Vladimir Nabokov

NABOKV-L post 0004970, Thu, 30 Mar 2000 14:29:56 -0800

Re: Cinematogenic Nymphets (fwd)
From: Kiran Krishna <kiran@Physics.usyd.edu.au>

> Luis Argandona <largandona@adimark.cl> wrote:
> Hey! Great point!
> I saw Luc Besson's "Leon" some five o six years ago and instantly I
> thought: "this is the nymph to play Lo". I m very happy to read that
> somebody else agree with me. Nathalie Portman role was great and I
> didn't understand why that movie had a so low profile at its time.

While we are discussing possible Lolitas, I thought Anna Paquin would
have made a great Lolita(though she is perhaps too old now.).

Another thought: Emma in Madame Bovary wishes for a son, and faints when
she learns she has had a daughter instead. Similiarly, Humbert wishes for
Lolita that( contrary to his earlier expectations for a litter of Lolitas)
her child will be a boy. From her letter, one notices that so too does Lo
herself. We have learnt earlier that Lo's child is a stillborn girl. I
always thought that a significant point, but, is it also an allusion? Lo
and (the sometimes repulsively hard)Emma of course are quite different


"That's what we all keep wondering."
-Laurie Peak[when asked who we all were]

"Tim is a bad influence on [Tim]."
-Bradley Baetz