VN Bibliorgaphy
EDITORIAL NOTE: Irena Luksic (Zagreb, Croatia) reports the following new
Russian collection of essays on Nabokov. The editor, Alexei Zverev, is
Professor of Comparative Literature in Moscow.
_Vladimir Nabokov. Sbornik kriticheskikh statei o V.V. Nabokove_.
Vstup. stat. sost. komment. A.M. Zvereva, 2O l, oblozhka, 5.OOO ekz.
Publisher: RGU Moskva and Kontinent.
Russian collection of essays on Nabokov. The editor, Alexei Zverev, is
Professor of Comparative Literature in Moscow.
_Vladimir Nabokov. Sbornik kriticheskikh statei o V.V. Nabokove_.
Vstup. stat. sost. komment. A.M. Zvereva, 2O l, oblozhka, 5.OOO ekz.
Publisher: RGU Moskva and Kontinent.