
D. Barton Johnson []  


Coursey, James; Vladimir Nabokov Forum 








Re: Query: 1988 reader-response theory VN sessions 


9/6/02 12:55 PM 




EDITOR's NOTE. See below for response.

Coursey, James wrote:

>(First: let me say thank you for _Zembla_ and NABOKV-L; I've been gleefully
>glued to every posting for the last year. Next, I'm glad to say that checks
>for my first-time subscriptions to both _The Nabokovian_ and _Nabokov
>Studies_ are finally in the mail!)
>I'm currently working on a Masters thesis that seeks to explore Pale Fire
>and its critics in terms of reader-response theory (Iser, Fish, & company).
>Unfortunately, I'm at a small university whose library does not carry _The
>Nabokovian_ or _Nabokov Studies_, so I will need to personally purchase back
>issues to research (on a GTA's shoestring budget!) individually until I can
>afford to buy the whole backlist. 
>I'm guessing that if articles pertaining to the 1988 MLA Convention IVNS
>program mentioned at the Zembla website at
>(where it is written "Several other trends in contemporary literary study
>were examined in the 1988 session on 'Nabokov and Contemporary Literary
>Theory,' including reader-response criticism.")
>were published in _The Nabokovian_, they would be found in the issues for
>1988/89, roughly targeting issues XX-XXIII (am I guessing correctly
>I would greatly appreciate any knowledge, criticism, experience, advice,
>leads, anecdotes, and/or anything else concerning my thesis focus that
>anyone would be willing to share.
>Additionally, please pass this message and my request on to anyone willing
>to point out sources pertaining to my research topic that might easily be
>(Would this be an appropriate request to post to NABOKV-L?)
>Much obliged,
>James W. Coursey
>GTA English Department
>Midwestern State University
>Wichita Falls, TX
Dear James Coursey,
    Thank  you for your inquiry. Papers presented at conferences
sessions sponsored by MLA et al
are not often published in  IVNS publications. The paper in question
"Nabokov and the Role of the Reader: LOLITA's Challange  to Contemporary
Theories of Lit." by Brian Richardson (U. of Washington), given at one
of the Nabokov Society's MLA sessions  in 1988, was not, although it may
have  appeared elsewhere. If the paper was published, the best place to
locate it would be either on the VN bibliography list on ZEMBLA or the
MLA on-line bibliography. Other papers at the session were: Brenda
Marshall (U. Mass, Amherst) "Nabokov would has been horrified: Authorial
 Position in Contmeporary Critical Theory; Martina Sciolino (U. of S.
) "Preserving the Subject, Resisting the Text: Naboov on Kafka";
 James English (U of Penn) "Mastery and Transendence, and the Hegelian
Syllogism of Humor in Pale Fire" Good luck with your project.

                                                Don Johnson NABOKV-L