Vladimir Nabokov

NABOKV-L post 0001302, Sat, 14 Sep 1996 10:50:07 -0700

Mashenka, Dar (fwd)
From: Alexander Justice <jahvah@empirenet.com>

>Do you think that it is possible to discuss
>the specifics of this comparison, or is "Dar" just so incomparably
>richer and more spacious that simply everything in it is in another universe?
>Vitaly Kupisk
>Berkeley, CA

Not a different universe; could we say a view of the same terrain from
higher up? It is the same way I feel about _Invitation to a Beheading_
and _Bend Sinister_.

Alexander Justice * jahvah@empirenet.com * Will, California, USA

culture is a curse/
for the second string/
because they pick you first/
based on what you bring
--Imperial Teen
P.S. My day planner has the following quote for today. "The true art of
memory is the art of attention.' Attributed to Sam Johnson. Remind you of
any one?