Vladimir Nabokov

NABOKV-L post 0000542, Sat, 1 Apr 1995 10:16:42 -0800

Re: "Sign and Symbol" poll (fwd)
In message <Pine.SUN.3.91.950330154548.6025A-100000@humanitas.ucsb.edu> NABOKV-L@ucsbvm.ucsb.edu writes:

Writing on 'Signs and Symbols',

> JAMES MCSHANE, LL <JAMESMC@queens.lib.ny.us>

> Let's face it, these two are poor excuses for human beings. What
> kind of person would buy for their son -- ill or well -- a basket
> of jellies!

if this is his idea of a sympathetic and well-informed reading,
I would suggest that he has a great deal of mugging up on the
history of Eastern Europe 1919-1945 to do

trace the history of people who were exiled from USSR by
Stalinism, took refuge in Germany, were exiled again by
Nazism, and [if they were very lucky] found refuge in USA

does this life-trajectory remind you of anyone James?

Roy Johnson | Roy@mantex.demon.co.uk
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