There are occasional cases of
submitted messages that did not appear on NABOKV-L. A word of clarification. If
you do submit something and it does not appear in a day or two, please let me
know (and include a copy). I have had a siege of computers woes over
several months that are, I pray, now past but they interfered
I rarely reject a message and when I
do, I almost always contact the sender and explain why. Most
"missing" messages are a result of error on my part. I handle a lot of mail
and sometimes get muddled about what has gone out and what hasn't. Also, it is
sometimes unclear what messages are intended only for me and what for the
list. So please indicate items that are NOT for NABOKV-L
The value of NABOKV-L lies almost entirely in
subscribers' contributions. They are much appreciated.
Lastly, NABOKV-L is a service of the International
Vladimir Nabokov Society. You can show your appreciation for the list and its
web counterpart ZEMBLA by joining the Society. Your $17 per annum also brings
you the twice-yearly THE NABOKOVIAN which includes much of interest including
Brian Boyd's continuing "Annotations on ADA." For membership information,
please contact Steve Parker