Prof. Christine Raguet-Bouvart at Universite Michel de Montaigne-Bordeaux III is one of the leading French Nabokov experts. Inter alia, she is a member of the Editorial Board of the  Pleiade edition on VN's novels. Below is a list of her recent VN publications.
_LOLITA, un royaume au-dela des mers_ (U. of Bordeaux Press, 1996)
_Europe_  #791 (1995), Special Nabokov issue edited by Raguet-Bouvart
Vol. I of _Vladimir Nabokov Oeuvres romanesques comletes_ (Pleiade edition), pp. 1591-1621, contains her detailed introduction and annotations to _Laughter in the Dark_
"European Art: A Framing Device?" in _Nabokov at the Limits; Redrawing Critical Boundaries_, ed. Lisa Zunshine (NY: Garland 1999), pp. 183-212.
"Le delicieux corps delictueux de LOLITA" in_Sexualite et textualite dans la litterature americaine contemporaine_, ed. Yves-Charles Grandjeat (Bordeaux UP, 1998), pp. 147-155.
"Mythe de la perversion ou perversion d'un mythe" in _LOLITA. Figures mythiques_, ed. Maurice Couturier, pp. 58-84. (Paris: Editions Autrement, 1998).
"The Vanishing Trick ou l'histoire de 'ce vieux magicien qui disparait par un tour de passe-passe'", pp. 53-63 in _Annales du CRAA_ #23 "L'imposture dans la litterature nord-americaine"
"Sous le sceau du secret: la face cachee du texte de Vladimir Nabokov, pp. 153-160. Issue #24 of _Annales du CRAA.
"That Intangible Island of Entranced Time: Vladimir Nabokov's LOLITA", pp. 205-218 in _Sounding the Depths; Water as Metaphor in North American Literatures, ed. Gayle Wurst & Chrisitne Raguet-Bouvart ((U. of Liege, Belgium, 1998.)