Bitov's anagrams (fwd)
From: Ulrike Goldschweer <>
Victoria S Vainer <> wrote:
>>another anagram in the first story of the cycle (Vid neba Troi)
>> namely V. VAN-BOOK
>There are actually at least two anagrams in this story, the second
>(better, first) being the very title of it - one of the finest
>possible anagrams of Bitov's name, given how small the resourses are.
>I doubt that it has escaped Ulrike's attention, but just in case...
I have to admit, this anagram actually has escaped my attention...
thank you very much for that hint.
And now I'm quite sure that there are a lot of things in this stories
still waiting to be discovered.
What about the enigmatic KNEMAZABERRA in the following context:
"Urbino Vanoski ne stalo ... itak, Ris Vokonabi (chetvertyj) ,
ispytav poslednee (ne tol'ko v smysle ocherednosti) razocharovanie v
zhizni, udalilsja na ostrov s nazvaniem, stol' zhe neukljuzhim, kak i
ego novaja familija, napominajushchim redkoe zhivotnoe -
KNEMAZABERRA, pisat' inostrannyj roman, to est' roman okonchatel'no
vymyshlennyj, dejstvie kotorogo razvivalos' by ne tol'ko s
nesushchestvujushchimi ljud'mi, no i v nesushchestvujushchim
prostranstve, reshiv, po-vidimomu, chto imenno takoj sposob razryva
s proshlym javljaetsja dlja nego naibolee podchodjaschchim."
I think it has to be an anagram, and perhaps it has something to do
with Nabokov, but I absolutely couldn't find a solution.
(Maybe its only kind of a joke, a false track?)
Any ideas?
Victoria S Vainer <> wrote:
>>another anagram in the first story of the cycle (Vid neba Troi)
>> namely V. VAN-BOOK
>There are actually at least two anagrams in this story, the second
>(better, first) being the very title of it - one of the finest
>possible anagrams of Bitov's name, given how small the resourses are.
>I doubt that it has escaped Ulrike's attention, but just in case...
I have to admit, this anagram actually has escaped my attention...
thank you very much for that hint.
And now I'm quite sure that there are a lot of things in this stories
still waiting to be discovered.
What about the enigmatic KNEMAZABERRA in the following context:
"Urbino Vanoski ne stalo ... itak, Ris Vokonabi (chetvertyj) ,
ispytav poslednee (ne tol'ko v smysle ocherednosti) razocharovanie v
zhizni, udalilsja na ostrov s nazvaniem, stol' zhe neukljuzhim, kak i
ego novaja familija, napominajushchim redkoe zhivotnoe -
KNEMAZABERRA, pisat' inostrannyj roman, to est' roman okonchatel'no
vymyshlennyj, dejstvie kotorogo razvivalos' by ne tol'ko s
nesushchestvujushchimi ljud'mi, no i v nesushchestvujushchim
prostranstve, reshiv, po-vidimomu, chto imenno takoj sposob razryva
s proshlym javljaetsja dlja nego naibolee podchodjaschchim."
I think it has to be an anagram, and perhaps it has something to do
with Nabokov, but I absolutely couldn't find a solution.
(Maybe its only kind of a joke, a false track?)
Any ideas?