Vladimir Nabokov

NABOKV-L post 0001289, Tue, 10 Sep 1996 19:43:37 -0700

Nabokovian Reference in Esquire (fwd)
EDITOR'S NOTE: Alphonse Vinh's <AVINH@npr.org> item below is yet another
example of the very unlikely places VN pops up.

As I was perusing the September issue of Esquire, I found in an article by
Richard Ben Cramer on the topic of Senator Robert Dole, an admirable reference
to VN. On page 176, Mr Cramer writes: "In the best memoir of our century, Speak
Memory, by Vladimir Nabokov, the author complains that he has given away
crucial bits of his life to fictional personae." On the following page, Mr
Cramer quotes from "Speak Memory."

//Alphonse Vinh