Vladimir Nabokov

NABOKV-L post 0003947, Tue, 20 Apr 1999 16:03:27 -0700

Re: VN and Finnegan's Wake (fwd)
From: Walter Miale <wmiale@acbm.qc.ca>

I wonder if anyone would care to make a case for or against the following:

"Finnegan's Wake is nothing but a
>formless and dull mass of phony folklore, a cold pudding of a book, a
>persistent snore in the next room, most aggravating to the insomniac I am.
>Moreover, I always detested regional literature full of quaint old-timers
>and imitated pronunciation. Finnegan's Wake's facade disguises a very
>conventional and drab tenement house, and only the infrequent snatches of
>heavenly intonations redeem it from utter insipidity. I know I am going to
>be excommunicated for this pronouncement."

So much of the book is chess-problemish, I'm surprised VN didn't warm to
the puzzle aspect of it.

Walter Miale