Pushkin on NPR this Sunday (fwd)
EDITOR's NOTE. Anyone who works on VN owes it to her/him self to know
From:, Alphonse Vinh
Please forward this note our fellow Nabokovians to inform them that this
Sunday, 6 June, NPR will run correspondent Michele Kelemen's piece on how
Russians are celebrating Pushkin's 200th. The producers are quite pleased
with the work. Michele e-mailed me this morning from Moscow to say that
one of the people she interviewed for her piece is Pushkinist Alla
Frumkina. It was Gennadii Barabtarlo who alerted me to Alla Frumkina.
From:, Alphonse Vinh
Please forward this note our fellow Nabokovians to inform them that this
Sunday, 6 June, NPR will run correspondent Michele Kelemen's piece on how
Russians are celebrating Pushkin's 200th. The producers are quite pleased
with the work. Michele e-mailed me this morning from Moscow to say that
one of the people she interviewed for her piece is Pushkinist Alla
Frumkina. It was Gennadii Barabtarlo who alerted me to Alla Frumkina.