1. The September 2002 issue of SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN
is entirely devoted to one of VN's favoroite subjects---TIME. I found Paul
Davies' "That Mysterious Flow" (40-43) quite relevant to VN's TRANSPARENT THINGS
and ADA. The mini-abstract reads:
Our senses tell us that time
flows: namely, that that the past is fixed, the future undetermined, and
reality lived in the present. Yet various physical and philosophical arguments
suggest otherwise.
The passage of time is probably
an illusion. Consciousness may involve thermodynamic or quantum processes that
lend the impression of living moment by moment."
2. The Saint Petersburg paper NEVSKOE VREMYA (which
shares the old NABOKOV town house) features an interview with Alexander Dolinin
under the title "Yavnyi i tainyi" about the July Nabokov Symposium at the
museum. Jul 27, 2002, p. 3.
NABOKV-L will shortly be running the abstracts from