Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2006 03:44:34 -0400 From: "Dmitri Nabokov" To: Subject: FW: [NABOKV-L] FW: Speaking of Ties and "Os" and Bows [originally sent 7/2/06] Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="=__Part81A475F2.1__=" --=__Part81A475F2.1__= Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="=__Part81A475F2.2__=" --=__Part81A475F2.2__= Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit PS: Incidentally, I do have a photo of a college-age VN with an elegant papillon (bow tie). -----Original Message----- From: Dmitri Nabokov [] Sent: mercredi, 19. juillet 2006 08:38 To: 'Vladimir Nabokov Forum' Subject: RE: [NABOKV-L] FW: Speaking of Ties and "Os" and Bows [originally sent 7/2/06] Dear Jerry, Thanks for yours, and no need for apologies. It was all in good fun, yet your therapeutic intent was clear. As for Nab - ? - kov, I might mention that I just had a visitor who, by chance, was not a reader of VN and, was, in fact, totally bewildered by walls filled with the works of a sole author, totally unknown to her to boot.. She is a product of US education, an attorney by trade, and as American as April in Arizona (even if she does happen to hail from Texas). Well, she spelled my first name, on the first try, without benefit of a superfluous "i", a privilege that only my homonym the hockey forward has heretoforer enjoyed; and, mirabile dictu, pronounced our family name not with the compromise we've all done spoke of, but with an impeccable Slavic "o". So the Amurrican morphology is capable of it! Instead of dispatching dozens of Nabokovians on a wild chase whose fruit was not a goose but only a goose egg, why does Merriam Webster overtax the capabilies of that nice ponytailed graduate student and her amorphous schwa, rather than inviting a real Russian -- like me -- to the recording studio to "hear Nabokov pronounced"? Sincerely, Dmitri Nabokov -----Original Message----- From: Vladimir Nabokov Forum [mailto:NABOKV-L@LISTSERV.UCSB.EDU] On Behalf Of Jerry Katsell Sent: mardi, 18. juillet 2006 18:05 To: NABOKV-L@LISTSERV.UCSB.EDU Subject: [NABOKV-L] FW: Speaking of Ties and "Os" and Bows [originally sent 7/2/06] -----Original Message----- From: Jerry Katsell [] Sent: Sunday, July 02, 2006 8:50 PM To: 'NABOKV-L@LISTSERV.UCSB.EDU' Subject: Speaking of Ties and "Os" and Bows Dear List, Dmitri and Bill Delaney, Sorry if I've been misleading or unclear. Nabokov, of course, was not known as a wearer of bow ties. I've never ever seen a picture of him wearing one, at Cornell or elsewhere. I made up the sentence: "Nabokov, wearing his signature butterfly blue bow tie, spoke off the cuff about the difficulties of pronouncing his family name." My purpose was to illustrate the near twinning of the last two syllables of the surname, Nabokov, and "spoke off". Also, I tried to hide, apparently all too well because I was obscure, the name Nabokov in ".his signature butterfly blue bow tie, spoke off." [signature. bow. spoke off] I thought I was giving a hint with "signature," in the word's other meaning of one's signed name. As to "blue bow tie," I was thinking of the enlightening book Nabokov's Blues by Kurt Johnson and Steve Coates, as well as the strikingly beautiful picture of a male Karner Blue butterfly (aka Lycaeides samuelis Nabokov) in the book Nabokov at Cornell. Once again, I apologize for any confusion. My intent was to come up with near equivalents in English that would aid an English speaker with no Russian to pronounce "Nabokov" as closely as possible to the way the surname should be pronounced. Best wishes to all, Jerry Katsell Search the Nabokv-L archive at UCSB Contact the Editors All private editorial communications, without exception, are read by both co-editors. Visit Zembla View Nabokv-L Policies Search the archive: Contact the Editors:,, Visit Zembla: View Nabokv-L policies: Search the archive: Contact the Editors:,, Visit Zembla: View Nabokv-L policies: --=__Part81A475F2.2__= Content-Type: text/html; charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Description: HTML Message
PS: Incidentally, I do have a photo of a college-age VN with an elegant papillon (bow tie).
-----Original Message-----
From: Dmitri Nabokov []
Sent: mercredi, 19. juillet 2006 08:38
To: 'Vladimir Nabokov Forum'
Subject: RE: [NABOKV-L] FW: Speaking of Ties and "Os" and Bows [originally sent 7/2/06]

Dear Jerry,
Thanks for yours, and no need for apologies. It was all in good fun, yet your therapeutic intent was clear. As for Nab - ? - kov, I might mention that I just had a visitor who, by chance, was not a reader of VN and, was, in fact, totally bewildered by walls filled with the works of a sole author, totally unknown to her to boot.. She is a product of US education, an attorney by trade, and as American as April in Arizona (even if she does happen to hail from Texas). Well, she spelled my first name, on the first try, without benefit of a superfluous "i", a privilege that only my homonym the hockey forward has heretoforer enjoyed; and, mirabile dictu, pronounced our family name not with the compromise we've all done spoke of, but with an impeccable Slavic "o". So the Amurrican morphology is capable of it!  Instead of dispatching dozens of Nabokovians on a wild chase whose fruit was not a goose but only a goose egg, why does Merriam Webster overtax the capabilies of that nice ponytailed graduate student and her amorphous schwa, rather than inviting a real Russian -- like me -- to the recording studio to "hear Nabokov pronounced"?
Dmitri Nabokov 
-----Original Message-----
From: Vladimir Nabokov Forum [mailto:NABOKV-L@LISTSERV.UCSB.EDU] On Behalf Of Jerry Katsell
Sent: mardi, 18. juillet 2006 18:05
Subject: [NABOKV-L] FW: Speaking of Ties and "Os" and Bows [originally sent 7/2/06]



-----Original Message-----
From: Jerry Katsell []
Sunday, July 02, 2006 8:50 PM
Subject: Speaking of Ties and "Os" and Bows




            Dear List, Dmitri and Bill Delaney,


Sorry if I’ve been misleading or unclear. Nabokov, of course, was not known as a wearer of bow ties. I’ve never ever seen a picture of him wearing one, at Cornell or elsewhere. I made up the sentence: “Nabokov, wearing his signature butterfly blue bow tie, spoke off the cuff about the difficulties of pronouncing his family name.” My purpose was to illustrate the near twinning of the last two syllables of the surname, Nabokov, and “spoke off”. Also, I tried to hide, apparently all too well because I was obscure, the name Nabokov in “…his signature butterfly blue bow tie, spoke off…” [signature… bow… spoke off] I thought I was giving a hint with “signature,” in the word’s other meaning of one’s signed name. As to “blue bow tie,” I was thinking of the enlightening book Nabokov’s Blues by Kurt Johnson and Steve Coates, as well as the strikingly beautiful picture of a male Karner Blue butterfly (aka Lycaeides samuelis Nabokov) in the book Nabokov at Cornell.


Once again, I apologize for any confusion. My intent was to come up with near equivalents in English that would aid an English speaker with no Russian to pronounce “Nabokov” as closely as possible to the way the surname should be pronounced.


Best wishes to all,


Jerry Katsell





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