"Lemniscate" has various meanings and various relatives. The two definitions that interest us are 1) the Bernoullian lemniscate and 2) the Boothian lemniscate which is a generalization of the Bernoullian. I have the precise formulae for both but shall not overload this posting with math. Suffice it to say that the Bernoullian variety is neither simply an eight snoozing on its side nor the infinity symbol. If one examines it carefully one will notice that part of the central section (roughly from NE to SW) is thicker than the rest of the figure. This may be interpreted as the zone where the track was thickened by the imperfect overlap of two bicycle tires, which just might have been what Nabokov intended to convey by his choice of the word. The skater's joy Phil mentions is exemplified by a poem of my father's -- which I have translated for my collection and shall post as soon as it has come out in Aretè -- in which a deft blade can even design a flower. So maybe we should set lemnicycling aside and instead lemniskate.