Vladimir Nabokov

NABOKV-L post 0000750, Tue, 10 Oct 1995 15:02:08 -0700

MLA VN Sessions
Here are the schedules for the two Vladimir Nabokov Sessions to be held at
the MLA in Chicago, December 1995. NABOKV-L hopes to run abstracts in the
near future. The program for the VN panel of the American Association of
Teachers of Slavic & E. European Languages (AATSEEL) will be on NABOKV-L
in a day or two, as will a list of individual papers on VN being given in
other sessions. (The annual AATSEEL conference is also in Chicago and
concurrent with MLA.The AATSEEL VN session may be attended by MLA delegates.)
If you have questions about either of the panels below, please contact the
Session Chairs at the e-mail addresses listed below.

Wedsday, 27 December. 7:00-8:15 p.m.
Illinois Rm., Chicago Marriott
Chair: Brian Walter <bdwalter@artsci.wustl.edu>
<A78B> Title: "Nabokov's Nonfiction"

Brian D. Walter, "Many a Pleasant Tussle: Edmund Wilson and the
Nabokovian Aesthetic." Washington University.

Marilyn Edelstein, "The Liminal and the Subliminal: Nabokov's Prefatory
Personae." Santa Clara Univ.

Kevin Ray, "Mon Semblable, Mon Frere: Brotherhood, Silence, and the
Unknowable in SPEAK, MEMORY"
The papers will will be followed by a brief business meeting of the
Vladimir Nabokov Society.

Thursday, 28 December. 10:15-11:30 a.m.
Stetson D, Hyatt Regency Chicago
Chair: D. Barton Johnson, UC, Santa Barbara <chtodel@humanitas.ucsb.edu>
Title: <A78A> "Vladimir Nabokov: Varia"

Sam Schuman, "The Gogolian Sentences in Nabokov's _Pnin_." University of

Corinne Scheiner, "Reading Double in Vladimir Nabokov." Univ. of Chicago.

Thomas Seifrid, "_Kamera obskura_ and Nabokov's Poetics of Vision." USC.

Sarah Herbold, "Reflections on Modernism: _Lolita_ and Political
Engagement; or, How the Left and the Right Both Have It Wrong."
UC, Berkeley