Vladimir Nabokov

Program for Nabokov Readings (July 1-3, 2021)

By dana_dragunoiu, 24 June, 2021


Dear friends:

Please find the link to the program of the Nabokov Readings conference. Please excuse us for so much delay. This was caused by an  unusually large number of last-minute changes (cancellation of all  offline events due to the raging "third wave"). The full program of all the events is available  at http://nabokovreadings.ru/ The past conferences and our monthly Nabokov seminars are available at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoC3LED5csTl9qg91iKKJaQ

Дорогие друзья,

Bысылаю программу конференции Набоковские чтения: nabokovreadings.ru   Запись прошедших конференций и семинаров можно посмотреть на канале Пушкинского дома https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoC3LED5csTl9qg91iKKJaQ

With very best wishes,

Tatiana Ponomareva


