Re: Para Nabokoviana: 'when Lo takes to the [tennis] court' (fwd)
From: George Shimanovich <> -----------------
Not to enter the polemic with Mr. Billington but I wish to note: there is
nothing symbolic, wrong in a sudden association of 'La Veneziana' with a
painting in the museum, of 'Cloud, castle, lake' with recollection of the
valley view from the mountain which one conquered long before reading
Nabokov, or of lines in Lolita Chapter 20, Part 2 when writing about
tennis anthology. Consider such connection an artistic test for the
Nabokov reader. As far as I am concerned, the Spectator reviewer passed
it. As per dislike of symbolisms, - the rule is good but its application
requires independent judgment; it cannot be stamped, you know.
George Shimanovich
Not to enter the polemic with Mr. Billington but I wish to note: there is
nothing symbolic, wrong in a sudden association of 'La Veneziana' with a
painting in the museum, of 'Cloud, castle, lake' with recollection of the
valley view from the mountain which one conquered long before reading
Nabokov, or of lines in Lolita Chapter 20, Part 2 when writing about
tennis anthology. Consider such connection an artistic test for the
Nabokov reader. As far as I am concerned, the Spectator reviewer passed
it. As per dislike of symbolisms, - the rule is good but its application
requires independent judgment; it cannot be stamped, you know.
George Shimanovich