Vladimir Nabokov

NABOKV-L post 0000877, Wed, 3 Jan 1996 11:43:37 -0800

Re: ZIPPY (fwd)
From: Alexander Justice <jahvah@empirenet.com>

>Dear Nabokovians, Working under the terrible handicap of Pacific Standard
>Time in Seattle, and thus three hours behind the cutting edge of human
>evolution, I should nevertheless like to report that Vladimir Nabokov is
>mentioned in today's ZIPPY, the comic strip, drawn by Bill Griffith./ CB

Dear Nabokovians,
If anyone know of an online ZIPPY repository, could you please let us
know. I for one do not take any publications which carry Mr. Griffith's
amusing characters, since I live in the suburbian sprawl hours outside of
a major metropolis, into which such publications do not penetrate. Or if
someone could scan said comic -- or better yet if CB could provide a
detailed description of the panels, illustrations and dialogue -- I am
sure I would not be alone in my gratitude.

Alexander Justice * jahvah@empirenet.com * Alta California

"In the beginning, before time began, the Word was God; today he is born,
the Savior of the world." - 3rd Antiphon for Christmas Vespers