The International Vladimir Nabokov Society (IVNS) is happy to announce two panels on Nabokov at the MLA convention in Washington, DC, next year (6-9 January 2022).
Special Session: Speaking in Images: Nabokov’s Visual Languages (Chair: Zoran Kuzmanovich)
“Had I been a painter": Lolita and the Perversity of Intermedial Translation
Robyn Jensen, Pomona C.
Photographs Revisited: Intermedial Translation and Non-Translation in Speak, Memory
Christine Fouirnaie, University of Chicago
Novels like Films: Cinematographic Techniques in Nabokov’s Prose
Erica Camisa Morale, University of Southern California
Guaranteed Session: Border Crossings in Nabokov’s Work’ (Chair: Siggy Frank)
Nabokov’s Failed (?) Works and How to Improve Them: Pierre Bayard’s Place in Nabokov Studies
Eric Naiman, U of California, Berkeley
‘Off the Nabocuff’: Interviews, Interlocutors, and Aesthetics
Ella Barker, U of York
The Poetry of Publicity: Nabokov as Adman
Marie Bouchet, U Toulouse Jean Jaurès