Vladimir Nabokov

NABOKV-L post 0000609, Wed, 31 May 1995 09:06:52 -0700

Re: Russian VN biography? (fwd)
From: Alexander Dolinin <dolinin@facstaff.wisc.edu>

I have just received a letter from Russia with some information on
the Russian biography of Nabokov entitled "Mir i Dar Vladimira Nabokova"
["Nabokov's World and Gift"] (Moskva:Penaty, 1995). The author is Boris
Nosik, a vulgar hack who for some reason happens to be Nabokov's fan. His
translation of *Pnin* published five years ago in Moscow was a disaster.
His book is advertised as the first Russian biography of Nabokov; it is
lavishly illustrated; the quality of printing is superb. According to my
source, the book's content seems to mostly paraphrase Brian Boyd (whom the
author treats rather condescendingly when giving him some credit) with
some juicy additions and incredible howlers.

Alexander Dolinin